
The next Democrat Debate is upcoming. BTW: Unfortunately I will be busy that night, but this only reminded me of something that the Dems do not have.

Last week I was watching one of my grandsons playing youth basketball, and his team won. Now let’s be clear, although he is a good player, he is not a future NBA prospect. He scored about four points, even while missing a couple of free throws. He is very good on defense and stole the ball three or four times from the other team. His defensive assignment was to cover the opponents best player, and putting the clamps on their star player was one of the reasons for the victory. However despite his defensive prowess, his best basketball talent is his ability to pass. He doesn’t panic, and he consistently found one of his open teammates. In fact he found them so many times that I lost track of the number of his assists. Whether he will be able to play basketball in high school is something that is unknown at this time. If the high school coach values teamwork, he has a reasonable shot at making the team . . . that is if he grows another four inches or so.

Teamwork! A word that is seemingly unknown in the cadre of the Democrat’s presidential candidates. Kamala Harris went after Ol’ Joe during the initial debate, and she has sunk like a lead weight ever since. Likewise one of the other “irrelevants” went after Ol’ Joe in the second debate, and we haven’t heard a peep from him since.

With all of this recent furor over Ukraine, etc., I have not heard any of the potential nominees come to the defense of Ol’ Joe . . . Zero, zip, nada! I have not seen any of them try to assist Ol’ Joe. Will someone please assist him. Throw him the ball, so that he can score some points. Everybody loves teamwork. The American people love teamwork. If one of the trolls on the next debate stage were to play some team defense and disrupt the passing lanes by coming to Ol’ Joe’s defense, I would forecast a significant rise in the polls for him/her. But don’t hold your breath!

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