
On 6/17/21 at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, San Diego bishop Robert McElroy worried about “destructive consequences” of a Catholic bishops’ document that would address the question of “Catholic” politicians and their promotion of abortion. To my way of thinking, for whatever reason, bishop (notice the purposeful absence of a capital ‘B’), bishop McElroy’s lack of fortitude in this matter is merely postponing the inevitable. Henceforth, I shall refer to him as one of the “squishy” bishops. “Squishy” because making the obvious and oftentimes right decision takes fortitude, and fortitude and “squishy” are antithetical attributes.

His squishy do-nothing strategy reminded me of a quote attributed to Edmund Burke, included by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 

On that same morning I read an article from the American Thinker by John Green in which the author bemoaned the fact that the Supreme Court chose not to get involved in any of the lawsuits and Constitutional issues concerning the 2020 presidential election.

Mr. Green states, “It was a cowardly way to stay out of the political controversy. Unfortunately, it also missed an opportunity to defend the Constitution, which was clearly under attack.”

As background, for the Supreme Court to hear a case there must be four votes to proceed. This is referred to as the so-called ‘Rule of Four,’ which is further detailed in my fictional novella, “The Keneally Chronicles.” Only three of the Justices voted to take up an election fraud case. Most likely these were Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch.

As should be obvious to everybody, the liberal Justices, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer undoubtedly did not vote to hear election cases. This leaves only three other justices, namely Roberts, Barrett, and Kavanaugh. Henceforth I shall refer to these three justices as the “squishy” justices (notice that there is no capital ‘J’ when referring to these three “squishy” justices). If any of the “squishy” justices had had the fortitude to proceed in the time after the election, the Country would not be in the mess that it is in today. 

Back then there should have been a chorus of “Hear the case, squishy John.” “Hear the case, squishy Amy,” and “Hear the case, squishy Brett.” “Do your job! Do what the Supreme Court is supposed to do … decide on Constitutional issues.” To my way of thinking their lack of fortitude has only put off the inevitable. At some point “do nothing” needs to become “do something,” and “squishy” needs to morph into “courageous.” 

Perhaps it would be apropos for us all to remind these three justices:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 


Enticement vs. Coercion

Many times in the past I have said, “often there can be a fine line between  courage and craziness or likewise between brave behavior and foolish behavior.” For example, running into a burning building to save a cat … brave and courageous or foolish? Or for those cat-lovers out there – consider the “daring”, or perhaps I should say “dumb” exploits of Evel Knievel. Need I say more?

I bring up the concept of “a fine line” as a lead-in to the controversial topic of mandating Covid vaccinations, as here there appears to be an expanding fine line between enticement and coercion.

Right from the git-go, I want to be clear that I am far, far from being an anti-vaxxer. I grew up in the polio era, and it was scary … “you can’t go to the neighborhood pool, you’ll get polio.” My kids have always gotten their vaccines. I have gotten all of my vaccines through adulthood. I have had a flu-shot every year for about the last fifty years. I was one of the first to stand in long lines to get my Moderna Covid vaccine, and, yes, I have gotten both shots. Why? Simple. I am in the high risk group for Covid. According to the CDC, when compared to 5-17 year olds, I am 3500X more likely to die and 65X more likely to be hospitalized if I get Covid. Furthermore, if I were to get Covid, my chance of dying from it is 0.8% (8.2 out of 100,000) compared to a 0.0002% risk of dying in the 5-14 year old age group, and a 0.0015% risk in the 15-24 year old age group.

With that background I will now address the main thrust of this essay: Namely, “should Americans be coerced into getting a Covid vaccine.” 

At this point, 73.7% of the population of over-65 Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and 85.2% have had at least one dose. Recall that these are the most medically vulnerable to the ravages of the virus.

From my perspective, private businesses can probably do whatever they wish, at least until some court rules on it. This is a business decision. Will requiring proof of vaccination, let’s say to go to a restaurant, or to board a plane, lead to more customers or less customers? Certain states have offered enticements to encourage people in that state to get vaccinated. Although I view this as a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money, nobody is coercing anybody to get the vaccine if they do not want to get it. BTW, the reason that those individuals are choosing not to be vaccinated is totally irrelevant. 

