When in Doubt … Use Logic

Joe Biden, or whomever is running the show, has again showed his/its vindictive side with Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra recently taking control of the distribution of life-saving monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments for coronavirus. Either J.B is fully aware of, and supportive of what Mr. Becerra (XB) is doing or he is not. If he is aware, then “the pseudo-uniter” is again showing his true colors … or if J.B. is not aware of, and supportive of of what Becerra is doing, then OMG! A lot of us recall that X.B. himself does have a vindictive streak as we in California witnessed first hand multiple times in the past  when he maliciously sued to stop just about everything President Trump wanted to do – no matter how much good it may have done nor how much common sense it made … another matter for another time.

Back to monoclonal antibodies (mAb) … let’s make sure I have this straight: 

  • Some states have a higher/lower rate of vaccination than other states.
  • MAb have been shown to be effective in the treatment of Covid.
  • States that are using more mAb are predominately states with Republican governors, namely Alabama, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Louisiana.
  • XB/JB  now has the authority to regulate the distribution and usage of the treatment in all 50 states and to restrict states that are using what the government determines as more than their “fair share.” 
  • Sick people are just people, irrespective of where they live.
  • For whatever reason, those groups that are the most resistant to being vaccinated are Blacks and Hispanics.
  • Sick people are sick people, irrespective of the color of their skin.
  • Since the unvaccinated are more likely not only to get Covid, but also to become sicker with Covid, restricting the use of mAb would logically affect those groups that are more apt to be unvaccinated.


After logically reviewing what I know about the preponderance of the unvaccinated being in certain ethnic groups, the incidence and severity of Covid in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals, the effectiveness of mAb treatment in Covid, and the limiting of the distribution of mAb to sick individuals by JB/XB … whereas initially I thought that this was purely a political vendetta, I now am forced to conclude that the purposeful withholding of mAb treatment to those who are ill with Covid is  … racially motivated.



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