Why Now ?

Is the recent Atlantic farce this year’s October surprise? Typically in October, the Dems pull something out at the last minute to “shock” the Independent voter. Could the Atlantic’s anonymous fabrication be this year’s September surprise? If it is there a few questions that need to be addressed.

Why now? Why so early? Why hold on to this for twenty-two months and spring it before October? One logical explanation is early voting. This, however, makes little sense. If the Dems are looking to convince someone who is on the fence, this is way too early, as that undecided voter is going to still be on the fence after reading that article because it stretches credibility way past the point of believability.

Again I ask, “why now?”

Could it be that the Dems are starting to get more than just a little worried about the upcoming election, perhaps closer to panic. So they decided that they could not afford to wait any longer as the momentum has started to shift.

Are there any other clues as to whether or not the Dems are worried? From my point of view, the more outlandish the things they are claiming, the more likely that they are panicking. 

For example:

From Mollie Hemingway: Resistance figures signaling that they are prepping for violent resistance to 2020 election if they lose. All while claiming that what they’re actually doing is preparing for, uh, widespread GOP violence. Really. Some interesting projection and propaganda here.

From Michael Dougherty: There’s no talk whatsoever among mainstream or even Breitbartian Republicans of putting on displays of force on the streets around election time. But there’s a TON of it among elite Dems

So the Dems are saying that those on the right will go to the streets if Trump loses. Again this stretches credibility way past the point of believability. Isn’t it much, much, much more likely that those on the left will take to the streets if Biden loses? Of course it is! 

Why would the Dems be making these audacious statements? 

Only a few possibilities: 

  1. They are trying to justify their own behavior when Trump wins . . . “we’re doing exactly what those on the right would have done if Biden had won.” 
  2. They are getting more into panic mode . . . “you Independents better vote for Biden; we will keep you safe!”   

The other even more outlandish threat has to do with the Dems saying that they will use the power of the military to forcibly remove President Trump from the White House when he loses. This is so far out that to me it implies that they are really in a major frenzy. (Let’s call it what it is . . . “Panic!”) 

Why now? Could it be because they are staring to see the writing on the wall?

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