Right from the beginning, let me be clear, NARA is not NARAL, which is the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League.

From Wikipedia:

“The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation’s record keeper. Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever.”

Sounds admirable … keep for perpetuity important historical documents.

Again from Wikipedia:

“The National Archives, and its publicly exhibited Charters of Freedom, which include the original United States Declaration of IndependenceUnited States ConstitutionUnited States Bill of Rights, and many other historical documents, is headquartered in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. It has over 3000 employees and it annual budget is $391M. It is characterized as ‘independent.’”

However, more and more these days to me “independent” implies “woke.”

From the Federalist:

The National Archives Records Administration placed a “harmful content” warning on the Constitution, labeling the governing document of the United States as “harmful or difficult to view.” The warning applies to all documents across the Archives’ cataloged website, including the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

In a statement the administration said, “Some of the materials presented here may reflect outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions. In addition, some of the materials may relate to violent or graphic events and are preserved for their historical significance.”

Along with committing to diversity and equity, the NARA said it would “[work] in conjunction with diverse communities, [and] seek to balance the preservation of this history with sensitivity to how these materials are presented to and perceived by users.”

Wow, another woke way to not pay attention to history! Usually a lot of “wokeness” these days involves “racism.” Where is it? 

Err … Oops. “This isn’t the first time the National Archives has catered to a leftist view of history. In June, the National Archives’ racism task force claimed that the Archives’ rotunda, which houses founding documents, is an example of “structural racism.” The task force also pushed to include trigger warnings around displays of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, which are all in the rotunda. 

The warning is a blanket statement atop all documents in the archived catalogs that links to a “Statement on Potentially Harmful Content.”

I can’t get over that a national agency has a “racism task force!” Who’s paying the salaries for this task force? Undoubtedly “we the people.” (Note that there is no warning attached to “we the people” . . .  yet!)


Which ‘O’ Word ?

Last week Joe Biden (J.B.) proclaimed that “life does not begin at conception.” The logical question which should have been asked is, “President Biden, if life does not begin at conception, when does it begin?” Thus far I have not seen nor heard of anyone asking this obvious question!

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I looked up his education to see if he had come across something scientific that I had perhaps missed in school.

In college J.B. earned a Bachelor of Arts. Those that I know who have earned a Bachelor of Arts did not take many biology courses. In fact most took none. And for certain, those in liberal arts never took an Embryology course. Hmmm, I wonder where he came across this knowledge? Perhaps in law school where he finished in the lower 11% of his class? I think that it is a safe bet that the relationship between conception and life is not something that is taught in law schools even today.

Somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind was a word to describe this type of personal knowledge, and although I could not put my finger on this word, I knew it began with the letter, ‘O.’ So I pulled out my Grolier Webster International Dictionary, and started to alphabetically scroll through the ‘O’-words, hoping that I would recognize that ‘O’-word that describes President Biden’s apparent knowledge:

-‘obdurate’ … meaning indifferent to or unmoved by human feelings. (Not the word I was thinking of, although it certainly describes J.B.’s treatment of the families of those killed recently in Afghanistan.)

-‘obfuscated’ … meaning bewildered, confused, or muddled. (Not the word I was thinking of, although applicable to J.B. almost all of the time.)

-‘obnoxious’ … meaning offensive or unpopular. (WithJ.B’s favorability now below forty percent, he is certainly becoming more and more unpopular.)

-‘obsequious’ … meaning excessively obedient and submissive. (Absolutely applies to J.B., although at this point we are not sure to whom he is being obedient and submissive.)

-‘obsolescent’ … tending to become out of date. (I would guess that even J.B.’s handlers realize that poorly hidden index cards are no longer trendy.)

-‘obtunded’ … dull (Self explanatory) 

-‘octogenarian’ … 80-90 years old (technically, not quite, although)

-‘offensive’ … causing anger and resentment (again self-explanatory for multiple reasons, but still not the word I am trying to think of.)

-‘omnipotent’ … having unlimited power (unfortunately, he thinks that he is ‘the king’ with unlimited power, though in a constitutional republic, that is not the case.)

