Would You Like To Buy a Bridge ?

Because I believe that almost everything is genetic, after reading the paper this morning I thought, “Is it possible that Joe Biden is related to George Parker, and furthermore “would I buy a bridge from this man?” 

For those not familiar with George C. Parker (1860-1936), he was a native New Yorker, and was responsible for originating the phrase, “If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you”. George Parker was a notorious con-man and liar. His greatest con was selling the Brooklyn Bridge. Legend claimed that he sold it at least twice a week.  He did sell it several times including at least once for $50,000!  The new owner would be discovered he was the victim of a con when the New York police officers would stop the “new owners” from setting up toll booths in the middle of the bridge.

George Parker was a chronic con-man and liar, and apparently just could not stop himself. Does this trait sound familiar? Genetically speaking it seems to me that Joe Biden and George Parker could have a DNA similarity … a very dominant “mendacity gene!”

Let’s face it our President, Joe Biden, lies a lot.

Recently Joe Biden he told a story about a train conductor and himself on his last ride on the commuter train. The conductor had retired 2 yrs. earlier.  The incident never happened. 

This is not an isolated example of Mendacious Joe lying.

From the Courier Journal:

“It has become clear is that Biden’s “word” means virtually nothing.

Apart from his lies about raising taxes and that his $3.5 trillion spending plan “costs zero dollars,” Biden was badly exposed regarding his decision on Afghanistan.

In August, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, in an interview with Biden, asked: “So no one told — your military advisers did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops’…?”

Biden said: “No. No one said that to me that I can recall.”

Subsequently, during sworn congressional testimony, Gen. Frank McKenzie confirmed that he “recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.”

It not difficult to find multiple examples of Mendacious Joe lying.

The following Biden statements were all judged as false by Politifact:

Biden stated on August 20, 2021 in remarks:

Al-Qaida is “gone” from Afghanistan.

Biden stated on July 22, 2021 in a CNN town hall:

“The cost of an automobile, it’s kind of back to what it was before the pandemic.”

Biden stated on June 23, 2021 in a White House announcement:

“The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.”

Biden stated on May 3, 2021 in remarks on the American Families Plan:

For vaccine rates among Americans 65 and older, “there’s virtually no difference between white, Black, Hispanic, Asian American.”

Biden stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference:

“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

However this tendency to lie is not a new thing for Mendacious Joe.

Again from Politico:

Candidate Joe Biden stated on October 15, 2020 in a town hall:

“The boilermakers union has endorsed me because I sat down with them and went into great detail with leadership [about] exactly what I would do.”

Candidate Biden stated on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show:

“The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run.”

Politico has a long list of other Biden lies, but what got my attention this morning was something that Mendacious Joe just said after his private meeting at the Vatican. President Biden claimed that Pope Francis encouraged him to keep receiving Holy Communion. Matteo Bruni, director of the Holy See press office, declined to confirm Biden’s account. “I would consider it a private conversation, and it is limited to what was said in the public statement.” When asked if the issue of abortion came up in their talk, Biden said: “No, it didn’t.” 

“If you believe Biden’s version of what Pope Francis said about him receiving Holy Communion, ‘would you like to buy a bridge’?”



When Does It Change ?

I am in a pickle these days trying to understand some leftist logic on certain things. I do realize that ‘logic’ is usually not something that leftist-thinking relies on, but my quandary is trying to understand when their thinking does its latest 180 degree flip.

While the fetus is in the womb, according to leftist thinking, that fetus, even though viable, has no say as to whether or not he/she will be aborted. That decision is solely up to the parents … typically the mother, and occasionally, or in some circumstances in concert with the father.

But somewhere along the road to adulthood for their children, this total parental authority vanishes. 

In leftist California. California’s Governor Newsom recently signed into law something that cannot be overlooked. It is nothing less than a frontal assault on parental rights, also hurting the very children it claims to protect. As reported by California Family Council, AB1184 “prohibits insurance companies from revealing to the policyholder the ‘sensitive’ services of anyone on their policy, including minor children, even though the policy owner is financially responsible for the services.  These ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex-change operations. In California, minors can consent to all of these sensitive treatments, except for sex-change surgeries, after the age of 12 under certain conditions, and consent to abortions at any age.” 

Let me see if I have this right. Suddenly at twelve years of age, the leftist extremists in California feel that the parents are no longer overseers when it comes to things which will have lifelong effects on their children. A twelve year old having an abortion … a twelve year old being put on cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers … a twelve year old diagnosed with a mental illness – all without his/her parents knowledge! 

