Submerged … Coming Up For Air ?

During the day our landline phone rings again and again. These days it rings every few hours throughout the day. Who’s calling? To be honest, I have to say that I do not know, as we do not answer unless we recognize who is calling. However, with area codes that I am not familiar with and with the locations that these calls were placed from, I suspect that many of these calls are from pollsters. I used to occasionally respond to these telephone polls, but no longer. They take too long, and over the last few elections, they have been inaccurate. Think about it for a second … for the most part, who is responding to these pollsters? Those who are working are not responding. A lot of those who still have landlines are not home during the day, and so the call goes unanswered. This entire group that the pollsters cannot actually poll, now have a name … “the submerged voter.”

From The Loop:

“Submerged voters don’t publicly share who they’re voting for. They don’t put bumper stickers on their cars… they don’t put up yard signs… and sometimes they don’t even tell their friends or family how they’re planning to vote.

And they certainly don’t reveal anything to random pollsters.

10 professional pollsters recently told the New York Times that they don’t know how to accurately predict who will vote in 2022. Worse, they know they’re undercounting Republican-leaning voters… but they have no idea how far off their numbers are.”

Bottom line … do not be dismayed if the polls show that the Democratic candidate is ahead. He/she may not really be ahead. He/she may not actually win, especially if submerged voters come up for air, and vote on or before Election Day.

I am a submerged voter, and proud of it. I live in California, and I will be unsubmerging on November 8. Even in California, you never know!

Mis-truth or Dare

A lot of Dems do not dare to have Joe Biden come to their state to campaign for them because his public speaking often just brings out how incompetent he and the Dems are. On 11/1/22 for whatever reason President Biden spoke down in Florida. Predictably there were Biden mis-truths … err, rather more than the expected number of Biden mis-truths in just this one speech.

From Townhall:

Biden said, “Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of the war in Iraq…excuse me, the war in Ukraine.” (As even NPR acknowledged, inflation was a problem even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.)

Later in his remarks, Biden mentioned Beau, claiming “I think of Iraq because that’s where my son died.” (In reality, Beau, who did serve, died from brain cancer in 2015.)

Further mis-truths in that speech included the following:

 -He said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz worked in the senate

– He forgot what FEMA stands for

– He forgot the name of Hurricane Ian

– He claimed that he met the man who discovered insulin

– He busted out the southern accent

On the evening of 11/2/22 the Dems are daring to let J.B. speak again.

Biden will speak at the Columbus Club in Union Station. The speech, hosted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), will focus on the threat of election deniers and “those who seek to undermine faith in voting and democracy.”

In other words Joe Biden will read a speech from a teleprompter which will only serve to further divide the country. It’s a daring move by the DNC, as it is unlikely to change anybody’s vote, and depending on how much he insults conservatives with additional mis-truths, it may only further encourage them to vote straight red.


What Is She Thinking ?

What is spacey Stacy thinking?

From National Review: 

Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, declared during a debate with Kemp 10/30/22 that 107 sheriffs had endorsed her opponent, incumbent Republican Brian Kemp, because they “want to be able to take black people off the streets.” The governor has characterized calls for defunding the police as “simply an insane idea.” 

A poll commissioned by the Grio and the Kaiser Family Foundation discovered that two years of “Defund the Police” activism by progressive Democrats has had a profound impact on the voter demographic this policy intended to motivate.

Only 17% of black voters support the idea of defunding the police, with twice as many demanding more funding for law enforcement and another 48% wanting the status quo ante. Nationwide Democrats embraced the Black Lives Matter-driven “Defund the Police” movement in cities and states, along with the “criminal justice reform” that has eliminated bail and turned arrests into momentary annoyances for violent criminals.

Back to spacey Stacy Abrams  who has denied that she supports defunding law enforcement, but, according to National Review, she serves as a leader in multiple organizations that do.

Hopefully, in Georgia enough black voters will recognize the folly of Abrams’ position on the police … enough to carry Herschel Walker to victory in his Senate race.