-‘opprobrious’ … disgraceful or shameful (although this word perfectly describes his overall his actions in Afghanistan, not the word I was trying to think of.)

I was getting discouraged as I was not finding the right word for J.B.’s almost miraculous knowledge, as and then I hit upon it …

-‘omniscient’ … having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.

Yes, one way of looking at J.B.’s knowledge about when life begins is to say that J.B. is indeed omniscient!!

From my wife’s Irish heritage, another descriptive ‘O’ word pops into to my head when I think of J.B.:

– ‘omadon’ … buffoon

OMG, the real question is how can this deceptive, devious, deceitful dunderhead sleep at night ?


Outrageous … But Then

It is amazing to me that when I hear an outrageous story, I can almost bet that something even more outrageous will soon be coming down the pike. Last night I heard a story … an undoubtedly true story from a very reliable source.

This story involved two women in their nineties that now lived in Germany. Many years back they had transiently lived in the U.S. with a relative. However, within a year or so after the relative died, the two older women decided to move back to their homeland. They then moved back to Germany where they have lived ever since. Last month when their nephew made his bimonthly “how are you getting along aunty” telephone call, the two elderly women were in quite a tizzy, and didn’t know what to do. They had each received a $600 debit card from the IRS … the IRS in the U.S., which had sent these cards to them at their address in Germany. I thought, “It is outrageous enough that people in the U.S. got this free money when they didn’t deserve it. At least they would be spending it in the U.S. – but these two older German citizens would be adding to Germany’s GNP courtesy of the U.S. Government.

Certainly outrageous … but then today the other outrageous “I can top that” shoe dropped. The following is from a Tik Tok video courtesy of Rand Paul. (Yes, that same Rand Paul that was recently banned from YouTube for reporting on two peer reviewed medical studies which contradicted the supposed efficiency of face masks in Covid.) 

In this Tik Tok video Sen. Paul described how he introduced a bill in the Senate to stop sending stimulus checks to dead people. He related that 1.1 million dead people received over $1 billion in stimulus checks this past summer. Outrageous, you say! But then, what was even more outrageous was that this could only be stopped over a three year period. In other words the same government that insists that it knows best on just about everything needed three years notice in order to stop sending government money to dead people. Outrageous!


A Paradoxical Peter’s Principle ?

For those who are aware of this term, Peter’s Principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their “maximum level of incompetence”: employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another. (Emphasis is mine.)

In day to day life we see this all the time. For instance, in baseball, players are constantly brought up from the minors to the major league club because they have had success in the minor leagues. How often do these players stay in the majors? Often it depends on their ability to hit an authentic curve ball. If they do not have this ability, they do not remain with the major league club, and back down to the minors they go. Note here, however, with this example, baseball players who do not succeed at the minor league level are not called up to the major league team.

Likewise there are many good teachers, and at some point some of these teachers become principals. Not all of these principals are good principals as they have reached their level of incompetence. What often happens to these now proven to be incompetent principals? They retire, or they go back to teaching often at a different school or different district, or they get transferred to the district office where many possibly remain incompetent, but usually unnoticed. Note with this example, poor or unsuccessful teachers only infrequently move up the food chain.

In both of these examples, the individual who has risen to his/her level of incompetence is dealt with appropriately, and does not remain in that position in which he/she is incompetent.

What about politics?

Right from the very start one might be tempted to say that Joe Biden is the modern, personified definition of Peter’s Principle. One problem with this, however, is that Joe Biden never had any ‘real success’ in his past endeavors.

According to Wikipedia, he was a “poor student” in high school, and an “unexceptional student” in college where he earned a Bachelor of Arts.

Yes, he did graduate from law school, albeit in the lower part of his class … 76 out of a class of 85. He did practice law for a few years. Not much is know about his success as a lawyer, but suffice it to say that during these few years, he supplemented his income by managing properties.

He never did serve in the military as he obtained five student draft deferments, at a time when most draftees were sent to the Vietnam War. In 1968, based on a physical examination, he was given a conditional medical deferment … whatever that means. In 2008, a spokesperson for Biden said his having had “asthma as a teenager” was the reason for the deferment. This is interesting because Biden played baseball and was a standout halfback and wide receiver on the high school football team. A star football player with asthma??  … I guess it’s possible. 