What about those who have already had Covid? Should they be coerced or even enticed to get the vaccine? Is there any proof one way or the other? Senator Rand Paul (R, KE) has had Covid, and says that at this point he will not be getting the vaccine unless new data shows that it would be beneficial for him.

What about middle-school and high school students? Should they be coerced or even enticed to get vaccinated? (It is important to note here that requiring a Covid vaccination is much different from requiring DPT shots to attend school, as at this point no one knows what the benefits vs. the long term potential side-effects of the Covid vaccinations are.)  Despite the fact that the statistics show that this young age group is at minuscule risk from Covid, I have it on good authority that some school districts in Massachusetts will be requiring (coercing) students to be vaccinated come the beginning of the next school year. As best I can tell, being able to go to a public school is one of the benefits of living in the U.S.A. If a school district can mandate (coerce) its students to be vaccinated for Covid, will they next be mandating that students cannot bring any meat to school in their homemade lunches?

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan … “Whenever you hear, ‘But it’s for your own good,’ …  be very very wary.”


The Beginning ?

Is this just the beginning?

More than a thousand “phantom ballots” were reportedly discovered in Antrim County, Michigan, Matthew DePerno, a local attorney working on the election lawsuit, revealed in a recent filing.

DePerno said a recount in December amounted to 15,962 ballots, however, only 14,901 were on the Michigan secretary of state’s online database. The 1,061 difference are “phantom ballots” that don’t exist on the voter rolls, the Washington Examiner reported.

Also on 5/21/22, a Georgia judge agreed Friday to unseal nearly 150,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County, the state’s most populous county, to allow investigators to examine the ballots for evidence of alleged voter fraud. Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts (D) blasted the decision. Why are Democrats fighting tooth and nail to stop investigations into possible voter fraud? The louder the Dems yell, the more suspicious I become.

Personally,I am convinced that the 2020 election was fraudulently stolen. Is this info from Michigan and Georgia just the beginning? There are just too many unanswered questions as spelled out by Wayne Allen Root:

“The fix is in. It’s crystal clear to me now that not only was the election rigged but so is everything post-election. It’s simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or overreaction, by Democrats.

Who would react like that? Only guilty people.

Here are the questions I want answered.

        — If Democrats didn’t rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?

        — When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?

        — How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?

        — How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?

        — How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?

        — Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?

        — There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can’t we discuss these videotapes?

        — How come the Arizona Senate’s liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn’t complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?

        — How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?

As Mollie Hemingway says about her upcoming book, entitled “Rigged: How The Media, Big Tech, And Democrats Seized Our Elections,”:

“What happened during the 2020 election deserves to be investigated and discussed. It must be investigated and discussed, not in spite of media and political opposition to it, but because of that opposition. That is why I am writing a book about what happened before, during, and after the 2020 presidential election.”


A Continued Covid Dichotomy

From the beginning of this Covid pandemic I have been perplexed by the vast differences in individual’s behavior. Some were avoiding contact with any and everybody to the extent of having loved ones drop off food without risking any contact – even verbal contact through a closed door, while others were out shopping at grocery stores, Costco, and Target. 

A dichotomy.

Siblings in the same family (with basically the same genetic pool) not infrequently responded very differently. For example, one sibling would not permit having any contact with the second sibling because the second sibling’s kids were attending preschool. The second sibling basically said that kids were essentially not being affected, and it was important for her kids to have social contact with other kids so as the kids could live as normal a life as possible. 

A dichotomy within the same family.

Whereas some were wearing masks outside while walking alone or while driving alone in a car, others felt that the masks were minimally effective at best in  just about all settings. 

Certainly there were valid reasons for some to react or perhaps over-react, as they were in a significantly higher risk profile group, or they lived with grandma. However, it was perplexing to explain why a thirty-year old thin and otherwise healthy individual would be going to extraordinary lengths to avoid anything that could possibly be a possible exposure risk.

Etcetera, etcetera. Dichotomy upon dichotomy.

Perhaps  best summed up as a “sine qua non” philosophy vs a “que sera, que sera” philosophy.(Don’t you just love it when I toss around foreign language words!)

