What Might Have Ben !

Despite what many of you thought, that is not a misspelling in the title. I assume that most of you remember Ben Carson, former U.S. secretary of the Housing and Urban Development and chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. (BTW: If you have never read his life story, you have missed out … I especially admired his illiterate mother who made her two children do book reports, and then “corrected” them with a red pen even though she had no idea what the reports said! A truly remarkable story for another day.)

Anyway Dr. Ben Carson came to mind because of something I just read in Epoch Times, detailing his take on Covid, the CDC, the NIH, etc.

“What we’ve done is we’ve gotten into a system where we have the media in cahoots with the executive branch, sort of overlooking all the other safeguards that we have in our system,” Carson told The Epoch Times. “And as a result of that, what we’ve done has completely destroyed the trust of the people in the CDC, the NIH, the government health system. It’s going to take a very long time to get that trust back.”

Bravo, Ben!

The neurosurgeon said common sense and scientific data should drive public health policies, including a broad range of treatments for COVID-19 and not just vaccinations.

“[Hydroxychloroquine] was roundly criticized by our government officials. So was ivermectin and some other therapeutics that work perfectly fine

in other parts of the world. Why would they work in other parts of the world and not work here?” said Carson. “Why is it, in Western Africa, there’s almost no COVID? Because they take hydroxychloroquine as an anti-malarial. Why in southern India is there almost no COVID? Because they take ivermectin. Maybe they’re not taking it specifically for COVID, but look at the results.”

Bravo, Dr. C!

Carson said he would have liked to see therapeutics developed alongside vaccination for adults who wanted to voluntarily get them, but said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had a rule that prevented the rushed development of vaccines if early treatment was available.

“We also had an FDA rule that said, we cannot issue an emergency use authorization for the vaccine if you have another effective therapy,” said Carson. “Well, of course, you have to say those [therapeutics] aren’t effective so you can do it. You know, that doesn’t make any sense. Why not be able to travel down several avenues simultaneously to find the most effective means of taking care of our population?”

Hmmm. Could this have the real reason why prescribing Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin became taboo?

What if we had someone in charge who used common sense like Dr. Carson? Instead we were stuck with Dr. Fauci, an old man who used zero common sense. 

Oh, what might have Ben!


141 Replies to “What Might Have Ben !”

  1. Interesting commentary, thanks. I don’t see the need to call Dr Fauci “old” to make your point as many may consider Ben at 70 “old”.

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