Why This Fake News is Fake

What if the story of the Russian hacking of the DNC’s emails was “fake news?”

Here I am not referring to the spin being put on this story, but to the story itself.

The starting point for this Russian inference quagmire is the hack of the DNC’s email server, and we have been told that the Russians did it.

We have been informed that this non-arguable starting point is a fact that we all must believe. Certainly they cannot provide any of the details as to “how” they know this, because of course . . . National Security concerns! For over six months now most of the  mainstream media’s focus has been on The Russian Interference in our Election, and the involvement of Donald Trump in this interference. It doesn’t matter to CNN or MSNBC that there is no evidence of such involvement. It doesn’t matter to the Washington Post or to the New York Times because “the public deserves to know the truth.” Good point, WaPo/NYT. We certainly do deserve to know the truth, but I have not seen either of these Dueling Banjos reporting what Patrick Lawrence of “The Nation” is now reporting.


Mr. Lawrence is saying that this Russian hacking of the DNC is “fake news!” He has interviewed four NSA experts with decades of experience in matters concerning Russian intelligence and related technology, and these experts are saying not only, “No, the Russians did not do it” but “It is not possible that the Russians are responsible!” They are basing much of their skepticism on some good hard data, namely that the amount of material passed to Guccifer 2.0 could not have been downloaded from the DNC server and passed over the Internet. On 7/5/2016, 1,976 megabytes were downloaded from a DNC server in 87 seconds or at a rate of 22.7 megabytes per second. The problem is that in July, 2016 no internet service provider was capable of downloading data at this speed, especially over long transoceanic distances! This speed (22.7 megabytes per second) was only achievable through a USB drive, and very coincidentally this is the typical transfer rate when using a USB-2 Flash Drive (thumb drive)!

A thumb drive! Hmm!

One of the four experts  is going as far as saying that he thinks that the hacking of those DNC emails was an inside job, as the time stamp of the download revealed that the hacker was on the East coast at about 6:45 pm EDT.

Does this mean that all of the time and the money being spent with Senate committees, House committees, and Special Prosecutors is all because of “fake news?”

Is President Trump right yet again!?

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