Who Do Dem Dems Actually Represent?

An election is coming soon, and so we, the voters, should all be aware of who the Democrats actually represent. Here I am not referring to all Democrats, but the Democrats in Congress. They question is: Do they represent the interests of the people in their districts … or do they primarily represent … who? Are they merely sheep who blindly follow the sheep herder, or are they doing what their constituents want?

Just in the last week there was one major issue which lead me to believe that they do not represent the citizens in their districts. If, after reading the rest of this piece, if you agree that their loyalty is not with the voters that they are supposedly representing, then do your part … obviously do not vote for them, and ask your Democratic friends why they are voting for them.

From BlazeMedia:

On 9/29/22 House Democrats unanimously voted to block legislation that would have required informed parental consent before a school provides mental health services related to sexual orientation or gender identity to students.

In a 220-208 vote, the House rejected an attempt by Republicans to amend a bill that seeks to bolster mental health care for students, educators, and school staff negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Titled the Mental Health Matters Act, the legislation would award grants to build a pipeline of school-based mental health services providers and increase the number of professionals providing mental health services to elementary and secondary schools in high-need areas. The Department of Education would be responsible for allocating those grants.

Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) offered a motion to send the bill back to committee to add language requiring parental notice and consent before students receive certain services.

McClain’s amendment required recipients of mental health grants to provide parents with “written notice” of mental health or emotional services provided to their children including those ‘related to the child’s or other children’s sexual orientation or gender identity.’”

Realize what this means! It means that all of the Democrats in the House of Representatives (219-0!) think that the school, the teachers, the mental health counselors, etc. should not inform the parents if there is an emotional or mental health issue concerning their child who is in either grade school or high school … actually all the way down to first grade! How absurd is that! Who are these Dems actually representing? It sounds to me that dem Dems in the House are representing the leftist teachers who insist that they should have the control over a child … control in place of the child’s parents! Think about that for a second! Who are dem Dems in the House actually representing?

Parenthetically, it seems to me that whenever the Democrats vote unanimously on anything, they are representing the views of the higher-ups in their party, and not the views of their constituents. If only 90% had voted against this addition, it would mean that 10% did not agree with the majority, and thus these 10% could well have been voting with their constituents in mind. But 100% along the party line … poppycock!

I will go one step further … every time dem Dems vote unanimously for just about anything, they are not representing their constituents. Think about that … especially when you are voting.


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