Whose Side Are They On ?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is still out there, and according to those with TDS,  . . . coronavirus pandemic be damned, Trump will pay!

About a month ago, on March 10, to be exact I went to the monthly breakfast of my fellow retirees. As fate would have it, I happened to sit across from one of the uber liberals in the group. (Actually, not my choice, as I was sitting there before he came in!) It didn’t take long before he was haranguing, unprovoked, against President Trump. After a bit, I politely said, “in this kind of terrible coronavirus situation, all Americans should unite as we are all on the same team. Politics should not play a part.” He didn’t get that i was referring to him!
After he took perhaps a single breath and he started again with the same CNN-like diatribe. I then informed him that probably right at that very minute, President Trump was meeting in the Oval Office with the heads of various Health Plans on behalf of the American people. (At that meeting the President convinced them to have any coronavirus testing be free of charge, and to eliminate co-pays for any visits, possibly related the present pandemic.) My across the table “friend,” let’s call him John, was not about to listen to anything good that our President was doing. I again repeated that reasonable Americans shouldn’t allow politics to play any role in this kind of a disaster. He still didn’t understand that I was referring pointedly to him!

Certainly, you must think that with all that President Trump is doing during this crisis, there should not be any TDS out there now. No, no, no! They are still out there. In fact in my ultra-liberal local paper, another diatribe, disguised as an editorial, a venomous one at that, against our President. I wrote my expected letter to the editor, but there is little chance that it will be published as I expressed surprise at the nastiness of the editorial, and commented that “I thought that all Americans would be on the same side in this time of crisis!”

However it is apparent to me that John, my local newspaper, as well as the TDSers just don’t get it, as they are not on the same side as the rest of us Americans!

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