Meet ? … and “No Meet!”

Again two random stories from the “other news,” aka stories you will not read about in the MSM. 

First, the “Meet”, or perhaps better to say, “the challenge to Meet.”Remember back when shortly after B.O. was in the White House in 2009, he organized the so-called “beer summit,” which involved Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley, and President Obama. At that time President Obama apparently thought the best way to smooth out the kerfuffle about Professor Gates’s arrest, was to get the interested parties together to meet and smooth things out. 

Joe Biden has experience with this sort of “let’s talk it out” meeting, as he was there back in 2009, and he has a chance to smooth out the kerfuffle between himself and Kyle Rittenhouse. 

In a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the 18-year-old said that the president ought to fully educate himself before offering opinions on something he apparently doesn’t understand.

“Mr. President, if I could say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement,” he said during a post-trial interview. “It’s actual malice, defaming my character, for him to say something like that.”

As many recall as a presidential candidate, Biden implied that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist, and Kyle Rittenhouse wants to have a summit to give Joe Biden a chance to walk back his maligning comments.

During an interview with Steven Crowder on “Louder with Crowder,” Rittenhouse said, “Mr. President, I hope you see this. … I’d have a sit-down and I’ll explain the facts to you so you can understand them.”

“If he reached out, I’d be happy to tell him my side of the story of what happened,” he added.

Well, there you have it. The gauntlet has been laid down. Another chance for Joe Biden to bring the country together. The odds-makers are laying 6-1 it never happens. However due to the fact that there would not be a teleprompter at Biden-Rittenhouse summit, I would place the odds at at least 1000-1!

The “No Meet,” story is actually quite short and simple.

The President of Guatemala says White House hasn’t talked to him about migrant crisis since June. The admission severely undermines the claims of the administration that Harris has been putting all her efforts into addressing the root causes of the illegal immigration crisis in Latin America … Yes, that’s  our B.P., “Kamala-No Meet-Harris!”

(BTW: When asked whether the Biden administration had dealt with illegal immigration better than the Trump administration had, President Alejandro Giammattei of Guatemala answered that he had been in regular contact with the Trump administration.)



Another Testimonial

“That’s anecdotal!”

“One case means nothing.”

“It could have happened by chance.”

These are the sort of typical comments I hear whenever I mention an apparent Ivermectin success story. 

Is each single case of what appears to be an Ivermectin Covid success, anecdotal? Off course! However, whereas a single case is always anecdotal, at what point does a number of individual cases add up and become non-anecdotal? 

This weekend I read about another Ivermectin-Covid success … another testimonial. This was from one of my favorite columnists, Wayne, Allyn Root, and was titled:

“How I Beat COVID-19 in 48 Hours with Ivermectin, Just Like Joe Rogan and NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers”

The following are a few snippets from that column:

“I caught COVID-19 for the first time a few weeks ago.

I beat COVID-19 in 48 hours with ivermectin and massive doses of vitamins — including intravenous vitamin C.”

“Ivermectin made my COVID-19 bout so mild, I never missed a day of work. Yes, I hosted my three-hour national radio show every day, with COVID-19 — and no one noticed.”

I can almost hear some saying, “Okay,okay. Another right wing nut job.” However to that response, I have to ask, “Why?” What does Wayne Allyn Root have to gain by publicizing his Covid experience? And furthermore, why is the use of Ivermectin political in the first place?

When you read about Ivermectin in the typical liberal newspapers, ( eg Washington Post or The Guardian from London) somewhere in the article, if not in the headline, there is the comment or the description of Ivermectin as a “horse dewormer.” And what subtly follows, “What rational human would ever take a “horse dewormer?” (The FDA went as far as tweeting out a reminder on August 21, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”) If there is such a thing as an ad hoc attack on a neutral thing, that is it.

However, I must point out that individuals only resort to Ivermectin paste, which is indeed a formulation made for animals, because Ivermectin in tablet form is unavailable to ordinary people. Why is Ivermectin not available with a prescription, or in fact OTC? (“If it is available OTC, someone might take too many, and that could be dangerous.” Nonsense, someone could take too much aspirin, but it is still OTC.)

