The Flying Karens; an Addendum

I feel I must correct a few of the inaccuracies in my previous note about Jet Blue and the horrific crime that a two year old committed by not wearing a mask.

First of all, I was not on that plane and as a consequence I misstated some of the facts. I stated that it was a mother and a father with four kids. Actually it was a mother with six kids.

From Townhall:

The airline best known for its vast travel destinations and low airfare made headlines on Thursday after they booted a mother and her six children from a flight. 

JetBlue employees found themselves in a verbal standoff with the mother, Chaya Bruck, who was traveling alone with her six children this week when her two-year-old refused to wear a mask. On the flight from Orlando back to the family’s home in Brooklyn, Bruck told a flight attendant her toddler child would absolutely not wear the mask. 

I also misstated that the airline attendant was a stewardess, when it appears that it was a steward, whose name was not publicized . . .i am assuming that it was Ken.

“He said, ‘No, she has to cover her nose and her mouth,’ and I said I could try but then she was pulling it off,” Bruck said of the JetBlue employee. Her other five children were all wearing masks. 

The flight attendant, however, insisted that the child wear a mask or they would all have to leave the aircraft. With tempers flaring and patience thinning, the mother said they would not get off the plane and that JetBlue’s own policy, which she was familiar with, said that small children who would not wear a mask were exempt from the rule. 

“They were horribly nasty, my kids were crying. Really traumatizing,” said Bruck. “I asked them, ‘Should I tie her hands and feet? What do you want me to do?’ They just wanted me off the plane.”

The result of Ken making sure that everyone knew that he had “the power,” was that all of the passengers were forced to deplane!

What’s even more incredible is that the mother was right and Ken was wrong, as the employee said that only children UNDER two were exempt from the mask mandate. The policy as stated on JetBlue’s own website says that the mother was 100 percent correct. 

“Small children who are not able to maintain a face covering are exempt from this requirement,” the policy stated prior to Wednesday, as reported by YeshivaWorld and shared in their Instagram post. 

Hopefully Ken will be fired.

I wrote a letter to Southwest yesterday, but I have no vested interest inJet Blue. However I would encourage everyone to voice a complaint to the Jet Blue management. 

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