What follows here in Part 3 will be tough reading. Do not attempt to read all of Part 3 in one sitting, as you will find yourself reading too quickly and not absorbing the full importance of what is being said. It was only on my slow repeated re-reading of certain parts separately that I was able to fully comprehend the shocking detail of what happened. For example, (9) and (10) should not be read in the same sitting. These two critical long paragraphs should be read in their entirety, separately – not at the same time, and optimally not at the same sitting with other paragraphs. (Furthermore, I would advise saving all three parts of this long essay, as there is a strong possibility that it will somehow be deleted and disappear from view, because those that know best will categorize it as “false claims.”)
The third category of incidents and analyses is of the greatest significance for the presidential election.
The incidents are more systemic and the analyses are much more sophisticated and detailed. They are game-changers.
1) GA, MI, PA, and WI violated the Constitution by altering election procedures without their state Legislatures changing their state election laws, rules, and procedures. This was done illegally using the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse. These states allowed wholesale mail-in and absentee voting, which violates state election laws, thus opening the door wide to potential fraud. SCOTUS would not hear the case.
2) As reported on Nov. 8, Antrim County, Michigan, a traditionally red county, showed a huge bump for Biden/Harris of 130,000 votes in the early morning of Nov. 4 after the “pause.” No votes at that time for Trump/Pence and the totals from the voter machines did not agree with the paper print-outs. A recount using the paper tapes showed Trump to be the winner.
3) By Nov. 12, a report showed that votes were switched from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris in multiple states. The reporting claims that in these states (WI., IL., LA., TN., MN., AZ., CA., VA., OH., GA., NY., MI., Fl., NJ., and PA.) anywhere from 2,078 votes to 220,883 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. All of the states mentioned were using Dominion system voting machines. By Dec. 17 a video was out showing raw data from multiple AZ counties including Maricopa that documented 700,000 votes transferred from Trump to Biden in 8 counties. A provided map showed the number of stolen votes in each of the 8 counties. On Dec. 30, during a Georgia state senate hearing, it was revealed that 30,593 votes were deducted from Trump’s total vote and 12,173 of those votes were switched to Biden. Georgia used Dominion machines for the election.
4) As reported on Nov. 13, three experts analyzed four Michigan counties. They found a minimum of 69,000 votes were shifted from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris in just the 4 counties.
5) By Dec. 11, Sidney Powell reported that a Dominion Tabulator was tested in Ware County., GA by inserting the same number of ballots marked for Trump/Pence as were marked for Biden/Harris. The Dominion Tabulator showed Biden won by 26%. The tabulator did this by counting every Trump vote as 0.87 of a vote and counting every Biden vote as 1.13 votes (see B-6).
6) On Jan. 6, Maria Zack, founder of Nations in Action, was interviewed on video. She revealed that a senior software engineer/ whistleblower in Italy confessed in an affidavit that he had uploaded software that gave the instructions to change votes from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris. The upload went to a satellite owned by the large Italian Company, Leonardo, then to servers in Germany, and then to the U.S. The CIA was reportedly involved and so were Dominion machines. The votes in seventeen states were affected including GA. Governor Kemp was informed. The sworn testimony of the software engineer mentioned that this happened when it was realized that Biden was losing.
7) Jan. 12, a 36-page report regarding foreign election interference in our Nov. 2020 election was released by Stanford researcher, Jovan Pulitzer. He states that 65 foreign countries were involved in the attack of over 600 county polling centers. He stated that “this is vetted and factual.” His report charges irregularities and fraud in MI., PA., WI., MN., GA., NV., AZ., and NM. The report states “Critical infrastructure [was] utilized …….. to subvert the will of United States voters and install a China ally.” The researcher provided evidence at a GA. Senate hearing that the Chinese Communist Party financially controlled Dominion Voting machines and the testing of Smartmatic Software used with those machines. He also stated in the hearing that without counterfeit ballots, Trump almost certainly would have won.
8) Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof, a 2 hr. long video released Feb. 5, features experts who describe documented evidence of machine manipulation of tens of thousands of votes accomplished by the intentional setting of voting systems to weight votes (see B-66) using algorithms (instructions) that have since been unraveled. The weighting was in Biden’s favor. 7,000 votes in Antrim County., Mich were flipped from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris. Even more astounding is the foreign interference primarily from China where votes were simply deducted from one candidate and given to another, or injected for the candidate of choice (Biden). Other countries (Spain, UK, Germany, and Italy) are also implicated. Our own federal government is also alleged to have been involved. The DOJ shut down investigations into the election and also tried to shut down court cases dealing with potential election fraud.
9) Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, a 2 hr. long video released about Mar. 19, implicates China, Iran, Serbia, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia in the U.S. election fraud. Per Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, in one county of NH, the vote on Nov. 3 started with a gift of 300 votes for Biden/Harris before the polls even opened. Dr. Douglas Frank stated that people that don’t exist were registered and then votes were ‘provided’ for them. He also indicated that in cases where voters were told at the polls that they had already voted, that this was because the algorithm had already voted for them. Per a camouflaged voice from a person called “John”, there is absolute proof of incursion into 150 election servers in 14 different states by China. The incursions also include multiple offices of the secretaries of state. “John” stated that “China chose Biden/Harris, not the American people.”
A cybersecurity and advanced threats expert, who was not named and whose image was blurred, spoke of a cyber footprint that was locked in time. He then went into detail about 19 instances of incursion. He said all of these 19 incursions were initiated by China and that 2,295 counties in the US had been attacked in all 50 states. Votes for Trump/Pence went down over time and Biden/Harris went up. The downtrend is impossible in a valid system. In just these 19 incursions, 518,617 votes switched from Trump to Biden. The unnamed person stated that using data from just these incursions, Trump won AZ, MI, WI, PA, and GA.
10) Mike Lindell’s Scientific Proof, a 1 hr. long video released Mar. 31, is devoted almost entirely to the work of Dr. Douglas G. Frank, a Ph.D. physicist who looked in-depth into vote manipulation by voting machines. Dr. Frank adeptly presents multiple graphs and charts to make his case. His first clue that there was something amiss was when he looked at a voter database and noticed that there were far too many registered voters who voted only in the Nov. 3, 2020 election. He and his volunteer team knocked on 1600 doors and found out that 32% of them did not exist. They were phantom voters. This led to checking a curve of registrations by age group against a curve of ballots actually submitted by age group. This curve comparison shows gaps pointing to which demographics don’t vote as much and subsequently where there is room to ‘provide’ ballots without exceeding the numbers of registered voters in that demographic. Dr. Frank determined how much room there was for the fraudulent expansion of the votes (registrations vs. actual voting) in each demographic in 14 counties in Ohio, took an average of that discrepancy for each age group, and plotted the discrepancies. The curve can be described mathematically with only 6 numbers instead of 82 (ages 18 thru 100) plus a seventh number for turnout to predict the 2020 election numbers. His predictions fit perfectly with ballots submitted (not necessarily all valid). The fit was so perfect in all 88 counties that it was statistically impossible as shown by extremely high correlation coefficients (R) – even 1.00. For example, it showed that across the whole state of Ohio, the exact same percentage of 70 yr. olds voted in each county. This was true for all age groups and is not normal behavior. It could maybe be accepted in a precinct or two, but not across 88 counties and all with the exact same formula (algorithm) for deceit. It could only be accomplished by machine manipulation of registrations and votes and Dr. Frank had discovered the algorithm that accounted for the fraud. He also discovered because he noticed the same two strange little glitches in all the curves of county data (impossible), that the algorithm was based on 2010 census data. Those population data were used to program the voting machines to increase registrations so that the illegally input votes would not exceed registration numbers for each demographic thus making it less suspicious. An adjusted algorithm for PA. showed the same evidence of deceit. However, because the turnout was so great, and Trump/Pence voters so predominant, the algorithms were not enough. Therefore, we get the shut down in the middle of the night so algorithms could be adjusted and more illegal votes input into the system. Thus in one county in Colorado, 150% of the population was ‘registered’ to vote. In fact, in the first 20 or so counties listed by Dr. Frank, in Colorado, there were more registered to vote than in the total population. This anomaly may not have been discovered if 2020 census data were available and used in the programmed machine algorithms. The voting machines had to be, and were, online before, during, and after the election to accomplish this. They are not supposed to be online at all. These illegal vote additions occurred across the country, not just in swing states. So even in states where Trump/Pence was given a win, they won by much more than was reported. Apologies to Mike Lindell and Dr. Frank if this summary doesn’t do them justice.
11) On or about June 3, Mike Lindell released another video, Absolutely 9-0, in which a cyber expert explains and shows the data that were used by machines in China to alter votes in U.S. machines. The machine data (called PCaps for packet captures) are encrypted, but Lindell’s hired experts translated them and they show irrefutable evidence of vote flips from Trump to Biden and not the other way around. These data can’t be altered and can’t even be obtained after the fact. They must be recorded during the hack and they were. Lindell showed evidence of enough vote flips by an incursion into our machines to give the election to Trump in MI, WI, GA, PA, and AZ.
After reading ll of these three parts, I believe that the claim of election fraud in Nov. 2020 has now gone from “probable” to “certain.”
The person who compiled the information detailed in Parts 1,2, and 3 closed with the following:
“In summary, the Nov. 2020 election was stolen; there are a lot of data to substantiate fraud; it is not a conspiracy theory; judges have dismissed cases on procedural grounds and not the merits; Trump/Pence won the election. If the courts – particularly SCOTUS hear this evidence. Trump will be our president again. I hope it is not an idle wish.”