The facts are that Ivermectin has a demonstrable safety record (used in Africa in over 3 Billion people), and it is cheap. Is it effective in Covid? At this point the honest answer has to be “we do not know.” Nonetheless, as the testimonial reports of its success pile up, my advice is for everyone to do what is necessary to get one’s own private supply of Ivermectin tabs. However, once you have it … hide it, as the feds might instigate search warrant searches for contraband Ivermectin at any time! And BTW be extra stealthy if you have ever attended a school board meeting.



A bill, sponsored by Councilman Ydanis Rodríguez of NYC would allow hundreds of thousands of non-citizens to participate in local elections by expanding eligibility to vote for elected posts in the five boroughs to green card holders and recipients of deferred action.

From the NY Post:

The measure — supported by a veto-proof majority of the Council and set for a vote on Dec. 9 — would not allow non-citizens to head to the polls in federal or state elections.

The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs has said that nearly 800,000 New Yorkers would be covered under the legislation, including 622,000 green card holders.

“I feel that it is time, in 2021, that we as a city move forward being a role model to the whole nation. People pay taxes, people should have the right to decide who are the mayor, comptroller, public advocate, borough president, council member,” he said. “This bill will give the dignity and respect to those individuals … that we have a voice, to ask for more attention to improve safety in their community.”

I say, “Go for it, señor Ydanis! It’s about time that the issue of voting by non-citizens is brought out into the open, and New York City is the perfect place to start.”

Why do I advocate for this loonie-tunes leftist nonsense? Follow my logic!

The country needs to announce to all of its non-English speaking residents that they cannot legally vote, and the best way to publicize this is by bringing this issue into the forefront. It is likely that this bill will pass in NYC. Then for sure legal challenges will occur, and this issue will eventually make it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. During its trip up the legal ladder, it will be headline news on the hundreds of local Spanish newspapers. Ergo, none of the Spanish-speaking illegals will be able to say, “No se,” (“I no know.”) when they are arrested for voting illegally.

Remember, in any election, whether it be local, statewide, or national, every vote by a non-citizen potentially, and often realistically cancels the vote of a legal citizen.


Ivermectin in Peru

This is now my fourth piece highlighting the successful use of Ivermectin to treat Covid on four different continents. When I initially read and subsequently wrote about the successful use of Ivermectin in Japan, I thought that would be the end of it. However, the more I looked, the more I discovered that Ivermectin-success-stories were not limited to Japan. The African continent and Chiapas, Mexico were the next locales that I wrote about as in each of these places Ivermectin usage seemed to be a key factor in reducing the morbidity and mortality from Covid. Impressive graphs and statistics documented the success of Ivermectin in both places. 

Recalling the famous movie line, “If you build it, they will come,” I thought perhaps, “If I look, I will find.” One thing led to another and lo-and-behold, I came upon another success story … Ivermectin in Peru. 

The following is from COVID-19 critical care (easily accessible on the internet):

“Real-World Evidence: The Case of Peru

Causality between Ivermectin and COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate”

October 2020 / Juan Chamie

(Because this article is very long with multiple detailed graphics from eight different states in the country of Peru, I have taken the liberty of copying only the Introduction and the conclusion. I will point out that the data from the state of Lima looks less impressive than the data from the other seven states of Loreto, Ucayali, Puira, Tumbes, La Libertad, Arequipa, Moquegua, and Cusco.)


“In Peru, the widespread use of Ivermectin as a frontline treatment for COVID-19 has provoked a great deal of controversy. This South American country has been a pivotal point of reference regarding the use of Ivermectin, a repurposed, antiparasitic medication. The Peruvian government approved the use of Ivermectin, by decree, on May 8, 2020. The new Minister of Health, Pilar Mazzetti, ratified the dispensing of Ivermectin, despite receiving numerous requests to suspend it in September, 2020. These measures have aroused criticism among the scientific community. They believe RCTs (Randomized Clinical Trials) are necessary to prove it’s effectiveness against COVID-19 before distribution, overlooking the serious death toll in Peru, one of the world’s highest from COVID-19.”


