What’s Wrong With This Picture?

How do residents in San Ysidro feel about a border wall? The southern boundary of  San Ysidro, you see, is on the Mexican border. Let’s ask Lennox Lake and his father, both residents of San Ysidro what they think about this issue.

The father, Benjamin, cannot answer at this time as he is presently at his son’s side 24/7, and unfortunately Lennox cannot answer at this time as he is comatose in Rady’s Children’s Hospital after being injured in an auto accident in San Ysidro approximately 1 block from his home. This 6 year old sustained a depressed skull fracture, a fractured nose and a significant head laceration while sitting in his car seat on 1/6/17 at 11:30pm. The family was returning from Disneyland when their car was hit broadside by a Chevrolet Silverado “allegedly” driven by 38 year old Constantino Banda-Acosta, who was arrested shortly thereafter.


As tragic as any severe auto accident is, especially when a child is severely injured, what is so unique about this one? Well to start with Mr. Banda-Acosta is an illegal immigrant who was driving “under the influence” and left the scene of the accident after blowing through a stop sign. At this time Mr. Banda-Acosta is charged with felony DUI with bodily injury, felony Hit-and-Run with injury, as well as driving without a license.

It gets worse!

What “distinguishes” Mr. Banda-Acosta is that in 2006 he was arrested for a DUI, and since 2009, apparently he has had his license suspended three times.


Something is wrong with this picture.

If he is a illegal immigrant now, he certainly must have been illegal in 2006 and again in 2009. How did he get a driver’s license prior to 2006 or why in 2009 did he still have one? Sure in the state of California in 2017 an illegal immigrant can get driver’s license, but the granting of legal California drivers licenses (AB 60) to illegals did not start until 2015!

But remember this is California, so it gets much worse!!

Mr. Constantino Banda-Acosta has had 2 prior arrests for domestic violence (felonies, I believe) and was deported on Jan. 10, 2017. According to his estranged wife, he was back at her house in Chula Vista, which is adjacent to San Ysidro, on Jan. 20, 2017.

Again remember this is California, so it gets worse still!!!

Mr. Banda-Acosta has been deported on 14-15 prior occasions over the last 15 years. You have not misread this . . . He has been deported 14-15 times! Obviously he has gotten back into the U.S. each time. This time it took him a mere ten days or less to get back across the border into Southern California.

There are so many things wrong with this picture that it boggles the mind. However, what most stands out to me is the obvious gross inability of the United States to keep “bad people”, like Mr. Banda-Acosta out. There are many “progressives” as well as many liberal Democrats in this state’s legislature who are arguing vociferously against the building of a wall along the Mexican border. I wonder how many of them will be standing with Benjamin Lake next to his son’s hospital bed proudly proclaiming that building a wall is wrong?

I think . . . NONE!

I also have not heard Lorena Gonzalez, state Rep. for the 80th district that includes San Ysidro, either make any statement about this tragedy or express any condolences to the Lake family. Of course that is really not very surprising as she is about as pro-illegal immigration as one can get.
As an aside, prior to writing this, I reviewed many T.V. News transcripts as well as articles from many newspapers – the only one that referred to Mr. Banda-Acosta as an “illegal immigrant” was The Daily Mail – from England!


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