Apparently when a child turns twelve, according to leftists in California, there is an infusion of knowledge and wisdom that the child did not have before that twelfth birthday.

In Virginia, gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe took the position in a debate that the parents should have no say in what their children are being taught in public schools. The former governor, now the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe came out quite bluntly against parents having a say in what public schools teach their children.

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” McAuliffe said, adding that, if elected governor, he would not “let parents come into schools, and actually take books out, and make their own decision.” 

So in Virginia it’s possible that school board officials would be the only say as to what the school children are reading and learning. According to the leftist McAuliffe parents should have no say in these important facets of their children’s education. In general children start kindergarten at age five or six, so potentially in Virginia, if leftist McAuliffe wins, parents would no longer be in control of their children when their child turns five or six.

So my question is when did this parenteral control go from absolute to zero? When their child turns five or six ? When their child turns twelve?

Perhaps there should be an addendum to AB1184, such that when the drugged out, gender confused, mentally challenged eighteen year old has nowhere to turn, he/she would take up residence with Governor Newsom or those lawmakers who voted for AB1184, and then the leftist know-it-all’s would assume total “parenteral” control.



Mandates … Shortage of 80,000

In general I am not a big fan of vaccine mandates as I believe that individuals should not be threatened to basically get the vaccine or else lose their jobs as well as other basic freedoms. The mandate craze seems to be the worst in New Zealand where the prime minister has basically stated that there will be two classes of people. Those who are vaccinated will have freedoms and those who are not vaccinated will not.

To me there are some few situations where vaccine mandates make sense. For example those who work in nursing homes should be vaccinated as they are working with those who at the most risk from Covid. Likewise those nurses and physicians who are taking care of cancer patients should be vaccinated – again because they are working with those patients who are at the most risk from Covid. 

However widespread, over encompassing vaccine mandates are not only un-American, but in certain situations do much more harm … harm to the nation in general. Let’s take, for example, the empty grocery shelves, and the coming Christmas dearth of certain toys. You might think that these two examples have nothing to do with mandates, but au contraire, let me educate you.

Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Associations, warned of harm to supply chain logistics caused by government and industry imposition of vaccine mandates for truck drivers.

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) president argues that the looming U.S. vaccine mandate would see affected carriers lose 74% of their unvaccinated employees or 34% of their driver workforce as drivers leave to small carriers, retire or resign.

In a September survey, it found that only half of surveyed drivers were vaccinated, and 62% of the unvaccinated said they would not get vaccinated under any circumstances, with a similar number saying there were no incentives the company could provide to change their mind. If facing a vaccine mandate, 25% of the unvaccinated said they would leave the industry.

Okay, so you might say, “we lose a few truckers because of vaccine mandates. What’s the big deal?”

Mark Willis, host of SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking News, told Breitbart News on 10/25/21 that vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden administration and businesses are exacerbating an existing national shortage of about 80,000 truck drivers.

80,000 … that is a big deal! 

Plus when you think about it, mandating vaccines for truckers is close to the epitome of ludicrousness.

Again from Mark Willis, “Truck drivers are the masters at social distancing. They are in the trucks 11 hours a day, pretty much driving. They’ve got a 14-hour duty cycle, but many, many times, the men and women driving these big rigs are by themselves, and they don’t come into contact with a lot of people at all.”

Perhaps after mandating vaccinations for truckers, President Joe will be mandating vaccines for all those in solitary confinement.



“Freedom” … and Lack Thereof !

My question to all of you readers:

“If you believe in freedom, what are you personally doing to stand up for your freedoms?”

From Freedom Wire:

“In New York City thousands of New York workers showed the world that freedom is THEIR focus when they marched across the Brooklyn Bridge in protest of the vaccine mandate made by Bill de Blasio for city workers, set to go into effect on November 1.

One protestor, retired FDNY Lt. James Finnegan, told a local news outlet, “This is not ‘following the science,’ this is like totalitarianism. He [de Blasio] doesn’t remember that when it started a year and a half ago, we worked through it all. Ok? I got my family sick. Really what they’re doing is forcing their will on people at this point, and that’s what I’m against. I don’t really have a problem with people taking the vaccine, if that’s what they want to do.”

Everything he’s said is 100% correct.


What’s more troubling than these people having to march for their freedom of choice is the fact that not ONE major news outlet reported on what happened in the city that day. Sure, local news outlets reported on it…but none of the major news outlets did.”