“In these eight Peruvian State analyses, Ivermectin distributions preceded sound reductions in excess deaths and case fatality rate (CFR). The variation in the number of detected cases nor the vulnerable population decrease can explain this reduction. Other possible explanations, such as cross-immunity with dengue, or mere causality, have been discarded due to their lack of consistency in this study.

Treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in number of deaths and fatality rate in Peru. Its implementation in public policies is a highly effective measure to reduce the excess deaths and IFR of COVID-19.”

At this point I realize that most of you are tired of hearing about Ivermectin. Granted as a retired M.D. I have never prescribed Ivermectin. However, just because I have never prescribed any chemotherapy doesn’t preclude my knowing that chemotherapy works, as I can look at the data and reach a conclusion. Similarly with Ivermectin, look at the data and draw your own conclusion.


On Purpose ?

“Why do you do what you do to me?” 

There are multiple songs by individuals and groups that have lyrics very similar to this … e.g. Freddie and the Dreamers/ Kaiser Chiefs, etc. However, this morning after reading some of the news, I found myself asking a similar question to Joe Biden.

“Why, Mr. President, are you doing what you are doing to the American people? Are you purposely trying to damage America?” Now I realize that the initial reaction to that statement will be met by incredulity, but let’s just delve into it a little further.

One of his initial actions was to shut down the Keystone Pipeline. What would a rational person expect to happen following this? To me the answer is increasing prices for energy. Sure enough, gas prices are skyrocketing with no sign of relief. God forbid that this winter is a cold winter because the cost to heat our homes this winter will also skyrocket. How many poor Americans will freeze to death this winter? Again only a dunderhead would not expect fuel costs to accelerate following the closing of pipelines and the restrictions on drilling that Joe has put on federal lands. Now either he is a dunderhead or he isn’t, and if he isn’t, then he’s doing it on purpose.

Let’s look at inflation next. Any rational person would understand that the last thing to do when inflation is problematic, is to put the country into further debt by borrowing more. So what are Joe and his fellow Democrats doing? … They are proposing spending umpteen trillion for their pet projects. Will that cause inflation to get worse? Obviously, the answer is ‘yes’ which leads me to ask, “Is he doing it on purpose? Why?

Why would someone purposely encourage inflation? 

The latest issue which also begs the question of ‘is he purposely trying to bring down America,’ is Biden’s latest proposal that on 1/22/22, he will require truck drivers crossing into U.S. to be vaccinated. What would a rational person expect to happen after that? Supply chains to further bog down? Store shelves to remain empty? “Yes” and “yes.” While he didn’t require illegals crossing our southern border to be vaccinated, he is going to require truckers to be vaccinated. Why? Is he doing it on purpose?

Whereas space limitations preclude me from further elaborating on this issue, perhaps whenever Brandon, (err, I mean Biden) chooses to do something, we Americans should ask, “Is he trying to bring down America, and is he doing it on purpose?”


Byron Donalds

For those of you who are unaware, I often use Sunday to highlight an individual who is, or has done something worthy of praise. This week I am highlighting someone who I think has done some praiseworthy things, but moreover, is an up-and-comer. …Byron Donalds.

To start with Byron Donalds is a Trump supporting, liberty loving, pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment black man. A black conservative congressman. Need I say more? 

He was recently on Fox Across America to bring attention to inflation and how it’s impacting average Americans. According to him, this issue is not being discussed enough by his Democratic colleagues in Washington D.C. or President Biden.

