When Will Marylou Deliver ?

I’m sure that many of you have been involved in a family pool or a work pool where everyone puts in a buck to pick the date that Marylou will deliver her baby. In addition, will it be a boy or a girl? What will his/her name be? Etc. Unfortunately Marylou is not pregnant or at least we do not think she is pregnant and we are all looking for something else to occupy our time . . .  I propose a new two part pool that will be open to the entire country. It won’t even matter whether or not you know Marylou!

Part 1:

On what day and at what time will Joe Biden officially drop out (“chicken out”) of the first presidential debate. For those of you who might not be aware, this first debate is scheduled for September 29. (At present the Trump team is trying to schedule a fourth earlier debate because in some states the absentee  voting is opening well before September 29. The Biden team is not going along with this attempt to schedule another debate . . . no surprise here!) Anyway I propose that entries be accepted in this “Biden Cancellation Date” pool through midnight Labor Day, Sept. 7th. 

I further propose that half of the entry fee money be donated to a charity, and when Sleepy Joe cancels, Mr. Trump will then be able to pick the charity . . . after all he has much more experience in donating to charities as he has donated all of his salary to a good cause for the last almost four years. I realize that there are those who will argue Biden should choose where the money should go as his plans include giving away a lot of our money if he is elected.

Part 2:

The second part of this “when will Marylou deliver” type of pool will be much more difficult  as it will involve predicting the reason that Biden will cancel. So far the leading entries in this category include the mundane, such as laryngitis, in quarantine because of possible Covid, the New YorkTimes said so ( there have already been pleas from the NYT for Joe to not debate Trump!)

Personally, I think that his excuse will involve something much more creative . . .  perhaps it will be somehow tied in to children not being in school, or the wearing of masks indoors.

FYI: At this point the Vegas odds of Biden backing out of the first debate of the first debate are 3:1 against, but the recent influx of betting money has lowered these odds from 4:1. My advise is to get your money down now before the big money from California, New York, and Illinois comes pouring into Vegas. . . rumor is that these bettors expect and fervently hope that he cancels.

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