25% vs. 75%

I realize that for whatever reason, many are enamored with saving the planet. I surmise that this group is predominantly comprised of those who live in the top 25% of the economic spectrum, whereas most of those in the lower 75% are concerned with more mundane things, such as putting food on the family table, paying the rent, making sure that their kids have decent shoes to wear, etc.

At some point we should force those in the enlightened top 25% to think logically about the future, and formulate a response. We could start with Electric Vehicles. and before the 25% try to shame the other 75% of us because “they are not doing their part to save the planet,” someone should ask the enlightened, “who will be buying these EVs?”

From Front Page magazine:

“Recently The New York Times reported that the Biden administration will abuse EPA regulations to eliminate most real car sales by 2030. The plan is to force 67% of car sales to be electric by 2032. Most Americans won’t be able to afford them.

Even the cheapest electric cars, which are still far more expensive than their real car counterparts and are just one battery problem away from turning into mostly unusable junk, are out of the price range of the majority of Americans who need an income of $80,000 to make an EV auto loan work. That’s fine in Washington D.C. where the median income of $83,567 is the highest in the nation, but this needed level of income will entirely price much of the country out of the new car market”

(FYI: The median income of 47 of the 50 states falls below the amount needed to buy an electric car.)

“53% of Americans earn less than $75,000. Some of the 16% who earn from $50,000 to $75,000 may be able to make an electric vehicle purchase work if they squeeze, cut back on food and clothes for the kids, but the remaining 37% will be completely locked out. And, unable to own a car, they’ll have even bigger monthly payments or, with no transportation, be unable to work.

The new poor will be anyone who can’t afford an electric car. And that’s 53% of Americans.

The Biden administration is fixated on racial equity, but its ban on cars cuts off the vast majority of black people, Latinos and for that matter white people from car ownership. With a median income of $46,400, black people would either have to dedicate a fifth of their pre-tax incomes to car payments or spend most of their annual salary on a car. With a $55,321 median income, Latinos won’t have an easy time of it and even with a $74,932 median income, white people will be left behind. The new equity will mean that hardly anyone will be able to afford to buy a car.”

So basically, as I see it, for the general population, this concept of saving the planet and simultaneously assuaging personal guilt by driving an electric car is just pure fantasy. At some point the general population will need to formulate a response, “Look at the numbers! Stop the E.V.- B.S.!”


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