How Dumb ?

Sometimes I wonder, “Just how dumb do they think we are?”

Last summer we were told that the protests that we viewed on TV were peaceful despite the fact that we saw burning buildings and the looting of stores. Now perhaps there was another definition of the word “peaceful” that I was not aware of, but really how dumb do they think that we are?

Here recently we are being told that president biden is ‘very Catholic’ because he goes to church and receives Communion. While he may do this on some Sundays, during the rest of the week, he is promoting abortion not only here in the US, but also all over the world. Are we supposed to believe that he is a ‘devout Catholic’ because the Washington Post tells us that he is ? How dumb do they think that we are?

Just last week president biden held a “National Day of Prayer.” However in his speech, as pointed out by Rachel Semmel, while he mentioned “racial injustice,” “diversity,” and “climate change,” he did not mention  “God,” “Jesus,” or “Christianity.” I’m sorry but wasn’t this supposed to be a National Day of Prayer? Come on, joe, how dumb do you think we are?

Similarly, while I could not find any quotes from scripture in his talk, he did quote deceased Rep. John Lewis who said, “Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society.  Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.” 

A quote from John Lewis instead of a quote from the Bible? A pro-ported National Day of Prayer? How dumb do they think that we are?

Language Manipulation

Many years ago my attorney asked me, “What are lawyers experts in?”

After thinking for a few seconds I responded, “Lawyers are experts in the law.” I could see by the twinkle in his eye that he had ensnared me and he then said, “Wrong. Actually, lawyers are are experts in language manipulation.”

Today when I read an article that was adapted from a lecture by Christopher Rufo at Hillsdale College. While reading this I was reminded about that “language manipulation” answer way back when. (BTW, I was the good guy in that lawsuit.) The article (lecture) was titled “Critical Race Theory: What it is and how to fight it.” Although “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) has been in the news a lot lately, I actually knew very little about it until I read and reread this Rufo piece, and what follows is taken from his lecture at Hillsdale College.

Critical to understanding CRT is to comprehend a bit about Marxism which initially was based on the theory of class conflict of the working class versus the capitalist class. In the 20th century Marxist styled revolutions failed in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, etc. with the deaths of nearly 100 million people due to executions, mass starvations, gulags, etc. By the mid-1960s Marxist intellectuals realized that capitalists vs. workers (class warfare) was not going to be a successful sell in the West, and so they then substituted ‘race’ for ‘class.’ (language manipulation). Understand that CRT today is based upon the intellectual framework of ‘identity based Marxism,’ and it has been subtly injected into government agencies (FBI & Dept. of Homeland Security), public school systems (elementary schools in Cupertino, California), teacher training programs (Springfield, Missouri middle schools), corporate human resource departments (Sandra National Laboritories), and school curricula (Seattle, Washington).

Common terminology used by CRT proponents include “equity,” “social justice,” and “diversity and inclusion.” As “neo-Marxism” would be a difficult sell, these other euphemisms have been substituted (language manipulation) to disguise that CRT is reformulated Marxism.

Strategies on how to fight this disguised form of Marxism include:

First: spreading the word and explaining to others what CRT really is.

Second: Being aware that any disagreement to CRT will inevitably result in insinuations that the dissenter is demonstrating evidence “white fragility,” “unconscious bias,” or “internalized white supremacy” Recognize this as merely another attempt at language manipulation.

Third: Speaking out whenever there is an opportunity. This blog is my contribution to speaking out. To do your part, spread this blog to as many others as you can.


How Does This Make Sense ?

As you read the following reflect on the ludicrousness of what you are actually reading. Granted this dichotomy occurred in two different, but very similar and adjacent countries, but think about the following and mull over what this means for our culture in general.

Although both of the following seem absurd to me, think about the repercussions of each. What message is being sent?

First of all from Townhall:

“Last week, serious charges against hundreds of individuals who engaged in rioting last summer have been dropped by local and federal authorities.

The vast majority of citations and charges against often violent protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted.”

Yes, you read that right . . . 90-95%! Will someone please tell me how this makes any sense. How does this not encourage future anarchy? Can anyone explain how BLM fueled destructive rioters can for the most part go unpunished? Is this what we should continue to expect from a Biden Justice Department?

