A Practical Problem

“Vaccine-induced immunity can never be as long-lasting and robust as naturally acquired immunity,” said Lentz-Marino, who taught chemistry and biology classes at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, for more than 20 years. “The human immune system knows what it’s doing. We are an incredibly successful species. There would not be close to 8 billion people on the planet otherwise.”

This, my friends, is an example of common sense thinking. So why hasn’t the CDC thought about natural immunity in a common sense way. Similarly why hasn’t Dr. Fauci addressed the issue of natural immunity? ( BTW, has everyone noticed that gratefully we are no longer having him forced down our throats.) I think that it all comes down to the practicality of the issue. When you think about the issue of natural immunity to Covid from the position of the CDC, you quickly realize that the CDC has a big practical problem. At this stage of the game, it would be close to impossible for the CDC to resort to common sense, despite a near avalanche of information. 

There are recent studies that appear to confirm the benefit of natural immunity … from the Epoch Times:

-An Israeli study found that people who were vaccinated who hadn’t been previously infected were 6 to 13 times more likely to get infected with COVID-19 than unvaccinated people who had already had the illness.

-Another study, however, suggests that the chances of reinfection are even lower than 1 in 1,000. Cleveland Clinic scientists who examined a cohort of 52,238 employees found no cases of reinfectionamong unvaccinated people with evidence of prior SARS-Co-V-2 infections.

-Other recent data also suggests that natural immunity is long-lasting. A study from Finland published in September in the European Journal of Immunology found that in COVID-recovered patients protection against reinfection persisted for over a year.

Think of all the issues that could have been avoided if from the beginning the CDC said the following:

“Those who have had the vaccine(s), keep a copy of your vaccination data. Likewise, those who have had a documented Covid infection, keep a copy of your documented positive Covid test result.”

Think of all of the issues that could have been avoided if the CDC, and Dr. Fauci had taken this practical and common-sensical approach from the beginning. How many of the “anti-vaccers” are such, because they have already had Covid? How many people have been fired from their jobs because they would not submit to a vaccine that they didn’t need?

Practically speaking, does anyone think that Fauci or the CDC will ever reach this common sense resolution?


“Over and Over and Over, Again …”

When I read the news of the day, it reminded me of a 1965 hit song by the Dave Clark Five, titled “Over and Over.”  The song itself was about a guy at a dance, but the mesmerizing part was the repetition of the chorus … over and over and over again … like this:

“I said over and over and over again

This dance is gonna be a drag

I said over and over and over again

This dance is gonna be a drag”

Etcetera; etcetera; etcetera!

Why did this refrain immediately come to mind when I read the news of the day? Actually, simple, as Joe Biden did it again with his adamant refusal to make the U.S. energy independent like it was when he assumed office. Those who have read my blog over the years have probably lost track of how many times I have pointed out that the Dems have done things that hurt the little guy the most – over and over and over, again!

By the little guy I mean those among us who are in the lower and middle socioeconomic classes.

By not opening up the different things that he shut down, Biden is driving up the cost of gas/oil, and consequently he is going to overwhelmingly hurt that little guy. As the price of gas goes up toward $7.00 per gallon and beyond, who is going to be hurt the most? Think about it … is it going to be the guy who drives a newer, more gas efficient car or a hybrid? Gosh, no. Is it going to be one who can work from home. Gosh, no! Is it going to be the retired guys who do not have to drive back and forth to work each day … again, no. 

Who’s it going to hurt?

Obviously, it’s going to be the guy who drives an older gas-guzzler because he cannot afford a new car!  In addition, those who are going to be hurt the most as gas prices go up and up, are those who have to drive a myriad of miles back and forth to work each day because they can not afford to live close to their place of work.

To magnify just how out touch the Democrats are, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is out there trying to convince all to drive electric cars. Obviously, Buttigieg must not be aware that the average cost of a new electric vehicle was $56,437 in November 2021, Kelley Blue Book said — an increase of 6.2% from November 2020. Are those who are in the lower and middle segments of our society going to be able to buy an electric car? … Obviously, no!

