Perfect World ?

 Is This a Perfect World ?

What is the  Right Thing to Do?

Another unforeseen consequence for those who think that shutting down everything was the right thing to do . . . What is the right thing do about rents for those who have lost their jobs? 

Is this a perfect world? 

Is continuing to shut everything down, now the right thing to do ?

At this point many of those who are now unemployed may or may not be getting unemployment benefits. Actually my heart goes out to those, especially those with families, who now cannot afford to pay their rent. Whether those individuals are legal or illegal, black, white, or brown , gay or straight . . . it makes no difference. If I was caught in the conundrum of whether my family should eat or I should pay my rent, the choice becomes pretty easy. 

“Let’s have a rent strike,” say something activists. Before jumping into the deep end of promoting “free housing for everybody” or even “free housing for those who can no longer afford to pay rent,” what happens to the landlord who still has bills to pay. He still has to pay his mortgage, and his property taxes, and his insurance. In some rentals the owner even has to continue to pay some of the utilities. What if the rental needs a new roof or needs some dangerous tree branch cut down? What should we suggest that he do? Not pay his insurance or his property taxes? Perish the thought! The point is that everybody has expenses. The world is not perfect.

Prior to this coronavirus pandemic, in the U.S, a relatively large percentage of individuals did not have enough in savings to deal with an unexpected $500 emergency! Now with little or no money coming in because their job has vanished, of course they cannot pay their rent. 

Okay, maybe the answer is to let them live free for now and then to let them make up all of the missed rent payments over the next year or so. 

“What are you drinkin’?” You are a dreamer if you think that those who have little or no savings could then make up two, three, or even four months of back rent over the next year. Theoretically possible? Perhaps for some, but get real!

Unfortunately the shutting down of everything, which has undoubtedly saved some lives over the short run, is responsible for many, many other problems – problems whose answers are elusive, even in a perfect world. However, at this time, this is not a perfect world! The reality is that people have to eat, and have to have somewhere to live. From my perspective the only reasonable answer is to open everything up . . . Now! 

Will we see an increase in the incidence of coronavirus infections? . . . Yes!

Will some of those newly infected individuals die? . . .Unfortunately, yes.

Is this a perfect world where everything is rosy and bright ? . . . No!

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