But why?

Perhaps a partial to this question was a recent Gallup survey.

From the New York Post:

A whopping 71 percent of Democrats in the United States want healthy people to stay home “as much as possible,” even as vaccinations soar and new coronavirus infections have plummeted, according to a new survey from Gallup.

In contrast, 87 percent of Republicans surveyed and 64 percent of independents said it was time for people to start living normally after more than a year of pandemic shutdowns and working from home.

This partisan divide continued for questions about how quickly respondents had jumped back into their normal routines.

As of May 2021, 57 percent of Democrats said their lives had fully or somewhat returned to how it had been before the pandemic. That number was 77 percent for Republicans and 68 percent for independents.

Interesting. Still a perplexing dichotomy.

Personally I think that most Democrats are wired differently from most Republicans, and it is their wiring that causes to which political affiliation they ascribe. In this Gallup survey situation the fact that the Democrats are still uber Covid cautious, whereas the Republicans aren’t, is to me  probably explained by intrinsic differences in the wiring of their respective brains.

In a practical sense these intrinsic wiring differences and their  consequent individual approaches to things are not arguable and not amenable to persuasion. In day-to-day life if you are a logic-based-thinking Republican, do not waste your time trying to convince an emotion-based-thinking Democrat that it is okay to shed his/her mask, and go to Costco or the beach.


Is It Possible ?

At the recent G-7 meeting Joe Biden said that he basically couldn’t believe that he was the President. This was not the first time that Joe has said a similar thing. Granted Mr. Biden is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there are about 74 million other U.S. citizens who can’t believe it either. Is it possible that Mr. Biden did not win the 2020 Presidential election, but doesn’t realize it? In my opinion, that is very possible, as he then would be the perfect actor playing the part of the President. He would be an actor who basically doesn’t have to act, because he really thinks that he’s the President . . . although, as noted above, he can’t believe it.

For those of you who have not read my recent three part series on 2020 “voting irregularities,” entitled “False”…”Alleged”…”Probable”…”Certain,” – go back and read it carefully now. What is going to follow here will be similar to Cliff Notes, but again recall that the Cliff Notes were merely shortcuts for those who wouldn’t or couldn’t read the book. 

To summarize there are three basic types of “voting irregularities.”

First there are the “irregularities” that are orchestrated by what I will call the ground troops, and these are carried out for the most part locally. For example: ballots lost or dumped, late mail-in ballots backdated, and an entire cacophony of ballots counted for people not eligible to vote, whether dead, illegal, not registered, or moved out of state. 

This category would also include pallets full of ballots being kept in a warehouse in Fulton Country, Georgia, the country that swung the election to Joe Biden. These ballots all were pristinely marked in favor of Biden . . . again an “irregularity” probably orchestrated by local ground troops. Very probably all of these type of cheating by “ground troops,” is encouraged by higher-ups, but who would be very difficult to track down.

The second type of “voting irregularity” is what I would loosely call “coordinated.” In this category I would include the stoppage of vote counting that occurred at 11pm eastern time. This was certainly not a series of isolated coincidences, but rather a “coordinated” scheme … and then three hours later the vote counting in WI, MI, PA, NV, AZ, and GA all started at the same time! Serendipity? Happenstance? Coincidence? . . . No, No and No! This was obviously a coordinated attack.

Third: Espionage, including massive hacking into our voting systems by different foreign countries, but mainly by China. If this type of coordinated hacking occurred, it is tantamount to an act of war. 

Is it possible that this occurred on a grand scale, and similarly is it possible that Joe Biden is completely unawares? Likewise it is possible that all of Democrats in Washington are also unawares?

I am hearing a chorus of “where’s the proof?” If there was massive interference by a foreign power, prove it!

I just finished watching a 26 minute video by Mike Lindell called “Absolutely, 9-0.”  It was released on 6/3/21 and is a follow up to Lindell’s first video entitled, “Absolute Proof” (2/5/21), and Lindell’s second video, a two hour video titled “Absolute Interference” (3/19/21). All three of these Lindell videos are about the massive coordinated cyber-attacks that occurred on 11/3 & 11/4/20. The data is voluminous, not subjective, and overwhelming. The only possible conclusion after watching any of Lindell’s videos is that Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential election, and he easily won it. If perchance you do not believe me, I challenge you to watch these Lindell videos. Watch at least one! When you do, it is more than possible that it will blow your socks off.