“The President has his own chef. They cook him whatever he wants whenever he wants it. He doesn’t work for anything. He’s not out there working 10 hours a day, and then he’s got to go to the supermarket and be like, oh wait a minute, this stuff’s more expensive. And then the gas he puts in his car, because the man hasn’t pumped gas in I don’t know how long, the gas he puts in his car  is more expensive too. He doesn’t deal with that. So in Washington, nobody’s even talking about inflation. What they’re talking about is how to get Build Back Better through the Senate, and now they’re talking about the continuing resolution. That’s all they’re thinking about. They’re not thinking about the implications of what Washington has done on the lives of the American people.”

If you thought that Byron Donalds is not a big fan of Joe Biden, you would be right. Not now, and not for quite a while. Remember back on the campaign trail when Joe Biden said, “I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” For Donalds, the comment hit home.

“It’s 2020,” Donalds said. “We’re in the middle of this pandemic, and this guy, because he’s trying to win an election, comes out and says that if I’m supporting Donald Trump, that I’m not black? Who the hell are you?”

Donalds, who has been vocal about his life growing up in Brooklyn and facing trouble with the law, said Biden has no right discussing what the black experience should produce. “You didn’t see my (single) mother struggle,” Donalds said. “You didn’t see me have to work hard to get through high school, get through college and make something of my life.”

I love this guy! Need I say more?

In a discussion with SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman in the House Small Business Committee last week, Congressman Byron Donalds was cautioned by the Democratic Chair for pointing out the President Biden “has not worked a day in his life outside of Washington.” His response at the time of his cautioning was that he was not saying anything that was not true … his mike was then cut off. Most in the hearing room already knew that Byron Donalds had worked in the finance, insurance and banking industries in Southwest Florida. Prior to his election to the House, he had worked as a partner in a local financial firm. 

A few nights ago, he joined Laura Ingram to discuss Congressional efforts to use $400M of taxpayer money to create a federal vaccination database. On her show he said, “This bill is a gross mishandling of tax dollars and infringes upon the rights of every American.”

He also has called the recent OSHA mandate unconstitutional and applauded the Circuit Court that stayed that mandate. He added, “Any President that has the power to make anyone take an injection that they don’t want, is a totalitarian President.”

And in addition to all of the good conservative stuff in which he believes, this Spring, The Congressional Black Caucus blocked him from joining! Need I say more?


A Change, a Curve, and Screwballs

After looking at the title of this piece, one might assume that is about a baseball pitcher’s varying armamentaria of different pitches. But from a contrarian, you should not expect a fastball right down the middle.

First off the  South African doctor who first alerted the scientific community to a new SARS-CoV-2 — B.1.1.529, which the World Health Organization has dubbed “Omicron” — has described symptoms of the variant as “unusual, but mild.”

Similarly from the New York Times:

“Omicron seems likely to be more contagious than Delta, including among vaccinated people. Fortunately, the evidence so far does not indicate that Omicron is causing more severe illness.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, a top health official in Israel, emphasized yesterday that when vaccinated people were infected, they became only slightly ill, according to the publication Haaretz.”

From the Washington Times:

“New York Gov. Kathy Hochul will halt non-urgent, elective surgeries in the state amid an expected upcoming spike in the new Omicron COVID-19 variant.

Mrs. Hochul signed an executive order in hopes of preventing hospital staff shortages over an anticipated rise in cases. ‘While the new Omicron variant has just been detected (5 cases) in New York State, it’s coming,’ Ms.. Hochul said.”

To me it is peculiar that the New York Governor apparently is concerned about hospital shortages with the omicron variant, but is not concerned about hospital shortages that will possibly be an issue if a vaccine mandate is enforced.

Not to be outdone:

“The official Twitter account for President Biden issued a statement:

The @WHO has identified a new COVID variant which is spreading through Southern Africa. As a precautionary measure until we have more information, I am ordering air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries. As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises.”

However, it’s difficult to overlook the hypocrisy of Joe and his Democratic cronies.

On Jan. 31, 2020, then-President Donald Trump declared a public health emergency in response to the global COVID-19 outbreak and temporarily suspended the entry of travelers from China. A day later, then-candidate Biden responded by saying Trump was xenophobic, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

In January 2020, when Trump added new immigration restrictions on six African and Asian countries — Nigeria, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania — Democrats claimed the policy was “driven by hate.”

