Women’s Hall of Fame

Yesterday I read an article that was enumerating the 2019 inductees into the Women’s Hall of Fame. Before you read any further, think about who you think should be inducted this year . . . dead or alive, old or young, it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Pick someone who you think should be inducted in 2019, or for sure has probably already been inducted.
For those of you not familiar with the Women’s Hall of Fame, it is located in Seneca Falls, N.Y. and has been inducting members for almost 50 years. It is centrally located in New York State, and a visit could easily coupled with visits to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., the FDR Presidential Library just north of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Niagara Falls, all of which are within a day’s drive. 
At present the Women’s Hall of Fame has 276 inductees, and 10 more women are scheduled to be inducted this coming September. The past inductees include entertainers (Lucille Ball, Billie Holiday, Julia Childs), athletes (Babe Zaharias, Wilma Rudolf, Althea Gibson), and adventurers (Amelia Earhart, Sally Rand, Ann Bancroft). There are also those women who have been important in the Civil Rights Movement (Coretta Scott King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks). 
Wow, it sounds like an interesting place to go. Perhaps next summer.  Book ‘em, Danno!
Perhaps, before arranging for flights, a rental car, and hotels, we should see who is scheduled to be inducted in September of this year. Some of the inductees-to-be include Angela Davis of Black Panther fame, Jane Fonda, an anti-war activist of the 1970s, and Col. Nicole Malachowski, an ex-Air Force Thunderbird pilot and adviser to former First Lady, Michelle Obama . . . you get the idea! I actually reviewed all of the names of the prior 276 inductees, and although I agreed with a large number of past inductees, there were some things I could not understand. In fact, there seemed to be a pattern. Rosalyn Carter was on the list, but Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan were not. Hillary Clinton was on the list, but Condoleezza Rice was not. Geraldine Ferraro who ran as the V.P. candidate with Walter Mondale was a thumbs up, whereas Sarah Palin who ran as the V.P. candidate with John McCain was a thumbs down. Again, you get the idea!
Hold off with the airline tickets, the rental car, and the hotels in N.Y. state!

BTW: My pick for this year’s inductee is Condoleezza Rice. The fact that she has not already been inducted and is not on this year’s list says all that you need to know about the Women’s Hall of Fame! 
Today I sent a letter-to-the-editor of my local newspaper as follows:
After reading the 2019 list of inductees to the Women’s Hall of Fame (SDUT, 3/10/19), I observed one glaring omission. I then reviewed the list of the 276 prior inductees . . . the same glaring omission! Why is Condoleezza Rice neither a past nor a present inductee? Could it be because she is a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican?

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