Social Worker Turned Politician

I assume that we can all remember the one infamous social worker turned politician. From that past experience it doesn’t appear that being a social worker, even a good social worker, can predict effective and strong leadership when that social worker morphs into a politician. Nuff said … but wait there is another social worker turned politician. This time in Arizona. This social worker turned politician is the Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs.                        

Why bring up Katie Hobbs?

I am not bringing her up because of the alleged financial backing of George Soros. I am not bringing her up because an effort is now being made to collect signatures for her recall. I am not bringing her up because she is supposedly planning to run as the Democratic nominee to be the next governor of Arizona. So why bring her up?

The background:

The Arizona Senate ordered an audit of Maricopa County ballots earlier this year, taking possession of 2.1 million ballots and nearly 400 election machines and turning them over to be audited by cyber firms. The Arizona State Senate did this because it appears that similar to what Marcellus says in Hamlet (“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”), something is rotten in the state of Arizona.

From Townhall:

First, Maricopa County, is a Republican stronghold (the words of CBS) with more registered Republicans than Democrats. As of February, there were just over 909,658 registered Republicans to 814,101 Democrats, a striking difference.  

Second, Republicans performed well in contests other than the contest for President. For instance, in the Maricopa County Treasurer’s race, which featured two non-incumbents, the Republican handily beat the Democrat 46.65% to 42.46%. Likewise, the Maricopa County Recorder, an incumbent Democrat who oversees Maricopa County Elections, lost to a Republican. In contrast, Biden supposedly beat Trump in the county by about two points. Hmmm!

Whereas, to me this certainly sounds suspicious, and an audit seems like a reasonable thing to do, Katie Hobbs is a vociferous critic of the auditing of ballots in Maricopa County.

While I do not pretend to be an expert on anything pertaining to Arizona, I have to ask the social worker turned politician, Katie Hobbs … “Why?”

Obviously there have been multiple as of yet unproven accusations of voter fraud during the last election. (Note these are not “false accusations,” the term used by the NYT, but rather are “as of yet unproven accusations.”) Are these accusations true? While some of them certainly appear to be valid, my question is “why are some Democratic politicians, like Katie Hobbs, so against discovering the truth?”

If I were an honest Democratic politician who felt that these accusations of fraud were unfounded, I would be saying, “Bring it on! If the election was on the up-and-up, let’s prove that it was valid and honest, and then let’s move on.”

However, if I were a Democraticpolitician who felt that some skullduggery did indeed occur, I would be fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the cheating did not come out into the open. 

So in conclusion, I have to ask the social worker turned politician, “Katie, could it be that you actually know something that the rest of us don’t?” Hmmm!


“Hydroxychloroquine”…Hate Speech?

In a section of my recent book, “The Keneally Chronicles,” a fictional college town in the Southwestern United States decides that in order to save itself from Covid-induced economic catastrophe, the citizens were going to purposely expose themselves to Covid. Certain precautions were taken to protect the town’s most vulnerable, but en route to the wished for goal of herd immunity, some of the townsfolk got sick, and some got very sick. 

When I was describing this section of the book to one of my Democratic friends, he rolled his eyes. When he asked how Dr. Giraud, the physician in this fictitious town of Santa Lucia, was going to treat those that became ill, I responded, “With a combination of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin.” … His eye-rolling then intensified to the point that I was afraid that he might fall off of his chair.

Now almost a year later, in fact just within the last week, I was reminded of my friend’s body language critique of my fictitious town and Dr. Giraud’s treatment strategy of using HCQ. 

As reported by Houston Keene of Fox News, Sen. Ron Johnson (R,WI) was banned from YouTube for one week. The ban and removal of videos were over “experimental treatments” to the coronavirus, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

“The video in question is of a speech Johnson gave where he torched the Biden and Trump administrations for “not only ignoring but working against robust research [on] the use of cheap, generic drugs to be repurposed for early treatment of COVID” and noted he held two hearings on the matter.”