How is it that citizens marching for “freedom” is not newsworthy? Hmmm!

From Townhall:

In Congress a group of Republican Senators are trying to do something to preserve our “freedoms.” Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R) introduced legislation Tuesday that would exempt essential workers from losing their jobs over President Joe Biden’s executive orders mandating the shots for most U.S. employees in the public and private sector.

The Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act is co-sponsored by GOP Sens. Jim Inhofe (OK), Bill Haggerty (TN), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Mike Braun (IN), Tommy Tuberville (AL) and Ron Johnson (WI).”

Think for a second about the absurdity of this as Congress might be  forced to vote on whether or not Americans should have “freedom!!”

Of course Senator Blackburn wants to force the Democrats in Congress to potentially vote against “freedom.” This is especially absurd when one considers that President Biden would have to sign it for it to become law … yes, the same Joe Biden who is trying to take away our “freedoms” with his mandates. How did we, as a country, get to the point that “freedom” would need to be legislated on ?

Again my question to all of you readers:

“If you believe in freedom, what are you personally doing to stand up for freedom?”

Me? I feel that I am doing my part by blogging about freedom and the present lack thereof. May I suggest that you readers can do a small part by passing this “freedom blog” to your mailing list.

Remember what Albert Einstein said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” 



Shortages … but “Why?”

From USA Today, here is a partial list of expected shortages to come:

Carbonated drinks




Fish sticks

Frozen meals

Heinz catchup packets

Marie Callander’s pot pies 

But “why?” 

Again from USA Today:

Supply chain concerns are a result of “record-level congestion at the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach that has spread to the East Coast, the widespread power outages across China, shortages of truck drivers and service workers, and COVID-19-fueled infections and restrictions,” Tinglong Dai, a business professor at Johns Hopkins University, told USA TODAY in an email.

There are some other answers to the question of “why.”

This was sent to me by a friend, and it implies that part of this problem is a California issue.

The NEWS says the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage. It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators. Traditionally the ports have been served by Owner Operators (non union). California has now banned Owner Operators. 

Long term, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because California has a law that makes them illegal in 2035. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist. 

Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020 or their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV, the state has said.

The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the Department of Motor Vehicles, CARB says. A new enforcement tool used by the DMV beginning in 2020 will automatically block 2010 and older trucks from registration.

Transportation Secretary,Pete Buttigieg (who in the midst of this crisis is on “paternity leave”) had perhaps the most ludicrous answer to the “why” question.

During an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union,” the former South Bend mayor claimed supply chain disruptions are happening because of President Biden’s resounding success. 

“Certainly a lot of the challenges that we’ve been experiencing this year will continue into next year,” Buttigieg said. “Look, part of what is happening isn’t just the supply side, it’s the demand side. Demand is off the charts. Retail sales are through the roof. And if you think about those images of ships, for example, waiting at anchor on the West Coast – every one of those ships is full of record amounts of goods that Americans are buying because demand is up because income is up because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession.”

Any looney that buys what Buttigieg is selling deserves to be exiled to South Bend where Pete was mayor.

On Twitter, Tim Murtaugh summed up Buttigieg’s drivel:

“Basically they’re saying that everything sucks because Biden is so awesome.”

However, perhaps the best answer as to “why” comes from now President Joe B.

Back in May of 2020, then-candidate Biden released a video explaining his thinking. “We don’t have a food shortage problem, we have a leadership problem,” he declared. 

“It’s not a food shortage, it’s a lack of leadership. A lack of leadership,” Biden said reinforcing his poorly-aged point. And the leadership goes across the board.”

Oh Joe! For once I agree with you!




Most of us who are aware of the risks of Covid among different age groups realize that the risk of Covid in children is very very low.

From Bethany Mandel inNewsweek 10/14/21:

“The risks for kids “are similar to the other respiratory viruses you probably don’t think much about,” Alasdair Munro, a Clinical Research Fellow Paediatric Infectious Diseases with NIH in the United Kingdom, explained on Twitter. In fact, for children pre-school age and under, viruses like RSV are much more likely to result in hospitalization than COVID.

Throughout the pandemic, COVID extremists promised massive pediatric death tolls, whenever a school would reopen or a mask mandate was dropped. These promised death tolls, mercifully, never materialized, and yet we have learned no lessons about the dangers of COVID when it comes to kids, or the lack thereof.