Biden tweeted, “Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new ‘African Ban,’ is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.”

Kamala Harris responded by saying, “Trump’s extended un-American travel ban undermines our nation’s core values. It is clearly driven by hate, not security.”

At the time, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement, claiming Trump’s immigration policy “undermined our Constitution” and was “bigoted.”

A change-up, a curve, and a screwball … which is which? You can decide, but it is clear to me that you spell hypocrisy … D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T!


The Moving Goalposts

I have always liked math, but by no means do I consider myself to be a math aficionado. However, I still know the basics. For instance I know that one doubled is two, and twenty-five doubled is fifty. In this example both one and twenty-five are doubled, but doubling twenty-five is a lot more significant than doubling one, whether we’re talking about dollars, pounds, or stolen cars. So when we read that the number of Covid cases per million has doubled in the last week or in the last month, it’s critical to know what was the starting point. If the number of cases has gone from twenty-five to fifty per million that is certainly much more impressive and important than if the increase has been from one to two per million.

I bring this up because one always has to careful when “those in the know” speak in abstract terms. 

For instance at the STAT Summit in Boston this past week, Dr. Fauci said, “What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted.” He continued, “ It’s a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.”

To me the key words here are “uptick,” and “significant” … both of which appear to be purposely vague.

What is the actual incidence of previously vaccinated individuals who are either hospitalized or die from a breakthrough infection?

The CDC says fewer than 0.1% of fully vaxxed people are hospitalized or will die from covid. So again using my basic math, if the incidence was 1%, that would mean that 1 in 100 vaccinated individuals would breakthrough and be hospitalized or die. Likewise if the risk that vaccinated individuals will be hospitalized or die from Covid is 0.1% that means that this will occur in one person in a thousand.

Granted this recent 0.1% number may have doubled from 0.05%, and while this ‘uptick’ may be ‘significant’ to Dr. Fauci, 0.1% is a minuscule number. The odds of one in a thousand are very good odds, so the outlook for all of us vaccinated individuals is actually pretty good. Right? Actually, not so, according to Dr. Fauci who then said he believes a third shot “should be part of the actual standard regiment, where a booster isn’t a luxury.” 

The goal had been to get a large percent of the population vaccinated, and now it appears the Dr. Fauci wants to move the goalposts. I have to ask, “If a significant percent of the population gets a booster, and the same gradual waning of its effectiveness occurs, will Dr. Fauci suggest that the goalposts be moved again (second booster) and then perhaps later another move of the goalposts (third booster)?

What to do?

At this point with my odds being quite favorable, I am leaning toward the ‘no booster for me’ side.


Chiapas, Mexico

From Juan Chiame  (Senior Data Analyst, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance):

“Mexico’s first outbreak took place on three fronts. An outburst of cases happened in its capital, Mexico City, in the tourist destination of Quintana Roo (Cancun) and to the north on the border with the United States. Rapidly from these three points, COVID advanced, without exception, throughout the country.

“After the buzz generated by the launch of the ivermectin. Driven by the distribution program in Peru, public interest in Mexico grew. Ivermectin Google searches and likely the use of it to treat COVID grew explosively in the country. Causal or not, estimates of excess weekly deaths lowered for 10 consecutive weeks from 13,294 to 5,217.

“On July 2020, the health authorities and the Mexican media started attacking the use of ivermectin. The same WHO published a statement advising against its use for COVID. At the end of August, the government removed ivermectin as OTC. In the state of Chiapas, the health authorities did not comply with the measures. Since the end of June 2020, they treated COVID with ivermectin. By July 2020, they began a massive door-to-door campaign to detect COVID cases and timely treat them with ivermectin.

“The results in Chiapas are amazing. Right after ivermectin national ban, COVID cases and deaths throughout the country grew. The numbers far exceeding the highs reached in July 2020. But in Chiapas COVID cases and deaths stayed at a very low level. Some analysts argued as the cause of the low levels, the little testing in Chiapas, however, the excess mortality shows, without a doubt, exemplary results. From August 2020 throughout June 2021, the number of deaths was much lower than the historical values.”