However, now we have a person who is the commander-in-chief of the military who apparently finagled a conditional medical deferment … again what does that actually mean …”conditional.” Granted we have had other presidents who have never served in the military, however these other past presidents have been successful in something … Joe Biden, not so much.

Moving right along, in his previous position as a Senator and as a Vice President did he have any ‘real success?’ Can anyone enlighten me on any of his accomplishments in these endeavors?

But now comes the practical issue … Joe Biden has seemingly reached the level of ultimate incompetence, even though he has never really succeeded in any of his past jobs.  Whereas it usually takes a while for incompetence to manifest itself, here it has only taken a few months. 

Both in baseball and in schools when  Peter’s Principal is obvious and someone is not up to the task, he/she doesn’t last long … black to the minors or a transfer to the district office, but here we are stuck for years to come.

Here perhaps we should refer to this paradoxical pattern as the Biden Principle:

“Never succeed at anything, yet rise to the ultimate level of in competence.”


Let’s Pretend

Let’s pretend that you voted for Joe Biden. I know! I know that you probably didn’t, but play along for just a bit. Prior to last week you were probably having some difficulty sticking up for your guy, but at least he wasn’t a mean tweeter. There were some things that were occurring, but you could always change the subject and respond  … “but can you prove it!”

The following were just some of the issues that you, as Biden supporters, were faced with:

-Inflation going up in leaps and bounds for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of all the government money that was pouring into the economy, and the trillions being spent by our Democratic Congress. I am going to go out on a limb here … but since you did vote for Joe, you probably neither understand nor care about inflation.

-Our wide open southern border with thousands upon thousands of who knows what coming into our country. This might be a bit tougher for you to explain especially when they are bringing in more Covid at a time of increasing Covid hospitalizations and deaths. However, being fervent Biden supporters, you can rationalize that these illegals will be a Democratic voting bloc for years to come.

-Increasing gas prices … their response, “err, it happens just about every year or three or four.”

But now comes the real tough issue … namely Afghanistan. 

Where to start? As a Biden voter, can you explain why the U.S evacuated the Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night, without letting the Afghanies know? Why was this not the last thing to do in order to choreograph any common sense sort of leaving?  … Their response, “Oops, a minor miscalculation.”

Can you explain why J.B. did not inform our NATO allies as to what was happening? … “

Their response, “They probably did not want to be involved.”

What about the leaving behind of American citizens or those that helped us while we were there. … Their response, “The Taliban has promised that they won’t harm them.”

What about the leaving behind of billions of dollars of military equipment so that the Taliban can now use these weapons against anybody. … Tneir response, “An innocent mistake. It probably slipped someone’s mind.”

What about the deaths of the eleven Marines, the one Army soldier and the one Navy medic outside the entrance to the chaotic Kabul Airport? How do you Biden voters not feel somewhat responsible for the deaths of these young men? …

Their response, “I did not ever vote for the man responsible for these deaths, as certainly these unfortunate deaths are Trump’s fault. Excuse me, now I have some important business to attend to.”


Rashard Turner

This is just another in my series of individuals that you have probably never heard of, but now you will be familiar with. Rashard Turner was the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota. Whoa !! The founder of a BLM chapter? Get real! Why should anyone care about the founder of a BLM chapter? 

He later quit the group, and told Fox News in an interview that the organization was “racist” against black children because they opposed school choice.

Wow! That’s a 180 degree reversal. And he says more … a lot more.

The following is from his Fox News interview:

JILIAN MELE, FOX NEWS HOST: So the organization raised $90 million in 2020. And I’m curious where that money is going. And if that money is going to help black families to help black children?

RASHARD TURNER, FORMER BLM ACTIVIST: Well, I’ll tell you this, we here in Minnesota, we’ve got worst in nation education gaps. And you know, based on the data, where we have tons of schools where four out of five kids cannot read, I would say that money’s not coming to Minnesota, alright? If we had $90 million, heck children will be up here reading, our schools would be better. But let me add something here. When you think about that $90 million, where it comes from, BLM has been co-opted. They’ve been co-opted by teachers unions, specifically at the national level, the American Federation of Teachers, and here locally in Minnesota, Education Minnesota. These teachers unions own the Democrats, they own BLM, and teachers unions, in my opinion, they kill our children’s hopes and dreams. So, if we’re thinking about black children doing what’s best for black families, we have to start with education. Yeah, there’s not a disparity in this country that doesn’t begin with folks not being able to read. So black lives really matter. We must start in that classroom.

