Now a Horse Race?

I have a riddle for you.

What race can you potentially win if you stop running?

Yes, I did just make this riddle up just this past Monday. I’ll give you a hint . . . it’s a political riddle. Are you stumped? 

Well think about what happened with the Democrat’s primary race. Voila, suddenly the number of candidates has magically thinned. 

Steyer, gone! 

Buttigieg, gone! 

Klobuchar, gone! 

(I hope that I have spelled the last two names correctly. I never was very sure how to spell their last names, and I now refuse to look up the proper spelling of either of these losers!)

Was this sudden disappearance of these three a Houdini-like coincidence? Perhaps . . . and do you also believe in the tooth fairy? A hint . . . nothing that the Dems do is a coincidence. The “poof, I’m gone” scenario was choreographed. Choreographed just before Super Tuesday. Choreographed by “those in the know,” because the Dems are afraid of Bernie!

Now it’s a real horse race! The Democrat handicappers now think that Sleepy Joe is now their “pie-in-the-sky” hope to overtake Bernie. Now that he has won one primary, that single South Carolina primary, to some, Biden is now “Beetlebomb” coming from the back of the pack. Coming on to overtake the prior front-runner, Sanders, as miraculously, just by happenstance, the long shots have suddenly pulled up lame.

Just for fun, let’s assume that Sleepy Joe wins the race and gets the nomination in, for sure, what is shaping up to be a Contested Convention. Who will be his V.P. choice? Is it possible that it could be either Buttigieg or Klobuchar? Hmmm! Now I get it!

Both Buttigieg or Klobuchar are hoping to get the nod, and hence either of them could win this V.P. race because they stopped running in the primaries!

The riddle is solved!

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