Meanwhile, in a speech, VP Kamala Harris was “imagining a future” without fossil fuels in a poor take-off on the John Lennon song.

The headline from the NY Post sums up what complete jerks and how out of touch these top Democrats are:

“Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg slammed for ‘tone-deaf’ e-vehicle push as gas skyrockets.” In case you are wondering, neither mentioned gas prices in their out-of-touch proclamations.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, tweeted, “The Biden Administration could not be more tone-deaf.” Rep. Mullin certainly hit the nail on the head, and over the years the Dems continue to hurt the little guy … over and over and over, again!



Word has it that there is a special place in heaven for martyrs. For those not into religion, martyrs are those who die because of their religion. “Renounce your faith, or else!” The “or else” in times past has been the guillotine, being stoned to death, being thrown to the lions in Ancient Rome, etcetera … you get the picture. 

Are the martyrs of today those who are dying because of ballistic missiles? Can the close to 500 Ukrainian civilians who have been killed  be called martyrs? Err … technically speaking, I suppose not, because in order to be a martyr, there has to be a religion. However, what if one dies because of a religion, but is really just an innocent bystander. What if those civilians in Ukraine have died as a consequence of the tenets or beliefs of a religion? If they died as a consequence of someone’s beliefs in a certain religion, then technically I suppose that they could be called martyrs … is the religion involved here is the “religion of global warming?”

Think about it for a second. A large chunk of Putin’s war is being financed by the buying of oil/natural gas from Russia. In Europe, Germany is the biggest sponsor of this religion. Germany has gone so far overboard here with the global warming religion that they have pointed themselves into a corner and thus are basically being forced to buy energy from Russia. As a result of Germany’s worship at the altar of global warming, Ukrainian civilians are dying.

Likewise, President Biden’s shutting down of the production and transport  of fossil fuels in the U.S. is having a similar outcome. Because of his steadfast adoration at the global warming altar, the U.S. continues to buy gas/oil from Putin’s Russia and consequently innocent Ukrainian citizens are being killed.

There might just be a special place in heaven for those innocent Ukrainian individuals who being killed in the name of the religion of global warming.


Impotent ?

Is Joe Biden impotent? 

Here, far from being facetious, I am being 100% serious.

(In a purely physical sense, the answer is possibly yes, but who cares?) Here I am speaking of “impotent” in a non-physical sense. Let’s look at the definitions of the word, “impotent.”

   1 not potent; lacking power or ability.

   2. utterly unable (to do something).

   3. without force or effectiveness.

Let’s go through these definitions one at a time:

  1. “Lacking power or ability” … First, does he have power? The answer here is, of course, yes. He does have the power. He had the power to cripple of our energy sector. and on becoming President, he immediately did just that. How is that turning out? Look at all his vaccine mandates. How many of them are still breathing? One could put Fred Flintstone in the POTUS position, and he would also have the power, but unfortunately, Mr. Flintstone does not have any ability. Does J.B. have the ability? From my perspective the answer is, no, as throughout his agonizingly long political career, I cannot think of a single instance where he has demonstrated any ability.
  1. “Utterly unable (to do something)” … This one is actually easy. Not only is J.B. unable to give coherent answers to what should be simple questions (“they told me not to answer any questions!”), but in addition, he cannot give a speech without a teleprompter … let me rephrase that … he is unable to give a totally coherent speech even with a teleprompter. In fact when one tries to look apolitically at this issue he is the antithesis of our last President.
  1. “Without force or effectiveness” … At this point in time, he is being completely overrun by Putin, who recognized a feckless, ineffective “leader” from the git-go. It seems that the only thing that J.B. has been effective at is assuring that the slaughter in Ukraine continues. J.B. has said, “sanctions will take time,” but how long should we have to wait while the Russian destruction in Ukraine keeps rolling along. If he knew that sanctions were going to take time, why did he wait until after the fact to implement them? Could it be because because he is “without force or effectiveness?”

