Mr. G !

Let me be clear from the git-go that I am not a fan of our Governor, Gavin Newsom, however he has said and done some good stuff with Covid in California. Yesterday he said, “The whole purpose of the original stay-at-home was to buy us time, not put us into to a permanent state of closure. No one advertised that we would shut down the fifth largest economy for a year.”

“Right on, Mr. G !”

The smart thing that he did back in May was to shift the pace for the re-opening of businesses in counties to each individual county. (As opposed to the governor of Wisconsin who insisted on treating counties with 16,000 residents and no Covid cases, the same as Milwaukee County with 600,000 residents and a lot of Covid cases.) No way should Placer County be treated the same as L.A. County or San Diego County be treated the same as Imperial County. “Right on Mr. G !”

Let’s re-emphasize Mr. G’s point:  ‘lockdowns not meant to get rid of the virus.’ When places start to open up, there will be an increase in cases. If the increase in cases is “huge,” then taking two steps back . . . “mother may I?” . . .  is not unreasonable. Everyone who was paying attention knew that cases would increase after all of the “peaceful protests,” and the re-opening of some businesses. That increase is now here. After the present “surge” has abated, hopefully the reopening strategy will again proceed, and we can all take three baby steps forward . . . “mother may I.”

As an aside may I suggest to all the newspapers that they eliminate two words from all of their Covid articles . . . “huge” and “surge.” These words are their favorites because they are meant to intensify the emotions of the the readers. Wouldn’t “large” be just as good as “huge?” And wouldn’t “increase” be just as good as “surge?” Can we convince them to temporarily eliminate the use of these emotional two words? 

Maybe we should ask Mr. G to take up this cause . . .  “mother may he!”

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