The reason that I find this very interesting is that it appears that here we have both an “experimental” group (Chiapas), and a “control” group (the remainder of Mexico). 

The Covid-19 death rate in Chiapas is approximately 30/100,000. For comparison about 95% of the other Mexican states the Covid-19 death rate is between 100-200/ 100,000. Mexico City is the worst with a Covid-19 death rate at almost 300/100,000. 

For those of us who are geographically challenged Chiapas is bordered on the west and northwest by the Mexican state of Oaxaca and on the south and east by Guatemala. The state of Oaxaca has the second lowest number of Covid-19 deaths in Mexico at about 70/100,000, and I wonder about Ivermectin spillover usage from Chiapas. For what it’s worth, Guatemala has a very low reported death rate from Covid with a recent 7-day moving average of 12 deaths per day in a country of over 3 million. However, keep in mind that Ivermectin usage is high in Guatemala. 

From the European Sting:

“Ivermectin has become such a popular preventive drug in Latin American countries, like Peru, Bolivia and Guatemala, that scientists performing clinical trials struggled to recruit participants because so many were already taking it.”

Likewise from Nature: “Researchers might never have sufficient data to justify ivermectin’s use if its widespread administration continues in Latin America. The drug’s popularity “practically cancels” the possibility of carrying out phase III clinical trials, which require thousands of participants.”

I find the dichotomy between the low Covid-19 death rate in Chiapas compared to the Covid-19 death rate in the rest of Mexico very difficult to explain without considering Ivermectin use to be causal.

Granted Chiapas is far, far from the U.S border with Mexico, but I did not read any of this in my local “newspaper” ever though Mexico is only a stone’s throw away.


Again and Again

For anybody who has been reading my pieces for a while, in general what I am going to say is already banal and hackneyed. Although there are variations on the theme, again and again Democratic politicians continue to advocate for things which inevitably will hurt the little guy. 

From Day real Insider:

“Biden’s transportation secretary said those who buy them will ‘never have to worry about gas prices again’ (The Hill), says Pete Buttigieg, representing the supposed party of the working class. In an MSNBC interview on 11/29/21, the occasional Secretary of Transportation told Americans that relief from high fuel prices were on the way — not by lowering fuel prices through more robust American production, however. Instead, Buttigieg asked everyone to get giddy in anticipation of buying hugely expensive electric vehicles and, um … not ask any questions about how much it will cost to charge them (Hot Air). From Dan Crenshaw: Imagine being so out of touch that you think spending tens of thousands more on an electric car is easy for most people. 78% of EV subsidies go to those making six figures. And the rest of us still worry about gas prices, because gas affects the cost of literally everything.”

As I have queried again and again in the past … “Are these Democratic politicians clueless or are they intentionally trying to hurt those on the lower end of the economic spectrum?” Granted I could elaborate on many of their other cockamamie ideas (shutting down pipelines, defunding the police, economic lockdowns, etc.) that have the most devastating effect on the less fortunate, but for now, let’s just concentrate on electric vehicles (EVs).

Besides the cost of EVs, there are other significant costs associated with EVs. While solar panels may provide the necessary power for EVs in the sunnier regions of the country, these solar panels are not cheap, and guess who cannot afford these solar panels? Furthermore, it is my understanding that the residential infrastructure cannot bear the load of innumerable EVs, as a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On a small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded. Granted if one is more affluent and lives on lots that are not closely spaced together, perhaps pockets of homes with EVs are possible, but does Pete Buttigieg not know that in cities homes are one on top of the other? … or perhaps, he does know but just doesn’t care. After all it should be apparent that in cities and/or in the less sunny areas of the country that EVs just will not work, especially not for the common man. So I say again and again, “Are Buttigieg and his cronies merely clueless, or are they intending to purposely harm the little guy?