TODD PIRO, FOX NEWS HOST: I mean, that’s the crux of this right? For decades, blacks have been prevented from getting the same quality education as whites. It’s a fact, it’s reality. Why does the education system though, seem to be allowed to suppress blacks like it does?

TURNER: Well, it’s the teachers unions. I can’t say it enough. Here in Minnesota, Education Minnesota is 94% white, yet they walk around acting like they’re so woke, that they understand what’s best for black children, right? But they own our education system. They spend about $30-$50 million a year here in Minnesota to control what our politicians are doing. I don’t know if folks have been paying attention to what our, you know, I don’t even know what to call him these days, but Governor Tim Walz here in Minnesota hasn’t done one thing. And that’s because teachers unions control him. We have to start listening to parents. I mean, there’s no way on earth, after these two past school years, that folks can think that things like education savings accounts, aren’t going to be good for families. I’ll tell you, there’s not one black family in my neighborhood here in St. Paul, that has said, ‘Hey, we don’t want that money to follow our child.’ Anyone who’s in opposition to school choice, charter schools, you’re right, I’d say they’re a racist. Because we know that charter schools are creating opportunities, we know that that money that is supposed to be educating our children. That’s not happening here in Minnesota, we spend the most money, you know, top states in this country, on what we spend on education. However, our outcomes don’t show that we’re spending millions upon millions of dollars, trying to educate children.

Hmmm! BLM in bed with the Democrats and the Teacher’s Union? Who would have thunk it?

I like this guy, Rashard Turner. 

Funny thing is  – I haven’t read a thing about Mr. Rashard Turner or his present day opinions in my local liberal newspaper. 


Ivermectin … Conservative/Liberal

Last week at lunch a friend of mine said that he knew someone who could get Ivermectin in Mexico. There was a group of eight of us, all conservative, at the table when this Ivermectin for treatment of Covid discussion took place. Seven of the eight are retired from different varied positions in the medical field … three of us are retired physicians. How many of us do you think requested that he have his friend get a supply of Ivermectin for themselves? 

If you guessed eight, you were “under,” as not only did everyone at the table  say, “yes, count me in,” but some in addition ordered enough to also treat their spouses.

Why Mexico? … because Ivermectin is not sanctioned as a treatment for Covid in the U.S.

A few days later I was with a group of mainly liberal physicians, and I asked the same question. With this group, zero … none … nada wanted a supply of nor would take Ivermectin.

For those not aware, Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is used to treat river blindness and intestinal roundworm infection in humans and to de-worm pets and livestock. Lotions and creams containing ivermectin are also used to treat head lice and rosacea.

From the Lancet in Jan., 2018:

“Ivermectin has been widely used for 30 years to combat onchocerciasis (River Blindness) and is rightly considered a wonder drug. Insect spraying used to be used for onchocerciasis, but no longer, as it was supplemented by, and ultimately replaced from the 1990s by, mass administration of ivermectin, a drug which kills microfilariae and prevents their release by the adult worms for several months. This mass treatment was made possible by the decision of Merck & Co to donate ivermectin for the control of onchocerciasis. Since ivermectin does not kill adult onchocerciasis, annual treatments are required to keep microfilarial densities low. To ensure distribution of the drug is sustained in the long term, the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control implemented community-directed treatment with ivermectin. The programme has had an impressive impact; in most endemic foci, onchocerciasis is no longer a public health problem and transmission might have been interrupted in some foci. Ivermectin has been administered to approximately 3.7 billion people.

Why would anyone think that Ivermectin might be of benefit in Covid?

In early 2020, a paper was made public (before it was reviewed by other scientists) which showed ivermectin suppresses the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, under laboratory conditions. This was one of many studies over the past 50 years to show that the antiparisitic drug could also have antiviral uses.

