XFL? ; MSNBC . . . OMG!

The other day when I went to the gym my elliptical happened to be positioned immediately in front a of TV that was showing an XFL football game. XFL ? What is that ? I learned that it is basically a new pro-football league, but with a number of rule changes that had been explicitly written into the league’s bylaws. For example, there is a running clock, and three different options for extra points, each with a different point score. Keep in mind these rules were in the original constitution of the league. The losing team cannot arbitrarily decide to increase the value of a touchdown or an extra point in the middle of the  game – the rules had been established at the inception of the new league. Likewise, if  the losing team was unhappy with the rules as they had been written, que sera,sera. No complaining if the opposition won the game because they made a three-point extra point . . .  that was the rule as written in the constitution or bylaws of the league.

After the impeachment acquittal, Katy Tur, a host on MSNBC said the following: “In case you missed it, majority doesn’t always rule in this country. Forty-eight senators voted to remove the President from office. Fifty-two voted to acquit. But the 48 actually represent 12 million more voters than the senators who decided to keep Donald Trump in the White House.”

OMG! . . . Is it possible that Katy Tur does not know that it actually takes a two-thirds vote to convict when someone is impeached. This is the way the constitution was written. These are the bylaws ! You can whine, but you cannot make up your own rules

But it gets worse. Ms Tur then asked Washington Post columnist, Philip Bump, about how Democrats could get more U.S. Senators. She asked, “So what’s the resolution to that? Is gerrymandering something that would help improve the situation?” OMG! . . . Is it possible that Ms. Tur  does not know that gerrymandering is something that occurs within a state, and that each state has two U.S. Senators. Gerrymandering has absolutely no relationship to the election of U.S.Senators? 

With the XFL, the coaches are well versed in football. They know all of the rules and how they apply in each situation, which is what I would expect!

Is it too much to expect that the commentators on MSNBC have at least minimal knowledge with regard to the U.S. Constitution? 
OMG! . . . I guess with MSNBC that is just too much to expect!

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