When the Rubber Hits the Road

Those of us who are paying any attention at all are cognizant of some of the long term issues with electric vehicles. Those who are over the top EV enthusiasts either aren’t aware of some of these issues, such as future battery disposal and costly replacement, or more likely take the “ignore, and it might go away” approach. Today I happened upon another issue with EVs that has the potential to bend the curve.

From BlazeNews:

“A new study is attracting widespread attention online by highlighting the surprising way in which electric vehicles are still pumping loads of climate-harming pollutants into the environment — and in many cases, at much higher rates than gas-powered cars.

The study, published recently by Emissions Analytics, a U.K.-based emissions testing firm, found that under normal driving conditions, particulate emissions from tires are an eye-popping 1,850 times greater than from a tailpipe of a gas-powered car.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines particulate matter as ‘solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air’ that are ‘so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems.’”

I cannot imagine that real environmentalists will be too thrilled about this! 

However, it gets worse as this “tire pollution” gets worse as the weight of the vehicle gets more.

Again from BlazeNews:

“The revelation raises a particular problem for EVs, which typically weigh significantly more than their gas-powered counterparts thanks to the heavy battery packs that allow for longer-distance driving. The more a car weighs, the greater pressure it puts on its tires, leading to more tire emissions.

‘Half a ton of battery weight can result in tire emissions that are almost 400 more times greater than real-world tailpipe emissions, everything else being equal,’ Emissions Analytics claimed.

And the trend is heading in the wrong direction, so far as tire emissions go. EVs continue to get heavier and heavier as a result of consumer demand for longer travel times in between charges. Conversely, as newer cars have become more efficient, tailpipe emissions in gas-powered vehicles have decreased.”

What is the chance that Pete Buttigieg will mention this as he tries to sell everybody a new EV? … Zero chance!

What are the odds that you will read about this in your local liberal “newspaper?” …  not quite zero, but very low odds!


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