Meanwhile in Canada videos demonstrate a heavily armed team of SWAT police arresting a man in the middle of a highway . . . in the rain. The criminal is shown kneeling on the highway surface with his hands behind his head before being handcuffed and dragged away. 

Wow! Impressive SWAT action for . . . a murderer? … an armed bank-robber? … a child molester? Err . . . none of the above, but the captured criminal was Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian Christian pastor, after he had held his church service. He was arrested because he was “inciting” people to go to church. 

Let that sink in! “Inciting people to go to church!” Granted when the police had twice come during prior church services, he made a big stink and his antics were captured on video. Everyone, including myself, presumed that Pawlowski was not going to be allowed to show up the police a third time, and so it was not surprising that he was “captured” and arrested. But a SWAT team? A heavily armed SWAT team? Forced to kneel on a highway on a rainy day? Handcuffed and dragged away?  How does this make any sense? Strong work, Calgary police! You have certainly taught everyone that it doesn’t pay to stand up to the government, and especially it doesn’t pay to try to hold or go to church services if the government says, “No!”

Now finally compare these two scenarios.

Destructive BLM rioters are allowed to go unpunished … but try holding a church service, and you will pay!

How does this make any sense ?


A Letter To My Bishop

 May 6, 2021

Your Excellency Bishop Robert McElroy,                                  

From the beginning let’s be clear where I am coming from. I was born and raised Catholic. I went to Catholic grade school and Catholic high school. Furthermore I attended a Jesuit Catholic college and a Jesuit Catholic post-graduate school. I married a Catholic woman, and all four of our children attended both a Catholic grade school and a Catholic high school. Three went to a Jesuit Catholic college. For over seventy years I have attended Catholic mass regularly, and have always proudly proclaimed my Catholicism . . . until today when I was embarrassed to read your comments in which you decried calls to deny Communion to abortion promoters in an essay at the Jesuit publication America. “The proposal to exclude pro-choice Catholic political leaders from the Eucharist is the wrong step,” you, the Bishop of San Diego wrote. “It will bring tremendously destructive consequences.”

Wait, I am confused, Bishop McElroy. “Tremendously destructive consequences!” Have you ever witnessed a tremendously destructive abortion? . . . I think not.

Either abortion is morally wrong, or it isn’t.  Either abortion is evil or it isn’t. And either those who promote abortion . . . and I emphasize the word “promote,” are in essence promoting something that is morally wrong and evil, or they’re not. Granted there are many evils in our world. Murder is evil. Rape is evil. Thievery is evil. Etc. But I do not see or hear of any truly Catholic person promoting any of these evil things, and if someone were involved in encouraging or promoting a murder or a rape, for instance, would it not be reasonable to withhold Holy Communion from that person?

Politicians often vote for abortion measures, and simultaneously claim to be reverent Catholics. I consider this to be hypocrisy, but then who I am I to judge. Someone well above my pay-grade will ultimately be their judge. However, I would not want to posthumously try to defend the dichotomy of my pro-abortion votes and my Catholic religion to anybody, much less to the Big Guy, upstairs.

On a more personal level after reading your short essay praising President Biden, which was distributed to my parish  back in January, 2021, I have personally sent you multiple emails asking you to comment on President Biden’s pro-abortion stances and policies. You have not answered a single one, and after reading the summary of your recent essay in America, I am not surprised as it would take courage to respond. In this article instead of addressing the question at hand, you tried to shift the focus from pro-abortion politicians to racism. As many are aware this is a favorite tactic of politicians . . . namely using a straw-man and then trying to then argue for or against the straw-man instead of the real issue.

However, Bishop McElroy, the last I heard you were not a politician. Your lack of comments on the real issue (the rightness or the intrinsic wrongness of giving Catholic Communion to those who promote abortion) is indeed embarrassing to me, a lifelong Catholic, and should likewise be embarrassing to all Catholics . . . including yourself!


P.S. While I sent you a copy of this letter days ago, you have again chosen the route of silence – I guess it’s that courage thing.


Perhaps an arbitrary question, but perhaps not given what I have recently been reading. Does being “woke” and in a position of authority allow you to unilaterally suspend the constitutional right to free speech? Now here I am not talking about yelling “fire” when there is not a fire, but rather having an opinion. Unless I missed it, I still think that everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and again unless I missed it, everyone is allowed to express that opinion – unless, of course, you are the President or the ex-President of the USA. (Another matter for another day.)