Given the very clear data on the risk of COVID to kids—”so low as to be difficult to quantify,” as the New York Times’ Leonhardt put it, why the rush to vaccinate kids? And more importantly, why the rush to mandate it when most parents are unconvinced it’s necessary, even after the scaremongering we’ve unscientifically been subjected to?”

So I guess the science tells us that the risks to kids is close to negligible.

However …

ABC News obtained audio from a call between the White House and state governors in which officials told states to prepare to vaccinate children between the ages of five and 11 beginning next month.

“In a private phone call on 10/12/21 with the nation’s governors, the White House said states should prepare to begin vaccinating elementary-school-aged kids against COVID-19 in early November,” ABC News reported.

This is very perplexing to me. If the risk to kids is “so low as to be difficult to quantify,” why is President Biden in such a hurry to vaccinate children.




For the Sake of Discussion

Let’s say, for the sake of discussion that I had come down with Covid. (“I felt terrible.”) You went to your doctor. He confirmed the diagnosis, gave you an O2 sat monitor, and suggested that you go to the ER if your oxygen level dropped to a certain level. When you asked if there is any treatment, your physician advised you to apply to receive monoclonal antibody treatments by applying through your state’s Resource Allocation Program.(“Good,” I thought, “a treatment that has been proven to be effective for Covid.”) However, despite your optimism, your requests for monoclonal antibody treatment went unanswered, and you never so much as heard a word back, not even an acknowledgement that the requests had been put in. (“I continued to feel poorly, but my O2 saturation, although dropping, had not reached the critical level.”) Because you continued to feel bad, you returned to your private physician who in turn gave you a prescription for Ivermectin. (“At last …hope!”) The prescription was sent to your local Walmart pharmacy. The pharmacist refused to fill the prescription. He contacted your wife, telling her that he would not fill it. When your wife stated that he did not have the right to stand between her physician’s prescription and the patient, he asserted that he did have that right and he refused to fill the prescription. (“Deflated, now angry, and feeling progressively worse.”)

Assuming all of the above had been the case, would you do next? A real dilemma. A quagmire.

“For the sake of discussion” my fabricated personal story is what actually happened to a retired marine, Bill Salier, who lives in a small Minnesota town. What he did next is not something that I would advise.

From BlazeNews:

“Salier says he and his wife were left in “limbo” after the pharmacist continued to deny them access to ivermectin, even after their physician called him to discuss the matter.

“We were faced with either continuing to suffer and quite possibly ending up in the hospital,” explaining that they decided to take a risk and purchased a horse paste version of the drug that is not intended for human consumption and could be dangerous if overdosed.

“I was forced with this decision and I was either going to lay there, suffer, and be at life’s peril of losing my time with my family, or I was going to eat that horse paste. And down the hatch it went,” Salier said.

“Fortunately, Salier did not overdose and reported that “within eight hours” he began to feel relief from his COVID-19 symptoms.

“Now, he says he wants a reckoning with Walmart and the pharmacist who denied him access to ivermectin.

Salier’s attorney, Brian Festa, observed that even the FDA acknowledges there are circumstances where health care providers prescribe certain drugs for unapproved use “when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.”

“You may be asking yourself why your healthcare provider would want to prescribe a drug to treat a disease or medical condition that the drug is not approved for. One reason is that there might not be an approved drug to treat your disease or medical condition. Another is that you may have tried all approved treatments without seeing any benefits. In situations like these, you and your healthcare provider may talk about using an approved drug for an unapproved use to treat your disease or medical condition,” the FDA stated in a FAQ on its website.

“So, this is talking about off-label usage. This has been done for years,” Festa said. “We’re talking about a drug, ivermectin, that was part of a treatment protocol that won the Nobel Prize in 2015 as an anti-parasitic for malaria. This is FDA-approved, it’s been used for decades as an anti-parasitic, and now you’re suddenly telling us in 2021 that it’s unsafe because it’s being used for off-label usage? Which again, is so common in the practice of medicine.”

When I read about the tale of Bill Salier, I was totally aghast at this ludicrous scenario. For the sake of discussion, if Joe Biden came down with Covid, no agency would refuse to acknowledge his request for monoclonal antibody treatment. Furthermore, you can bet the farm that no pharmacist would refuse to fill his Ivermectin prescription.

This “for the sake of discussion” story points out a few amazing aspects.

