When Does It Change ?

I am in a pickle these days trying to understand some leftist logic on certain things. I do realize that ‘logic’ is usually not something that leftist-thinking relies on, but my quandary is trying to understand when their thinking does its latest 180 degree flip.

While the fetus is in the womb, according to leftist thinking, that fetus, even though viable, has no say as to whether or not he/she will be aborted. That decision is solely up to the parents … typically the mother, and occasionally, or in some circumstances in concert with the father.

But somewhere along the road to adulthood for their children, this total parental authority vanishes. 

In leftist California. California’s Governor Newsom recently signed into law something that cannot be overlooked. It is nothing less than a frontal assault on parental rights, also hurting the very children it claims to protect. As reported by California Family Council, AB1184 “prohibits insurance companies from revealing to the policyholder the ‘sensitive’ services of anyone on their policy, including minor children, even though the policy owner is financially responsible for the services.  These ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex-change operations. In California, minors can consent to all of these sensitive treatments, except for sex-change surgeries, after the age of 12 under certain conditions, and consent to abortions at any age.” 

Let me see if I have this right. Suddenly at twelve years of age, the leftist extremists in California feel that the parents are no longer overseers when it comes to things which will have lifelong effects on their children. A twelve year old having an abortion … a twelve year old being put on cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers … a twelve year old diagnosed with a mental illness – all without his/her parents knowledge! 

Apparently when a child turns twelve, according to leftists in California, there is an infusion of knowledge and wisdom that the child did not have before that twelfth birthday.

In Virginia, gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe took the position in a debate that the parents should have no say in what their children are being taught in public schools. The former governor, now the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe came out quite bluntly against parents having a say in what public schools teach their children.

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” McAuliffe said, adding that, if elected governor, he would not “let parents come into schools, and actually take books out, and make their own decision.” 

So in Virginia it’s possible that school board officials would be the only say as to what the school children are reading and learning. According to the leftist McAuliffe parents should have no say in these important facets of their children’s education. In general children start kindergarten at age five or six, so potentially in Virginia, if leftist McAuliffe wins, parents would no longer be in control of their children when their child turns five or six.

So my question is when did this parenteral control go from absolute to zero? When their child turns five or six ? When their child turns twelve?

Perhaps there should be an addendum to AB1184, such that when the drugged out, gender confused, mentally challenged eighteen year old has nowhere to turn, he/she would take up residence with Governor Newsom or those lawmakers who voted for AB1184, and then the leftist know-it-all’s would assume total “parenteral” control.



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