To be clear, I do not know whether the use of either of these drugs is going to be proven useful in treating Covid, however I do not understand why using these drugs on a empirical basis to treat a potentially deadly disease was such a big no-no. They both have long standing excellent safety profiles in many many countries when being used to treat things other than Covid. Certainly the side effect profile would not change depending on which disease was being treated. (I would assume that even the wonks at YouTube would know this!) The fact that YouTube can sensor a speech by a sitting Senator is another chilling topic for another day.

Personally, I believe that HCQ was blackballed during this Covid saga, because President Donald Trump touted the hydroxychloroquine treatment when he was office.

From another column by my new favorite columnist, Wayne Allen Root:

“Multiple studies show that the use of Hydroxychloroquine across the globe reduced death and boosted survival rates by 84%, 100% and in one study, 200%.”

If this turns out to be true, it could mean that potentially hundreds of thousands of lives in the USA alone could have been saved! Even if HCQ turns out to be only a reasonably successful drug in treating Covid (helping in as little as 25%) will any of the HCQ-naysayers own up to their malfeasance ? Or rather will they attempt to  justify their chicanery by saying, “well at least we got rid of the mean-tweeter?”

[The answer to how the town of Santa Lucia fared with their self-induced, self-contained local Covid epidemic, you will have to read 

The Keneally Chronicles, available on Amazon.]

Could It Be ?

For a year plus the country that I used to know has been held in abeyance while “emergency” diktats by egotistical politicians have controlled our lives. (FYI: a diktat is a harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeated nation, political party, etc.) Please note in this definition the words, “harsh,” “punitive,” “imposed unilaterally,” and “ on a defeated nation.” Can anybody disagree with any of these descriptive terms in the “diktat” definition?

Will a time soon come when the collective sheep of our nation say “enough?”

Due to the fact that our beloved country is a non-anarchy, any putting on of the “we’ve had enough” brakes has to occur via the legal system.

Could it be that this has started to occur? 

In California the state must pay the huge legal expenses of those churches that defied our local dictator’s (err … rather our local governor’s) commands on the closing of churches while leaving retail stores open.

In Atlanta the parents of a murdered black 8-year-old girl who was shot and killed by spray gunfire during Black Lives Matter protests have filed a lawsuit against the city, its mayor, and other officials. To me it’s about time that someone stood up to point fingers at those who were derelict at protecting lives and property during the BLM riots last summer.

And there’s more. Perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel ? Could it be ? 

From Blaze News:

In Kentucky, on 6/9/21, in Boone County, Kentucky, Circuit Judge Richard A. Brueggemann issued a permanent injunction against all of Gov. Andy Beshear’s COVID restrictions, including the mask mandate. Unlike the few judicial victories for civil liberties over the past year, this one was broad and sweeping, as it declared these mandates unconstitutional.

The defendants presented evidence from senior certified industrial hygienist Stephen Petty, one of the top experts in the country on exposure to hazardous materials, who served as an expert witness in approximately 400 cases relating to toxic or infectious exposure. Petty first made his national foray into the COVID mask debate months ago.

‘He testified that both the six-foot-distancing rule, and mask mandates, are wholly ineffective at reducing the spread of this virus,’ wrote Judge Brueggemann in summing up Petty’s testimony. ‘Masks are worthless, he explained, because they are not capable of filtering anything as small as Covid-19 aerosols. In addition, masks are not respirators and lack the limited protections that respirators can provide.’

‘The Court finds the opinions expressed by Mr. Petty firmly established in logic,’ concluded the judge. ‘The inescapable conclusion from his testimony is that ordering masks to stop Covid-19 is like putting up chain-link fencing to keep out mosquitos. The six-foot-distancing requirements fare no better.’

Moreover, the judge ruled that all of the data from neighboring states with fewer restrictions demonstrate that none of these restrictions have made a difference in the natural progression of the virus, and therefore, ‘the data comparison demonstrate there to be no emergency justification for continuing Governor Beshear’s orders.’