Recently I n a speech class at Cypress College in California, a student, Brandon Ellis, was delivering a speech on cancel culture and in the speech he referred to cops as heroes. At that point the professor then began aggressively interrupting the 19 year old student. As her interruptions continued the professor became increasingly agitated with Ellis’ line of thought and eventually blurted, “I don’t trust them. My life’s in more danger in their presence.”

So let me get this straight, the “woke” professor apparently thinks that it is okay for her to basically tell the student that he is not allowed an opinion on whether he believes that cops are heroes. OMG! 

No opinions allowed . . . DON’T PROVOKE THE WOKE!

But, I can top that!

From Newsweek:

A New Jersey police officer, Sara Erwin,  is out of a job after she reportedly referred to Black Lives Matter rioters as “terrorists” in a Facebook post.

A second officer, Sgt. Mandy Gray,  has been suspended for six months and was demoted for interacting with the post.

Wow! What officer Erwin said must have really been really, really bad, as both Erwin and Gray are twenty year veterans on the force. Exactly what did she say?

At the height of the BLM riots in her June post, Erwin wrote, “Last night as I left for work I had my two kids crying for me not to go to work. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the way I did last night, and then I watched people I know and others I care about going into harms [sic] way. I love my police family like my own. So when you share posts and things on Facebook I’d really appreciate if you THINK before doing so.”

The post continued, “I’ve seen so many black lives matter hashtags in these posts. Just to let you know — they are terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don’t care if I die.”

I looked up the definition of both “terror,” and “terrorism,” and this is what I found on

“Terror” – Violence or threats of violence used for intimidation or coercion

“Terrorist” – A person or terrorizes or frightens others

To me this is exactly what BLM was doing, namely intimidating and frightening.

 Wow, and she was fired for this! Yes, as the Hopewell Township’s council unanimously voted to fire Officer Sara Erwin for this just last week. 

No opinions involved . . . DON’T PROVOKE THE WOKE!

Even more absurd Sgt. Mandy Gray was punished because she put a heart next to Officer Erwin’s post. A heart!! OMG!!

No opinions allowed . . . DON’T PROVOKE THE WOKE!

But once again I can top that!

From Germany:

The governing body of German hockey is parting ways with German Detroit Red Wings goaltender Thomas Greiss for . . . supporting Donald Trump. HockeyFeed reported, ‘Germany has now clearly positioned itself on Thomas Greiss: When asked, sports director Christian Künastsaid: ‘As long as the current sports management is responsible, Thomas Greiss will not be invited.”

No opinions allowed . . . DON’T PROVOKE THE WOKE!

Brandon Ellis didn’t succumb; he stood his ground against the bullying professor, and she has since “taken a leave of absence.”

Officers Mandy Gray and Sara Erwin have not succumbed as they have hired an attorney, and should easily win their free-speech case.

Obviously the list of egregious attempts at the stifling of opinion could be much longer.

We must not succumb.

“Now It Begins”

Now it begins, day after day . . .

I try to pretend

It’s over at last

This time the big hurt will end

These are some of the lyrics to The Big Hurt by Miss Toni Fisher from the 1960 British Hit Parade: Britain’s Greatest Hits Vol. 9, Pt. 1.

When I read the following story in the Blase from Arkansas, I was reminded of the lyrics of this song . . . “now it begins . . .”

Samantha Wise, a mother of five children, told KARK-TV she was fired her job at Harvest Cannabis Dispensary in Conway on March 3 when her supervisors became aware that she was not going to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

“They actually did it — they really fired me — I didn’t think it was really going to happen,” Wise told KARK. “I knew most everybody’s names that came in there. I liked making people’s day.”

Wise said the vaccines make her uncomfortable, explaining she has a history of experiencing adverse reactions to medicines. “I am always that one out of every 10 or so that has a bad reaction. I am that one — so I would just rather not,” Wise said. “I don’t have good reaction with a lot of medicine.”

Chris Burks, an Arkansas employment attorney, told KARK the dispensary’s actions are legal. “In Arkansas, your employer can fire you for not taking [the vaccine], unless there is an issue with a medical issue or religious belief,” Burks explained.