So going back to my original question … “Is Joe Biden impotent?”

My answer has to be that although technically he has the power, unfortunately he lacks both the ability, and the forcefulness to be an effective leader, and therefore, sad to say, my answer is, “yes, he is the impotent “leader of the free world!”


Checkmate (From Pawn to King)

Although today is Sunday instead of talking about someone we should admire and look up to, this piece is about an inspiring story.

From Epoch Bright:

In December 2015, schools in Abuja, Nigeria, had sent children home because Boko Haram attacks were growing in frequency and intensity. Kayode Adewumi owned a printing business there in Nigeria, and he got an order for 25,000 copies of something on a flash drive.

It was a poster with a logo of guns, and the words in Arabic reading “Kill all Christians. Death to Western education.”

Kayode and his wife, Oluwatoyin, realized the flash drive was from Boko Haram, and tried to return the drive and turn down the order.

But they didn’t let Kayode go easily—though their sons, Tani and Austin, knew little of what was going on at the time, Kayode and Oluwatoyin faced four heart-stopping visits from Boko Haram that drove them out of town, and then out of the country.

But after the fourth time, it became clear this was no way to raise their children. A tourist visa to the United States they had applied for months ago turned out to be a huge blessing, and the family moved to Dallas to stay with Oluwatoyin’s uncle. Subsequently, Kayode, Oluwatoyin, and their two sons, younger Kani and older Austin, relocated to New York City.

The two brothers played a made-up game that was something akin to chess. Once Tani started school in New York, he took a chess class, where he learned the real rules of the game. His curious mind took to the puzzles immediately, and his interest only kept growing as he discovered the strategies of past and present chess legends, and how to develop his own style.

Last year, the 9-year-old Tani had only been playing chess for one year when he won the New York State Chess Championship. Tani, his parents, and his brother, Austin, were living in a homeless shelter at the time, and his chess coach reached out to a reporter with their story, and things took off from there.

The family tells their story in detail in the book “My Name Is Tani … and I Believe in Miracles” written with author Craig Borlase, which hits shelves April 14, along with a young reader’s version. A movie adaptation of Tani’s life is in the works at Paramount.


Hey, Fellow Canuck, “You Got a Dime?”

Let’s assume that you are a Canadian without any significant political leaning. One of your close friends has a son who is a trucker, and last month this friend’s son was going to participate in a protest by driving from Calgary east toward Ontario. You remembered this kid from when he was a teenager and used to play with your son. He was basically a good kid, and so when you heard that these truckers needed some financial support, you donated $25 to help pay for their gas and food. You felt that doing this for a friend was the least you could do.

We are all familiar with what happened in Ottawa, etc. most of us are familiar with Trudeau’s response. On Feb. 14, Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act, which enabled Canadian banks to freeze the assets of anyone who donated to protests against the vaccine mandates — without due process or any court action. Your bank account and credit cards were frozen … in essence for a $25 contribution to what seemed at the time to be a reasonable cause. 

To you this appeared to be an exaggerated and heavy handed response, and you vowed not to be in this position again in the future … if they did it once, they could certainly do it again. What to do? Your wife and you agreed that there was only one prudent thing to do … get all of your money and credit cards out of Canada when the dust had cleared. Subsequently when Trudeau ordered the banks to unfreeze the accounts after the protesters had been cleared away, you did exactly what you had planned to do. But lo and behold, you were not the only one who had formulated this same plan. 

From PJMedia:

“Armstrong Economics says there was a stunning run on banks across Canada, as scared citizens are withdrawing their life savings and transferring it to foreign banks in the United States and elsewhere.

The sheer amount of money withdrawals from Canadian banks was massive. There appears to have been a 500% increase just in the previous 24 hours. This is the problem with politicians. They are simply UNQUALIFIED to make such decisions. They have no idea that freezing accounts will undermine the confidence in the banking system,

Trudeau has created a very serious crisis and just rescinding his Emergency Act is not going to make it all better. Trudeau has driven a stake through the heart of the Canadian economy and that means that international capital will be skeptical about trusting Canada as long a Trudeau is in power. If it’s true that Canadians are panicking and withdrawing all their money from Canadian banks, then this is a huge story, and yet it’s one that the corporate media doesn’t seem interested in at all. There isn’t one report in any corporate press about any of this.”

