Wrong! … Hmmm!

To me it continues to be amazing how wrong some of the dictums that we have been forced to follow have been. For example:

  • Continued lockdowns and mandatory mask requirements:

        Texas and Florida are continuing to report fewer new cases of the Chinese coronavirus per capita than blue states such as Michigan,  Pennsylvania, and New York, according to Centers for Disease         Control and Prevention (CDC) data.

        Texas and Florida, two red states which remain open for business          and do not have statewide mask mandates, are continuing to fare         just as well, if not better, than pro-lockdown blue states, which  continue to operate under health and business restrictions. Hmmm!

  – Masks

       I still am still befuddled on masks. If masks were so good, how come two and even three masks are becoming increasingly in vogue. Even President Biden was recently seen wearing two masks . . . and he has been vaccinated. Hmmm!

  • Close all the gyms. Even though the incidence of Covid being spread inside a gym is minuscule. Why?  The following is from an abstract in the Journal of Clinlcal an Experimental Medicine: “The practice of physical exercises acts as a modulator of the immune system. During and after physical exercise, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines are released, lymphocyte circulation increases, as well as cell recruitment. Such practice has an effect on the lower incidence, intensity of symptoms and mortality in viral infections observed in people who practice physical activity regularly.” Hmmm!        
  • Here in California . . . “Close all beaches!”  “Close all parks!” In fact “those who know best” were mandating yellow crime seen tape be strung across entrances to both beaches and parks. From the beginning, anyone with an ounce of common sense knew that walking around a park by oneself could be nothing but good for that individual. Now everyone is aware that being outside is the very safest place to be. Hmmm!
  • Always wipe everything down over and over.                     HealthDayNews — There is a low risk for surface transmission of the new coronavirus and continuously disinfecting surfaces may do more harm than good, according to updated U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Airborne transmission of the virus is the major threat. “In most situations, cleaning surfaces using soap or detergent, and not disinfecting, is enough to reduce the already low risk of virus transmission through surfaces,” Hill said. “Disinfecting surfaces is typically not necessary, unless a sick person or someone positive for COVID-19 has been in the home within the last 24 hours.” When cleaning surfaces, Hill advised people to focus on high-contact areas such as doorknobs and light switches, CNN reported. ….  Hmmm!

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