First: The idea that a pharmacist can override a prescription from a physician is “off the charts” absurd. If the drug in question was very dangerous for the patient, I could understand the pharmacist calling and discussing the issue with the prescribing physician. However, Ivermectin has been used worldwide in over 3 Billion patients with an amazing safety record. [Note that I said three Billion … Billion with a B!] Undoubtedly this pharmacist was told not to fill any prescriptions for Ivermectin by his Walmart employer. The fact that Walmart can override and deny a patient a prescription should be grounds to revoke Walmart’s pharmacy license. However, here apparently “wokeness” prevails!

Second: If a desperate Mr. Salier had died because he used a drug meant for a horse (Ivermectin horse paste), the main stream media would have had a field day with the “obviously dumb,” then now deceased Mr. Salier. (“What kind of idiot would take a drug meant for an animal? Ha, ha, ha!) There would have no mention of the unfeeling cruelness of the pharmacist, Walmart, and the FDA. No one would have said, “If the pharmacist had filled the prescription for the cheap and provenly safe drug, Ivermectin, Mr. Salier would probably still be alive today.”

The woke opposition to Ivermectin would say something like … “there are no proven studies that confirm the effectiveness of Ivermectin in Covid.” My response is and has always been … “who cares, you hypocrites! If it is safe, cheap, and potentially effective, there is no reason not to use Ivermectin for Covid.”

For the sake of discussion, when I get my own Ivermectin supply, I will not be forced to deal with the pharmacy Nazis!  (PS I already have my supply, but don’t tell the Feds!)



Another Unsung Hero

As has been my habit in the past, when I come across an unsung hero I try to inform others about him/her in a Sunday blog. Prior to this week I had never heard of Enes Kanter, and I doubt that many outside of the Boston area had ever heard of him either. 

As many of you are aware I basically have little use for the NBA (National Basketball Association). I do not watch any of their games on TV, and painstakingly avoid reading anything about the NBA in the sports section of my local “newspaper.” As Enes Kanter is a center on the NBA Boston Celtics, one might reasonably ask why I am devoting this entire piece to him. … Could it be because Enes Kanter has “cajones?” As opposed to U.S. climate envoy John Kerry who recently refused to call out China on its treatment of the Muslim Uyghur minority in the Xinjiang region in order to get China’s “cooperation” on climate change, Enes Kanter is risking his future in the NBA by speaking his mind about something that is important to him.

He said:

“My message to the Chinese government is: free Tibet. Tibet belongs to Tibetans. I am here to add my voice and speak out against what is happening in Tibet under the Chinese government’s brutal rule.” He then added: “I say, ‘Shame on the Chinese government.’ The Chinese dictatorship is erasing Tibetan identity and culture.”

For the uninformed, including myself, China has been slowly strangling Tibetan culture and traditions. The Chinese Communist atheists refuse to accept the deeply held Buddhist beliefs of the Tibetan people and are also slowly forcing them to use standard spoken and written Chinese. They say they have “liberated Tibetans from so-called ‘oppressive theocracy’” and restored Chinese rule over the region.

How did Kanter’s speaking his mind go over in China?

From PJ Media:

“China’s retaliatory response is that people in China will no longer be able to see any games or mention of the NBA’s Boston Celtics after Kanter posted his video on Facebook where he expressed pro-Tibetan independence sentiments and heavily criticized Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

Is this “telling it like it is” behavior new for Enes Kanter?

Apparently not as he has also been an outspoken opponent of the Erdogan regime in Turkey. In 2017, he was forced to flee Indonesia in the dead of night after learning that Turkish agents were on their way to his hotel room to kidnap him and take him back to Turkey.

What will be the NBA’s response? 

Still from PJ Media:

“The NBA has a history of kowtowing to the Chinese and obliging them in their efforts to censor all criticism. Recall that in 2019, Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey voiced support for Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters and was promptly punished when Chinese TV banned the Rockets. Under pressure Morey apologized, as did the NBA.”

It is interesting that Kanter had planned to play Wednesday’s game wearing a pair of sneakers emblazoned with the words “Free Tibet” and an image of a man self-immolating, a desperate form of protest to which Tibetans have sometimes resorted, said Badiucao, a prominent overseas Chinese political cartoonist who painted the designs on the shoes. Kanter was not given the chance: Coaches did not send him onto the court on Wednesday … Hmmm, coincidence?

Badiucao said Kanter had asked for his help with his Tibet project.

“It surprised me, indeed, because of the potential risks that Enes is taking for this project,” said Badiucao, who uses a pen name to protect his identity. “To act and support people not from your country, it’s a profound and rare character.”

“Character” and the NBA  … like oil and water, do not mix. Stay tuned.