The judge closed with these blistering comments:

“What the people have endured over the past fifteen months—to borrow a phrase from United States District Judge Justin R. Walker —”is something this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel,” concluded Judge Brueggemann. “Yet, Defendants contend that the Governor’s rule by mere emergency decree must continue indefinitely, and independent of legislative limits. In effect, Defendants seek declaratory judgment that the Constitution provides this broad power so long as he utters the word, “emergency.” It does not. For this Court to accept Defendant’s position would not be honoring its oath to support the Constitution; it would be tantamount to a coup d ‘état against it.”

Wow! Could it be that common sense and the Constitution are starting to prevail?

Good News !

This week there has actually been some good news in sports, specifically multiple examples of good news about the NBA, and even more specifically some good news concerning LeBron James. 

Good News #1:

The first piece of good news actually happened a few weeks ago when Phil Mickelson’s winning of a PGA tournament crushed the NBA in prime time Sunday TV ratings.

Good News #2:

The LA Lakers (LeBron’s team) were eliminated in the NBA playoffs. (No, I do not watch any NBA games on TV, but rather saw it in our newspaper.)

Good News #3:

(From the Washington Times)

LeBron James is the most hated player in the NBA, according to social-media measures. And he’s proven even less popular than Colin Kapernick in one unscientific “poll.”

Citing geotagged Twitter data, the Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat and Cleveland Cavaliers star was declared the most hated NBA player in nearly half the states by sportsinsider.com.

Kowtowing to China, doxxing a policeman, and leaving the court area late in a decisive playoff loss … it all adds up.

Good News #4

(From the Daily Caller)

LeBron James’ upcoming movie “Space Jam: A New Legacy” looks unbelievably bad. The Los Angeles Lakers star is the face of the sequel to Michael Jordan’s incredibly successful movie with the Looney Tunes, and it looks borderline impossible to stomach.

Justice is served for the “woke” NBA, and the “super-woke” LeBron James !

Interesting and Inexplicable

The following is from the LA Times of 6/2/21:

“A deal approved  by a federal judge comes after lawyers for a San Diego-area Pentecostal church took their challenge against the state to the U.S. Supreme Court three times and won.

“The settlement includes a permanent injunction in line with Supreme Court rulings that found restrictions on houses of worship cannot exceed those on retail businesses,” attorney Paul Jonna said.

“The settlements involve federal lawsuits brought by South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and Father Trevor Burfitt, a Catholic priest in Bakersfield, who sued in Kern County Superior Court.

Lawyers for the Thomas More Society, a conservative public interest law firm, will receive $1.6 million in legal fees in the South Bay case and $550,000 in the Burfitt case.”

Although this news story should have made the front page, I find it interesting and inexplicable, that it didn’t. In my local paper the same basic story was buried on page 6, and the phrase “buried on page 6” was edited out in my letter to the editor (which was surprisingly published on 6/6/21):

“Buried on page 6, was the headline, “STATE TO PAY 2.15 M IN FEES IN CHURCH LAWSUITS.”  A surprise? … Hardly, as anyone with a lick of common sense or a mere passing knowledge of the Constitution knew that Gov. Newsom and his cronies could not legally impose restrictions on churches that were more severe than restrictions on retail. Unfortunately, it is the California taxpayers who will ultimately pay for Gov. Newsom’s inept apparent maliciousness.”

BTW: Where is this $2.15 M going to come from?  You can bet your bippy that it will not come out of the pockets our astute Governor. 

I do find it interesting and inexplicable that I have not read one thing in the “newspapers” critical of our Governor’s judgement in this saga. As one of my astute friends put it: “The fact that the press accepts this brazen tyranny is worse than Newsome practicing it.” (Hmmm! …  perhaps he should have his own blog.)

I also find it interesting and inexplicable that apparently only South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and Father Trevor Burfitt had the cojones to pursue this matter.

The Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia last week said that some Catholic bishops were “too compliant” with state and local restrictions on churches during the recent pandemic.

“If you don’t reach out to people who are lonely and suffering and dying in a time like the pandemic, then you’re not being the Church, and that’s very, very bad for everyone involved.”

BTW: Where was my local Bishop in all of this? Granted although he has probably never been accused of having cojones, it would certainly be interesting and inexplicable if he ever stood up to a Democrat.
