What Was He Thinkin’?

Atweel, at times you have probably heard someone say or do something and you think, “What was he drinkin’?”

(BTW: ”Atweel” was my on-line “word of the day” today, and so I thought that I would try to use it in this essay. FYI: “Atweel” means “surely!”)
Last week Barack Obama was back on the campaign trail and was bad-mouthing Republicans and the present president in contra-distinction to the established norm of past presidents not reentering into the political arena, especially to bash their successor. What was he drinkin’?
Personally I was not at all surprised at his behavior as one’s behavior oftentimes dissolves the mask which is hiding one’s character. Can anyone recall President Bush ever saying anything derogatory about Mr. Obama? Nuff said about that.
Back to the “What were they drinkin’.”
Mr. Obama wants everyone to think that he had some role in the present booming economy. He said, “When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s remember when this recovery started.”
Huh!? What was he drinkin’?
In a column in today’s Wall Street Journal, Peter Ferrara, a university Economics professor, states, “Before Mr. Obama, in the 11 previous recessions since the Depression, the economy recovered all jobs lost an average of 27 months after the recession began. In Mr. Obama’s recovery, the recession’s  job losses were not recovered until after 76 months, more than 6 years.”
Likewise while he was in office, Obama backers said that the economy could no longer grow any faster than the 2% growth averaged over Mr. Obama’s eight years. Slow growth was the “new normal.” “Get used to it!” What were they drinkin’?
Again from Professor Ferrara, “After Mr. Trump was elected, he fundamentally changed course from Mr. Obama’s policies, increasing annual growth to more that 3% within six months and now to over 4%.”
The sad part about these “What are they drinkin’” analogies is that there are plenty of
thirsty liberals out there who avidly drink this Obama Kool-Aid. They do not care that B.O. is stretching the truth concerning the recovery, and they certainly do not care about his crossing the past presidents’ speech etiquette line. And worst of all . . . atweel they will vote!

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