Why This Kerfuffle ?

Can we just think logically here about this impeachment kerfuffle? (FYI: for those of you who think that this piece is going to be biased, “kerfuffle” is a completely neutral word that simply means “commotion” or “a fuss.”) So, in other words, can we try to think logically about this impeachment fuss? Personally, until just recently, I just did not get it.

 Is it the far left Democrats that are pushing this, or is it more the centrist Democrats?For those on the far left, does it make any sense to push through this impeachment kerfuffle in the House? (I tried to use a neutral synonym for “kerfuffle,” but according to Dictioary.com, “kerfuffle has no synonyms!) If the House impeaches President Trump, then there will be a trial in the Senate. Unfortunately, this trial will be occurring when those far left Senators that are running for the nomination, should be out on the campaign trail, especially Warren and Sanders. Far left Democrat voters are not going to be swayed by this continuing kerfuffle . . . err, useless debate, as they have already decided that they would never vote for Trump. However, the risk for the Democrats in general is that their lefty voters will stay home, if they think that their far left candidate got unjustifiably screwed out of the nomination again, like Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders in 2016.

In the past I have felt that Nancy Pelosi, although shrewd and conniving, was basically a moderate Democrat. She had her finger on the pulse of the voting public, and had not in the past been inclined to do politically dumb things. So why is she encouraging this impeachment kerfuffle . . . err, absurdity? Now only 34% of independents support impeachment, whereas at the beginning of the impeachment process, 49% of independent voters supported the impeachment process. Continuing with this kerfuffle, . . . err, baloney can only put the Democrat majority in the House at risk, and with the loss of their majority, goes Ms. Pelosi’s Speakership. It seems inconceivable that the moderate Democrats in the House do not recognize that their own re-election chances are being harmed by this continuing kerfuffle, . . . err, nonsense.

For those moderates backing Joe Biden, they should be able to see that continuing this impeachment kerfuffle . . . err, lunacy, can only harm Sleepy Joe, as it is certain that his deepening involvement in some past Ukraine skulduggery will come out. 

So, I was stumped!! . . . Until the lightbulb went on. 

I can see only one potential good outcome for the Dems in this pointless kerfuffle . . . er, ridiculousness especially with the Republicans in control the Senate, and hence a certain not guilty outcome.

Let’s think back to the elections of 2018. Basically, Donald Trump outsmarted the Democrat strategists in 2018. He paid little attention to the races in the House, but paid a lot of attention to the races in the Senate. In most past off-year elections, the party of the President in office could be expected to lose many seats, and this is what happened to the Republicans in the House in the 2018 elections. However, which part of the Legislative branch is the more important branch? Which part of the Legislative branch gets the deciding vote on Supreme Court nominees? Which part gets the deciding say in impeachments? Obviously, the Senate.

Could it be that the Democrats realize that they have no chance of defeating President Trump in 2020? Could it be that they hope to use their “not-guilty” votes against those Republican Senators up for re-election in 2020? Judge Ginsberg cannot last forever, and everybody knows it. If the Republicans continue to control the Senate after 2020, Trump will nominate and the Republican Senate will then confirm another conservative Supreme Court Justice. This would mean a rightward leaning Supreme Court for decades to come!

To me, continuing this ridiculous, pointless, and illogical kerfuffle only makes sense if the Dems can use this as a means of controlling the Senate after 2020.

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