Am I surprised at what is happening in the Canadian banking system? Actually, “No,” as far left liberals like Trudeau just do not have the capability to see the long term consequences of their actions. Is this another situation where the liberal Canadian press are purposely not reporting on anything which puts Trudeau in a bad light?

Again from PJMedia:

“Jordan Peterson, famed Canadian philosopher, says he’s been in contact with a “reliable source” in the Canadian military who advised him to take his money out of the Canadian banking system because the situation is “far worse” than anyone is being told.”

Hmmm! What will happen? 

I guess we will just have to wait and see.


I Am Confused !

I am confused as to why the U.S. is beholden to anybody as far as energy is concerned. I understand that some believe that using fossil fuels is bad for the environment, but it seems to me that it should be of no difference if the fossil fuel comes from the USA or from elsewhere. Since it is the same fossil fuel, I am confused.

When you look at the following figures, perhaps you will better appreciate why I am confused.

According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. This confuses me as I think that in 400+ years, we will have developed alternative fuel sources. 

400, 535, and 500 are an awful lot of years. Even if the American Petroleum Institute has over-estimated by 100 years or so, the odds are quite strong that my great-grandchildren and even my great-great-great- grandchildren should never be starved for energy … unless the global warming yo-yos continue to hypnotize and mesmerize everyone with their gobbledygook. 

So can someone explain to me why Joe Biden sacrificed America’s energy independence, ceased all exploration for oil and gas, abandoned pipeline development and drove up the prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel?  Why has he made the U.S. once again dependent on foreign oil? 

Did J.B. think that our demand for energy was suddenly going to evaporate? Did he, and does he still think that purchasing oil, gas, etc. from our enemy is a good thing? Does J.B. think that financing the violent Russian takeover of Ukraine is somehow a good thing?

So while I am confused for a multitude of good reasons, it appears to me that Joe Biden is the one that is confused! On the other hand … if he is thinking straight we are all in big trouble!


Let’s Be Clear

Right from the beginning, let’s be clear … No, I did not watch President Biden’s SOTU speech on 3/1/22. There were multiple reasons for my decision including that there was no way I could possibly watch Kamala and Pelosi in the background for a hour straight. However, I did read multiple excerpts from that speech and was convinced that I had made the right decision. (FYI: instead of watching the SOTU, I watched the end of a recorded DePaul University basketball game, read some Stephen King, and flossed … and let’s be clear, each individually proved to be more enjoyable than the SOTU … yes, including the flossing!)

Likewise, as I am an equal opportunity employer, let’s be clear, I did not watch Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Republican response. However, I did read her response. 

She pointed out that J.B. said that “he wanted to ‘make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home, and he’s failed on both fronts.”

She also stated that “we shouldn’t ignore what happened in the run-up to Putin’s invasion. Waiving sanctions on Russian pipelines while limiting oil production here at home; focusing on political correctness rather than military readiness; reacting to world events instead of driving them.

Weakness on the world stage has a cost. And the president’s approach to foreign policy has consistently been too little, too late.”

She hit a home run  when she said, “Americans are tired of a political class trying to remake this country into a place where an elite few tell everyone else what they can and cannot say. What they can and cannot believe. They’re tired of people pretending the way to end racism is by categorizing everybody by their race. They’re tired of politicians who tell parents they should sit down, be silent, and let government control their kids’ education and future.”

She spoke a lot about inflation and how it effects the common folk who live outside the Beltway in D.C.  She focused on what it is doing to American families by way of a glimpse at her past.

For the sake of brevity, I will not repeat the other outstanding, practical points that she continued to make, but you can either watch or read it at:

State of the Union: Read Gov. Kim Reynolds’ Republican response to Biden’s speech – WPXI

In general, let’s be clear, it appeared that her speech spoke to the American people, whereas J.B’s spoke mainly to the elites and spoke down to the American people.


