Why ?

In my relentless quest to become the man I used to be, I have recently been going regularly to my gym where I can exercise on the upright bike.

Because the TV screens are a fair distance away, my old eyes cannot read the print out of the ongoing conversation and comments, but I merely read the larger print along the bottom of the screen. 

On 11/10/21 I was there in the late morning and it just so happened that Kyle Rittenhouse was testifying during his trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Yes, he was testifying at his own trial … something that is rarely done at a murder trial. Now keep in mind that I could not hear what the defendant was saying, nor could I read the print out on the screen of what he was saying. All I could see was the young cherub-looking wide-eyed teenager’s face on the screen. When Rittenhouse broke down while on the stand and a consequent recess was called, coincidentally I was finished exercising.

There are multiple TV screens positioned in front of the treadmills, bikes, and other assorted exercise equipment spread across my gym. While I was still using my bike, I noticed that of the fifteen or sixteen TVs only one was showing the testimony of Kyle Rittenhouse. Anyone care to take a guess which station that was? Even though there was no other significant news stories that morning, the multiple TVs that were tuned into CNN and MSNBC, were showing some other drivel … only Fox News was showing the live testimony. 

I asked myself, “Why?” 

To me the answer was intuitively obvious. While on the stand, Rittenhouse did not look like a murderer, and God forbid that CNN/MSNBC would show anything that could be viewed as favorable to Kyle Rittenhouse. After all from their perspective the teenager killed two people – all in the midst of those “peaceful” Kenosha protests. The fact that Rittenhouse was chased, knocked to the ground, and then, while down, blasted with skateboard should not make any difference. Just because a pistol was pointed at him and his rifle was grabbed was no reason for him to defend himself … again according to the liberal MSM.

But I continue to ask Why. Why is the left so against Kyle Rittenhouse?

Big Tech, teaming up with liberal reporters in the media, got in on the action, too. Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe and PayPal shut down Kyle Rittenhouse’s campaign to raise money for his defense fees and local reporters doxxed innocent Americans donating to his cause. Again … Why?

Rabid left-wing politicians, including then-presidential candidate Joe Biden, and mainstream media hacks ignored all the evidence and labeled Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist, domestic terrorist, yet remained silent as violent rioters caused chaos in their communities, assaulting innocent people and burning down and vandalizing private businesses.


Certainly Mr. Rittenhouse used poor judgement in bringing a rifle into that chaos. While his motives may have been altruistic and boyscoutish, he did not use discretion or good sense in coming from Illinois across the state line to nearby Kenosha on that fateful evening. Nonetheless, a murderer he is not, and hopefully the jury will stick to the facts that were presented in the courtroom. [Initially I was going to say, “hopefully the jury will find him innocent.” However I realized that if I gave an opinion while not actually being in the courtroom, I could be viewed as being in the same category as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D,NY), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rep.Ayanna Presley (D,MA). These three, despite not being anywhere near the Kenosha courtroom, nevertheless have taken the Maxine Waters approach of giving strong opinions without knowing all the facts. As a matter of principle, I never want to be included in any group with these Congressional dunderheads!] 



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