What S&P Must Know

From Townhall:

“Attorney General William Barr sent a letter to four lawmakers on Capitol Hill Sunday afternoon, 3/24/19, summarizing the findings of Robert Mueller’s two year long Special Counsel investigation. After 500 witnesses and 2800 subpoenas, it reveals that President Trump, in addition to his 2016 campaign and those associated with it, did not collude with Russians to influence the presidential election.” 
So it’s over! The Democrats lost and the U.S.A. won! Wait! Not so fast

Clearly upset at the Justice Department’s unequivocal declaration that no further indictments are coming out of the Mueller probe, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi (S&P) said that Attorney General Bill Barr “must make the full report public and provide its underlying documentation and findings.” 

This, of course, will be impossible and certainly S&P must know that Attorney General Barr can’t possibly fulfill their request. Surely everybody must know that Barr cannot release classified information, as the phrase, “cannot be released as it is classified,” is something we have heard repeatedly over the last few years. Certainly, S&P must know this, as they have both been in Washington for most of their adult lives – much too long!

Additionally, apparently grand jury testimony and materials are sealed forever. I did not know this, but certainly Schumer and Pelosi must know this, as they have been lawyers for decades. This will not change just because the Mueller Report didn’t turn out the way the Democrats wanted. 

Finally, it is a longstanding Justice Department policy never to release derogatory information about people who are not being charged with breaking the law, and here since there are no indictments, no one, other than some Russians, is being charged with breaking the law. This is a foundational principle of professional behavior for federal prosecutors, and it’s a critical protection against abuse of power. Certainly Schumer and Pelosi must know that some people actually have some principles even if they don’t.

So what is S&P’s game plan? It doesn’t take a professional coach to figure it out . . . a Pop-Warner coach could easily figure it out! Obviously, they are setting up an impossible standard that they must know full well can’t be met. When Barr inevitably has to redact certain information from the report he sends to Congress, they will then falsely accuse him of a cover-up.
The major difference between what has been going on for two years with the Mueller investigation, and what will be going on for the next two years, is that the focus will now be on the Democrats. I predict two years of incessant whining prior to the 2020 election. I also predict that by then the American people will know that the Democrats are not attempting to “make America great . . . “


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