In late 2020, a research group in India was able to summarise the results of four small studies of ivermectin as an add-on treatment in COVID-19 patients. This review showed a statistically significant improvement in survival among patients who received ivermectin in addition to other treatments.

But the authors stated clearly that the quality of the evidence was low and that the findings should be treated with caution. 

The drug company Merck, which manufactures ivermectin, has issued a statement saying there’s no scientific basisfor a potential therapeutic effect against COVID.

The FDA warned about the drug’s use for COVID in March.

But that hasn’t stopped people from seeking it out. In a new communication to its Health Alert Network, the CDC says cases of overdose and misuse are rising.

Now at this point I would suggest that we inject a dose of common sense. Of course side effects from the use Ivermectin are rising. Think about it for a second … a drug that is used by vets to treat large animals is being brought across the border from Mexico. For the most part those taking it are winging it – taking it without a prescription and without supervision. Should anyone be surprised that there are increasing side effects from this drug?

From Mississippi:

A letter from State Epidemiologist Paul Byers said that more than 70% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were related to the ingestion of ivermectin.

“Animal drugs are highly concentrated for large animals and can be highly toxic in humans,” Byers said in the letter, according to The Hill.

“Patients should be advised to not take any medications intended to treat animals and should be instructed to only take Ivermectin as prescribed by their physician,” he added.

There have been no hospitalizations, and he reported that 85% of the cases reported of poisoning involving Ivermectin led to mild symptoms.

Not exactly an emergency … mild symptoms and no hospitalizations, and this is in Mississippi where most people can read.

Now here’s where the common sense comes in! 

This drug has been safely used in humans in Africa for thirty years – in thirty years only about 100 deaths in the 3.7 billion that took the drug. In Africa it is used with some supervision at a standard regimented dose.

Why is this not done in the US. for Covid. It is dirt cheap. In the proper dose the side effects are very few. And … and … it may actually work, at least for some with Covid. (Anecdotal reports of amazing successes abound.)

Why not give MDs the go ahead to write prescriptions for Ivermectin now?

Perhaps everybody should have a small supply … just in case. 

Personally, I want some, and if liberals do not want to take Ivermectin, so be it.


Who Would Want To Work Here?

Let’s say for the sake of discussion that you are in the midst of a job interview, and as fate would have it, you are interviewing with the CEO of the company. During the interview you notice that your potential future commander-in-chief repeatedly glances at his watch. After his fifth glance you actually become a bit irritated, but then you rationalize that he may in fact have something more important to do … like going to the funeral of a friend’s son. 

During the interview the first time that he apparently forgot your name, you rationalized that you may have misunderstood him. However, the second time he called you “Sam,” you felt that it was necessary to tell him that your name was not Sam, but Dan. He responded to that by saying, “Yes, yes, I know,” in a somewhat jocular tone. Nonetheless, the thinning of his lips and the narrowing of his eyes were dead giveaways that he did not take kindly to being corrected … even when he was obviously wrong.

To some of your questions he repeatedly referred to the index cards that he was trying to hide in his lap. It almost seemed that he needed the cards to answer some straightforward questions. In addition twice I asked what I thought was a simple question, and twice his convoluted answer came around to something called ‘bow’ accompanied by a tear in his eye. By the end of the interview I had pretty much made up my mind. To myself I said, “Who would ever choose to work here?”

As you walked out of his office someone in the hall tugged at your arm and whispered, “Be very careful, son. He will never stand behind you in a pinch. Furthermore, if you make a wrong decision based on his advise, he will let you hang on your own. Because he is in charge, he constantly ignores the advice of those that know much more about something than he does. That is why those that evaluate the strength of this company are increasingly giving it a failing grade. The only reason I am still working here is that I am getting close to my twenty year retirement, and if I quit now, I will lose big time. Be assured that I will deny what I am saying to you, as the last seventeen year vet that opened his mouth got fired. Some say that the CEO’s ineptitude is related to early dementia, but I think he was incapable and incompetent long before he became demented.”

Then he added parenthetically … “who would ever choose to work here?”