I am not an anti-vaccer, but I do believe in freedom of choice. If Samantha Wise does not want to get a covid vaccine (for whatever reason), that should be her choice. You can bet your bippy if she was a minority, her story would be on the front page as well as on CNN. 

I understand that her employer is in a CYA frame of mind “looking out for the well being of its customers.” As a compromise, perhaps Ms. Wise could wear a mask at all times as masks are supposed to be very good for preventing the spread of Covid. Or maybe she could even wear a double mask just like President Biden . . . BTW: rumor has it that Sleepy Joe does have a special single mask that he wears while on Zoom meetings and while sleeping.)

I doubt that we will hear the final outcome for this mother of five, but I do believe that this particular vaccine-no vaccine story is just the beginning, (“now it begins”), as it will be awhile before “the big hurt (Covid) will end.”

# 52

Who or what is #52, and why is he/she/it important?

From the onset let’s be perfectly clear . . . I am not an attorney. However, at this point I should state my qualifications to comment here on the Chauvin trial . . . I am an American citizen, and because of that, I have a vested interest to see that justice is done. Just like with voting – no cheating, no lying.

As you all may recall Chauvin was convicted in record time on three different counts. I have read and reread the difference between the three different counts, and although I consider myself an intelligent person, I still could not tell you the difference between second-degree murder, second-degree manslaughter, and third-degree murder. Certainly if I went over the differences with eleven of my peers, we could probably figure it out . . . but most likely that would take some time – probably more time than it took the twelve jurors to reach three different unanimous verdicts. 

In my own mind from the beginning I wondered why the charge of third degree murder was added. It was not in the initial charges, but was added with the okay from Judge Peter Cahill at a late date . . . if I am not mistaken, it was added after jury selection had started. Why? Again from my perspective,using common sense, there is only one reason why the third degree murder charge was added. Namely the prosecution must have felt that the evidence related to the second degree charges was not strong enough for a conviction.

For what it’s worth, I was once on a jury. The case was also a second-degree murder case, and initially we twelve jurors were not unanimous. There was only one charge (not three different charges), and it took us three days to arrive at a unanimous guilty verdict . . . three days and a lot of discussion – not an hour and forty-five minutes.

Rumor has it that there was initially one “holdout.” Once wonders if there was an initial secret ballot, or was the “holdout” immediately identified and possibly chastised. It did not take long for he/she to be convinced to change his/her mind. One wonders how much of this “convincing” was done by #52.

Without question there are lots of potential reasons for an appeal . . . no sequestration of the jurors; no change of venue; the protesting and the near riots in nearby Brooklyn Center over the shooting of Daunte Wright; Maxine Waters (D,CA) flying in from Washington D.C. and telling people to “stay in the streets” and “get more confrontational” if Chauvin was not convicted of murder; President Biden chiming in that he hoped the jury would do the right thing.

Nonetheless despite these many reasons for a potential mistrial or a successful appeal of the verdict, by far the most egregious involves juror #52.

“Gestapo Not Allowed Here”

If you aren’t familiar with the name, Artur Pawlowski, you are missing someone that is well worth watching. Reverend Pawlowski lives in and around the city Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and his church is likewise in the same area. I have now seen two videos of him verbally thrashing Calgary police officers who have come into his church, interrupting services, because they suspected that he was breaking some social distancing Canadian Covid rules.

From FreedomWire:

Churches have been a target both here in Democrat-run states and in Canada. The only difference is that we have a First Amendment right to freely practice our religion and the right to assembly. In Canada, citizens don’t have those protections.

That was more apparent than ever this week when a Canadian pastor of Polish descent, Artur Pawlowski, blocked Alberta authorities from entering his church to prevent his congregation from worshiping because the church was accused of defying local and national COVID rules.

According to the Daily Wire, “The Polish pastor who made international headlines for kicking provincial officials from his church in Alberta, Canada, is facing potential arrest after a Calgary court issued a warrant against him…

On 4/24/21 Pawlowski demanded health officials and police speak with his lawyer when they attempted to give him the warrant to enter his church during a service to investigate the premises. After Pawlowski first ejected provincial officials from his church during Easter weekend, Calgary Police said in a statement that there was a ‘concern’ that Pawlowski and his congregation ‘were not adhering to the government’s COVID-19 public health orders,’ according to the Toronto Sun.”

