Which Government ?

Which Government ?

The other day I went to McDonald’s – the drive-thru, of course, because “the “government” says that all restaurants are closed, except for drive-thru customers (which government?). Because there was no line in the drive-through, when I got up to the pay window, I did not have my face mask in place, and so the teenage girl taking my money said, “Starting on May 1st ‘the government’ says that you have to wear a mask.” (“which government?”) I then politely asked her if that was the same mask that “the government” told me not to wear a few months ago, because “masks don”t work”?  . . . “Drive thru, please. Next  in line.”

Rumor has it that “the government” is going to loosen some of the social restrictions that they placed on us a few months back. Which government? The state government? The county government? The city government? Certainly, not the national government! 

Soon some of the less essential jobs will be okay. Essential, says who? By what authority or criteria is one job more essential than another? Who decided that my job is more essential than yours? . . . “the government,” of course. My neighbor is an assistant principal at a middle school. His job has been deemed essential by “the government,” even though none of the kids are going to school! Yes, that’s “the same government” that says the the children cannot go to the schools that our tax dollars pay for. Do us taxpayers get a refund from “the government” because the schools are not being used for the purpose for which they were built? 

Because that same neighbor’s really non-essential job has been deemed essential by “the government,” his kids get to go to daycare. Yes, it’s “the same government” that up until recently said that no children could go to daycare.

Recently I have been asking more and more, “Where does “the government” get the wherewithal to make all of these rules?” Is “the government” following some defined set of rules, or is “the government” merely making it up as it goes along? Err . . . “the government” is actually just making it up as it goes along!

Actually all of you realize that “the government” is only acting on our behalf, probably because you took “Civics/Government” at that same essential, nonessential middle school that is closed to students!

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