Who Cares ?

On Thursday, 6/9/22, I did something that I usually do not do … I watched The Tucker Carlson Show (TCS) on Fox. I actually like Tucker Carlson and years ago I used to record his show so that I could fast-forward through the commercials. However, for whatever reason, I no longer record his show. So why did I watch on 6/9? As you might recall that was the night that all of the other major news channels were broadcasting the “1/6 hearings” extravaganza, which even had an ABC producer involved. While there was no way that I was going to watch the soap-opera-like hearing, I felt duty bound to watch the only news channel show that did not succumb to the leftist pressure – and that was the TCS. It was quite interesting that on 6/9, the entire one hour TCS had no commercials. Apparently I was not the only one who chose to not watch the made for TV garbage that was on ABC, NBC, and CBS, as the ratings for these major three networks were in the tank even though the hearings were in prime time.

From Townhall:

“Ratings for the liberal media’s prime time January 6 commission hearing took a nose dive … During the evening’s most popular time slots, ABC, NBC and CBC took major hits, as very few people tuned in for the night’s propaganda theater. 

According to Cable News Watch, only 4.5 million people watched the hearing on ABC, while NBC and CBC only got roughly three million viewers. 

The Hill’s Joe Concha said that on an average night the networks normally get about 20 millions viewers combined, Thursday night’s fiasco reeled in only 11 million.”

Could it be that the ratings debacle occurred because Americans don’t really care about the left’s continued hysteria of the 1/6 event? I guess time will tell.

To close two things:

-The Tucker Carlson Show was quite good, and so I am going to start watching it again on a regular basis.

-Although I do not consider myself to be a conspiracy theorist, could it be that the 1/6 affair was anticipated and perhaps encouraged by those on the left? Silly, you say! However, before you shrug off my concerns, please answer the following questions.

Why was Trump’s request for the National Guard turned down? Why have I seen multiple videos of Capitol police officers holding doors open so as to facilitate the entry of protesters into the Capitol? Why haven’t all of the videos from the inside cameras been made public? How many FBI agents were infiltrated into the crowd, and why? And finally, why were the Republican reps, nominated by the House Minority Leader, denied membership on the supposedly bipartisan committee … could it be that their presence would actually involve asking real questions?

The answers to these questions might actually be something Americans care about.



134 Replies to “Who Cares ?”

  1. Nothing that Donald Trump did or didn’t do on 1/6 compares with the multitude of crimes committed by Hilary Clinton. Yet, despite Benghazi, White water , Russian hoax, email gate, travel gate, Chinese campaign violations , Clinton foundation fraud,… She escapes scott free. How many more times does Trump have to be investigate I ll watch this crap when they put Pelosi on the stand . Btw, no charges for hubby’s drunk driving.

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