Finally, someone with the courage to stand up to “the Gestapo” – his words, not mine. However, I agree with him. If you can go to Costco, and fly on an airplane, why is it that one is prevented from going to church. Again in his words, “Unbelievable!!”

Again, if you are not familiar with Pastor Pawlowski, watch the YouTube videos of him yelling and screaming at the police officers, “Nazis aren’t allowed here!”

Stay tuned . . . as without a doubt the Canadian gendarmes will be back.

Choice ? . . . Challenge !

“The people who oppose school choice in this matter are the same people who have school choice themselves.”

In other words, those who vote against school choice are those that have a choice of what schools to send their kids to. This intuitive statement was made just recently in a floor speech by State Senator Justin Wayne of Nebraska. In that speech this African American State Senator described how for years he had voted against bills that were pro-school choice, but this year he decided to approach it differently.

Mr. Wayne issued a challenge to his colleagues – he told his colleagues he’ll vote against the school choice bill if they agree to send their own kids to public schools . . . Brilliant!

“Here’s my offer: I will vote to kill this bill if you send your kids to one of the schools in my district that we’re waiting to turn around. Don’t make a choice that you won’t allow anybody else to make just based off of income.”

Basically he issued a challenge against the hypocrisy of politicians who deny others a choice that they have. We all realize that oftentimes school choice is paramount to the education of those who are not wealthy enough to afford to send their children to private schools. This lack of choice was magnified during the Covid pandemic, not only in Mr. Wayne’s district in Nebraska, but throughout the U.S. as many private schools were in session whereas public schools were not.

From Daniel Mitchell on Townhall Finance:

“What a great idea! All politicians who vote against school choice have to send their kids to the crummy government schools in their states and districts.

That wouldn’t be good news for hypocrites like Barack Obama (and his Secretary of Education), Elizabeth WarrenDemocratic congressional candidates, and the head of a teacher union.

Heck, we could create a giant list of all the rich leftists who exercise choice for their own children while voting to deny similar opportunities for kids from families that don’t have lots of money.”

You can bet the farm that you will not hear about or read about Justin Wayne’s floor speech and challenge to his colleagues in any of the Main Stream Media.

Kudos to the State Senator from Nebraska.

Letter to MLB Commissioner

To Commissioner Manfred,

I am an avid sports fan but last year I boycotted all sports because of the disrespect shown to our country, flag and law enforcement. I attend sporting events as an escape from the contentious politics in our face every day and everywhere. It’s sad and sickening to me that you have inserted mlb in a political debate but let us look at the bright side.

Congrats for removing the All-Star game from the mostly black city of Atlanta to the lily-white city of Denver (who btw have even more restrictive voter regulations than GA). Some might say you are an UNCONSCIOUS RACIST but, in your defense, as we are told daily, all whites are privileged and racist. As Obama said, “Racism is in our DNA”. So do not listen to the critics…. it is not your fault. Just tell them that requiring voter ID is “Jim Crow” as s poor, dumb, helpless blacks cannot figure out how to get an ID. Noblesse oblige is alive and well reminiscent of the Pharisees virtue signaling. On the bright side I am sure this posturing lessens your white guilt and keeps race baiter Rev. Sharpton at bay …. nice job.

Thank you for letting me join with you in the “woke cancel culture.”. It is obvious systematic racism is rampant and it prevents blacks from doing the simplest tasks in life but why stop there? Remember Bernie brilliantly offered more unrestricted voting rights for felons, terrorist, murderers, rapist and child molesters. Then not to be out done the leftist Dems recently tried to pass a bill to allow 16-year-old to vote. I think you would agree we NEVER want to restrict a person’s right to vote so let us make it open to anyone (legal or not) at any age. Just mail those ballots in. Just think of the potential for MLB to force compliance to any restriction or law they do not like by threatening to move the franchise. Nice job I think your wokeness has hit on something big.

Now to my situation. Because of you I have joined the “Woke Cancel Culture” allow me to explain …. I’ve been a lifelong baseball fan but because of you, I will no longer take my family, including grandkids to MLB games…CANCELLED!!!

I will NEVER watch another All-Star game if you are the Comish …. Cancelled!!!

So Comish I must thank you for saving me time and money…. the woke cancel culture is now alive and well in my life …. Mission accomplished.

