What’s Next ?

Now one needs to wear a mask to go inside just about anywhere, because “those in the know” say so! Britain has just stated that there was no risk of contracting the virus while at a beach, and we have known for a while that the chance of catching or spreading the virus while outside is minuscule, even though for quite a while, beach going was verboten. Granted if someone sneezed in your face while you were outside, all bets would be off, but again there is only a very small probability of this happening. At this point just about everybody has accepted mask wearing as a fait accompli. A “when in Rome philosophy” is just easier now days.

As best I can tell no one has protested and vocalized that diktats to wear masks are unconstitutional, even though they probably are. (except possibly where private businesses are concerned.)

The next stop on this voyage aboard the ship, “The Un-Constitution”, will be the demanding of proof of vaccination to do X,Y, or Z. Right now one must wear a mask to travel just about anywhere, but how far are we from demanding demanding proof of vaccination to travel anywhere? What about demanding proof that one has gotten the vaccine as a prerequisite to work? Impossible, you say? Actually it is already beginning. 

From the New York Post:

“Restaurant staffers in New York joined the list of people eligible for the shot earlier this month. Not long after, management at a Brooklyn eatery emailed staffers to let them know they were eligible, and later said the vaccine would be “mandatory” for all employees.

Bonnie Jacobson, 34, told The Post that the management at Red Hook Tavern canned her on Monday because she balked at getting the shot immediately.

Jacobson, who has been married since October 2019, stressed that she’s not an anti-vaxxer and “fully supports” people being inoculated, but said she wants to wait for more research on the coronavirus vaccine’s possible effects on fertility.”


Certainly since the vaccine has only been around for two months, it is reasonable to say that no one knows if there is an effect on one’s future fertility. Is Mrs. Jacobson’s concern beyond the pale? 

The response of Red Hook Tavern . . . “Tough! You’re Fired!” Red Hook Tavern must feel pretty confident of its position concerning this issue, as at this point since there has apparently not been any dramatic side-effects from the vaccine. However, if the vaccine proves to have some serious side-effects, would diktats like those from Red Hook Tavern hold up in court?

Yes, older people have died in the week following their vaccine, but their death has been deemed something that would have occurred anyway. (If a ninety year old dies from a stroke six days after getting the vaccine, it is not unreasonable to say that the stroke would have occurred anyway.) However there are reports of younger individuals dying within close proximity to getting the vaccine.

Also from the New York Post:

“A former Detroit news anchor who worked at the country’s first black-owned television station died a day after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, a report said.

Karen Hudson-Samuels, 68, who also worked as a producer and news director at WGPR-TV, was found dead in her home by her husband, Cliff Samuels, CBS Detroit reported.”

The question that I have is whether or not at some point in the future the general populace will say, “Enough! Let us make our own decisions concerning what we will and will not do . . . based on the Constitution.”

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