I predict that we will see a drop off of new enlistments in all the branches of service as those in charge are now too woke, too gutless, and too stupid!


Colleges … Chaos!

In a recent Sunday paper a lot of space was devoted to how each of the four local colleges are handling getting the students back to in-person learning after subjecting their students to the close to useless Zoom  classes for the entirety of the last academic year.

I guess I am guilty of assuming that because we are dealing with colleges as opposed to dealing with pre-schools, that their approach would be more esoteric and learned. However, after reading how each college is going to handle this year’s inevitable quagmire, I was disappointed because there was no mention of how they are going to deal with the certain morass that is going to occur once the students are back on campus … back living in the dorms … back partying whether on or off campus.

In my way of thinking all colleges, not just those here locally, missed a golden opportunity last year. Instead of quarantining covld positive students to their rooms for weeks on end, would it not have been better to let the Covid positive individuals mix with other students in the same dorm or in the same apartment complex? If that plan had been followed, there would have been no change to last year’s practically useless Zoom classes. Individual students could have obviously taken Zoom classes in their rooms while in quarantine or not in quarantine. At this point colleges have no idea how many of their students actually already had Covid. These students probably have significantly better immunity than those who are now being forced to be vaccinated. What will these colleges do when all vaccinated individuals are going to need boosters, or when the inevitable positive Covid test shows up in a student who lives in a dorm or who has been attending multiple different in-person classes or parties. I predict chaos.

Already on “neighborhood watch” the Karens are complaining the there are college parties in their neighborhoods … “shame, shame, on you college students for partying!”

What about preschool? How did my granddaughter’s preschool handle this issue? If a kid was sick, the parents were told to keep him/her home. When the child returned there was no testing, and undoubtedly some of these young kids were Covid positive, and thus spread Covid positivity among other preschool students. (Have you ever seen a preschool classroom? Social distancing … impossible. Masks … taken on and off and for the most part not worn correctly).

While everyone agreed that 2020 was chaos, I predict more of the same for 2021-2 especially at colleges.

In my novella, The Keneally Chronicles, a town and it’s university handled Covid in a different way … in a way that avoided Zoom completely. If college presidents had read about the approach that this southwestern town and its college took, would the situation in present day colleges be different? When the inevitable college chaos occurs this year, perhaps some reflection should occur.


“Hell No” … And It’s Just the Beginning !

A few weeks ago the Supreme Court (Justice Amy Coney Barrett) refused to hear a case involving Indiana State colleges mandating the Covid vaccine for entering students. Note that this was not a private business, but a state school. At that point I emphasized that this was just the beginning, and SCOTUS’ ducking this issue would only lead to more and more chaos. 

Right on schedule, in Chicago, on 8/23/21, Mayor Lori Lightfoot told reporters that jabs “are absolutely going to be required” for all city employees by Oct. 15. Lightfoot’s mandate will include the police to be fully vaccinated by that same date.

The mayor’s call was immediately met with pushback from Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara, who said the city’s police are adamantly opposed to a mandate — which could mean the city could be short thousands of cops come mid-October.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that this is not going over well with the Chicago PD, whose union made it clear where cops stand: “Hell, no.”

Catanzara continued, “It cannot be mandated. It’s that simple. Our members don’t want to be mandated to do anything like that,” Catanzara told the Sun-Times following Lightfoot’s announcement. “This vaccine has no studies for long-term side effects or consequences. None. To mandate anybody to get that vaccine, without that data as a baseline, amongst other issues, is a ‘Hell, no’ for us.”

Catanzara doubled down on the issue in a followup interview with the newspaper Wednesday.

“We’re in America, God***n it,” he said. “We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi f***ing Germany, [where they say], ‘Step into the f***ing showers. The pills won’t hurt you.’ What the f***?”

“Nobody knows what the long term side effects could possibly be. Nobody,” he went on. “And anybody who says they do are full of s**t.”

And the mayor can expect to see them in court, WFLD-TV reported

It certainly will be interesting to see what happens in Chicago come October 15, and this will be just the beginning. Granted Justice Coney Barrett is just a rookie, but wouldn’t it be best if everyone knew just how far those in authority could mandate things for us ordinary citizens.