I.P. Day

Those of you who keep all the important dates on your calendar or on your iPhone make sure that you put an asterisk or even a double asterisk to clearly mark October 19, 2022. This date is the third Wednesday in October, 2022, and is the next I.P. Day. Unfortunately, I inadvertently missed the celebrating  of I.P. Day on the third Wednesday of this year (10/20/21).

What? Am I sensing that a considerable multitude of you also missed I.P. Day this year? Do not be dismayed as fortunately our State Department did not forget the significance of the third Wednesday in October, 2021. In fact the State Department tweeted the following:

“we share why many people list pronouns on their email and social media profiles” with a link from the agency’s “platform for communicating compelling stories that spark discussion & debate on important topics about U.S. policy and culture.”

Whew! I feel much better now that I know that our State Department is right up date on these important issues. For those of you who are unawares I.P. Day is International Pronoun Day. Be that as it may, not all are happy with the State Department and their (or perhaps better said, “zir”) tweet. 

Congresswoman Tenney responded, “China is testing hypersonic missiles. We’re celebrating International Pronouns Day.”

Katie Pavlich tweeted, “What are the pronouns of the Americans you stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan?”

Personally, I feel bad for all of the confused multiple pronoun individuals. If they wish to declare the third Wednesday in October as International Pronoun Day, so be it … but for the State Department to feel obliged to comment on this insanity, only further points out how inept our State Department actually is!



It’s Only a Matter of Time !

In a fictional book written at the beginning of Covid, an isolated college town in the desert Southwest was economically failing badly (almost like being in the ICU). The lockdowns prevented any local merchants from doing much, if any business. In addition since most of the small businesses were located adjacent to the college, these businesses were close to death (on ventilators), because the college students were not on campus. The mayor of this town in concert with his physician friend devised a plan to get the town residents purposely infected with the coronavirus. After strictly isolating those who were ill, the older residents were advised to leave the town and stay away for two weeks. The purpose of this “trying to get Covid” plan was to achieve herd immunity. Did it work? You will have to read The Keneally Chronicles to find out. (Available on Amazon.)

At this point you might ask, “Would any normal real-life person ever do such a thing?” Here I am not talking about herd immunity, but rather getting individual natural immunity by purposely getting Covid.

Would anybody be so stupid?? 

Actually a very smart intelligent person did such a thing.

Conservative radio host Dennis Prager announced on 10/18/21 that he is recovering from the novel coronavirus, saying that he deliberately sought to contract the virus to acquire natural immunity, instead of getting vaccinated.

The 73-year-old founder of the conservative media company PragerU called it “infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity, and that is what I hoped for the entire time.”

“Hence I engaged with strangers constantly, hugging them, taking photos with them, knowing that I was making myself very susceptible to getting COVID, which is indeed, as bizarre as it sounds, what I wanted in the hope I would achieve natural immunity and be taken care of by therapeutics,” Mr. Prager said.

“That is exactly what has happened. It should have happened to the great majority of Americans,” he concluded.

At this point Mr. Prager will probably be banned from multiple different activities, because he is not now and will never be vaccinated. Presently “heads in the sand” individuals like President Biden and Dr. Fauci are adamantly rejecting the concept of natural immunity.

However, I predict that obstinance of this sort will change. It’s only a matter of time. For instance, following a growing trend, several Ohio hospitals are allowing staff who have already recovered from COVID-19 infections to defer their mandated vaccines. Premier Health, Kettering Health and the Dayton Children’s Hospital networks have all set a December 1 deadline for workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and all three networks are now accepting proof of natural immunity as a reason to defer compliance. (“Natural immunity” refers to testing positive for coronavirus-targeting antibodies following a COVID-19 infection.)

In the meantime, more and more organizations are beginning to rely on the emerging science of natural immunity. The Kentucky Senate is considering a resolution that would treat natural immunity as equivalent to COVID-19 vaccination. In Pennsylvania, major health networks now accept natural immunity as cause for workers to defer mandated vaccinations.

Like I said, “It’s only a matter of time before rational common sense thinking awakens.

As most of you are aware I am not an “anti-vaxer,” but if natural immunity is as good as, or ever better than the vaccine, then perhaps Dennis Prager is the smarter one.

With the vaccines having waning diminishing effectiveness, but still pretty good at preventing hospitalization, maybe the best thing for the vaccinated would be to now get Covid. An interesting proposition. Would I do it? … Not until I have my Ivermectin.