In a Corner

Unfortunately President Biden has painted himself in a corner as far as Russia and it’s oil is concerned. In January 2021 when J.B was inaugurated, the U.S. was oil independent, but J.B. immediately changed all of that by his actions right off the bat … after all he did have to “pay off” the greenies who helped get him “elected.” The result of J.B’s impulsive executive orders … 

From BlazeMedia:

“Though the U.S. has the capacity to supply its own oil, Democrat-imposed restrictions have severely limited our domestic supply and forced the country to become more reliant upon foreign oil imports, including more than 500,000 barrels of Russian crude oil every day.”

Wow! That’s a lot of oil; and every day! Note that oil is not cheap! The cost of oil is now close to $100 per barrel. Let’s see … 500,000 barrels at $100 per barrel adds up to quite a bit of “loose change” … loose change that the U.S. is now giving to Russia every day to finance Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Putin has been amassing troops on the Ukraine border for close to a year. Did anybody think that he was doing this for fun? Possibly only J.B. and his astute advisors … perhaps those same advisors who choreographed the exit from Afghanistan. So of course, with Putin’s obvious intent to go into Ukraine, what would be the smart thing to do? Would it be to guarantee that we would continue to put more money into Putin’s coffers by buying more and more of his oil ??? OMG! I cannot even imagine how much money that Biden’s dim-witted executive orders have put into Putin’s pockets over the last year. How many Ukrainians has J.B. helped kill by his executive actions that funneled mucho dineros to Russia?

In response to one of my recent blogs someone chimed in that he thought that Biden was really a smart guy. Although he may have a high I.Q.(I doubt it, but I do not know), I do know that there is quite a bit of difference between “smart,” and having “street smarts.” Giving all of that oil money to Putin so that he can kill more Ukrainians does not strike me as being anywhere close to smart. 

J.B. has painted himself into a corner that is of his own doing. Whatever has happened and will continue to happen is his fault. It serves him right.

Unfortunately, I do not think that J.B. has the fortitude to admit his mistake and reverse course, and consequently many more innocents will die.


Delaware Hide and Seek

For a long time I have refrained from referring to Joe Biden as pusillanimous. Make no mistake, I have thought about it before, but have used discipline, and held my tongue. But, come on, here we are at the edge of war, and where is J.B.? … At the White House? Err, no. He is playing hide and seek in Delaware!

On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian military command to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert. J.B’s response?  Fox News reported that Biden remains at his private residence in Delaware and that the media is having difficulty making contact with the administration. Despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine continuing to escalate, President Joe Biden remains at his private estate in Delaware.

One must ask, “Why is this? Why is he hiding in Delaware?

The response from those who apparently speak for J.B. will most likely have something to do with Biden’s upcoming State of the Union (SOTU). A very handy excuse as the present Vegas line on the number of Biden gaffs during his SOTU speech is presently 2.5! 

That speech will certainly be a challenge as the state of the union is a mess, and I doubt that anything he says will put lipstick on a pig.

From BlazeMedia:

“Inflation is running at a 40-year high, with the prices of everything from energy to food to housing making the cost of American living much higher. Broken supply chains aren’t helping inflation or the ability to get goods and services, and we have substantial dislocation in the labor market. And if that wasn’t enough, many jurisdictions are just starting to dial back onerous COVID-related policies that have trampled on individual rights, with a backdrop of a treacherous geopolitical landscape.”

What you can be pretty certain that certain things will not be in his State of the Union speech … Biden’s suspending of oil and gas leases and withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the subsequent rising of gas prices. Furthermore, it will probably not be mentioned that there has been more COVID deaths recorded under Biden than prior to him taking office.

But back to why is he in hiding?.

Perhaps, his handlers realize that if Joe Biden came out of his hiding place in Delaware, he could be forced to start answering some questions, which could well bring his pusillanimous-ness out into the open.
