Yikes II

To start this I need to reiterate the amount of the federal debt – $21,700,000,000,000!!

In the last piece I went over two general “categories” of government waste and irresponsible spending:
“It’s so unbelievable that I cried!”
“WTF, Are you kidding me!”
Today I am going to expound to the last two general categories of waste and irresponsible spending:
“The best laughs I have had in years”
“You can’t make this stuff up!”
The first time that I read through the list of items from which the following have been taken, I was actually laughing out loud! However, seriously how can they actually be wasting our tax money on this tripe?
I have arbitrarily divided the following into two sections . . . the first from different government departments and the second from individuals in Congress. Remember that the following examples are a mere drop in the so-called bucket!
“You can’t make this stuff up.”
-Federal funding into the 50 worst junior and community colleges (FY2017-FY2018,  Dept. of Ed.) – $923.5 million! That is an $18+ million reward to each of these schools for being a bad school!
-Federal payments, subsidies, and tax breaks for Ivy League Colleges (FY2010-
  FY2015, all Federal agencies) – $42 billion . . . That’s Billion with a B to some of the most affluent schools in America!
-Funding a frequently investigated childcare facility in Texas (FY2014-FY2016, Dept of  HHS) – $14.9 million. No, I do not know why this facility was “frequently investigated,”
  but I doubt that it was for its excellent care!
-Reframing beliefs about death and dying among Latinos
  (FY2015, Cornell Univ.,  NIH,HHS) – $883,000. I did not
  realize that Latinos had some special beliefs on this
  subject, but despite spending almost $1 million, I have not
  heard anything on the  news on this subject!
-Payments to gay Mexican prostitutes for safe sex
   (FY2015, Brown Univ, NIH) – $53K. I don’t even know
   where  to start on this one! Does anyone know anybody
   that went to Brown Univ. that might help us out here?
-Dystopian climate change voicemails from the future
   (FY2012, Columbia Univ, National Science Foundation –
   $5.7 million!) Granted I did not go to Columbia, but I
   have absolutely no idea what these millions were spent
-Two sculptures for a V.A. facility that serves blind veterans
 (FY2016, Dept of Veteran Affairs) – $670,000
“The best laughs I’ve had in years!”
-Sex Ed for prostitutes in California (FY2016, B. Lee, D, Ca) –
   $1.4 million
-Mobile App for sex diary (FY2016, G. Napolitano, D. Ca) -$1
-Study: Disease susceptibility of translocating tortoises
   (FY2016, G. Thompson, R. Pa.) – $ 360,773
-Virtual reality to teach children in China how to cross the
   street (FY2016, T. Sewell, D. Ala) – $183,750
-Virtual shoe fitting (FY2015-FY2016, M. Griffith, R, Va & A.
   Espoo, D, Ca) – $902,789! Apparently they can work
   across the aisle when they are wasting our money!
-Researching stigmatization of Danish smokers (FY2016, L.
   Barletta,R, Pa)-$330K
-Measuring blood pressure at black barbershops (FY2016,
   A. Schiff D. Ca) – $2.1 million. What about Latino or white
For those of you who possibly think that I have made-up some of these, I suggest that you go to: www.OpenTheBooks.com and you will discover that “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” and Yikes! will turn to Yikes!
President Trump has directed everyone in his administration to focus on waste, irresponsible spending, and cut their budgets by five percent. Perhaps, just stopping the buying guns, ammunition, etc. for those government agencies that do need military-style weapons might be a good first step!

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