What I Am Most Thankful For

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the parking lots at the local shopping centers were almost full, as were the freeways. In addition, when we went for an early dinner at 4:30, Chili’s was also nearly full. And Costco . . .OMG! I felt that these recent observations were more that just serendipity, because at this time of the year, I usually come out with my answer to the question,”What am I most thankful for?”

This year my answer is fourfold:

1.) I am thankful for my health without which I would not be writing this.

2.) I am thankful for my wife, my family, and my friends without which I would not be happy.

3.) I am thankful that I live in the United States without which neither of the above   would be possible.

But back to my original recent observation. Why are the freeways, the shopping, malls, and the restaurants at near capacity? Anyone who is reasonably observant can answer that question . . . “It’s the economy, stupid!” ( A phrase originally used by Clinton strategist, James Carvelle back in 1992.) 

And why is the economy doing so well? Again anyone who is reasonably observant can answer that question . . . “It’s because of President Trump, stupid!” President Trump recently hit the bull’s-eye when he said, “People are working, they’re making money.” Right on Mr. President. People are out en masse, spending money, because people are now working and making more money (wages up again – 2.9% for the year). Why? Obviously, again the answer is . . .  President Trump! And this did not just start this week or this month, but the strong economy and its benefit to workers has been going on since shortly after Trump was elected almost three years ago. According to MSNBC back in Jan. 2018, the Employment Cost Index, a measure of salary and benefit costs, was up 2.6%, which was tied for the best since 2007, which gave President Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, thus easily topping any gains during President Obama’s entire term. 

In Chili’s and at the shopping malls, there was a potpourri of Americans, black, white, and brown. There have never been more Black and Hispanic Americans in the workforce, as was demonstrated by the Labor Department’s recent job report.  The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%. The Hispanic women unemployment rate was 3.8% in September and the Black adult women jobless rate was 4.6%.Another bright-spot of the report was the overall unemployment rate. The jobless rate dropped 0.2 percentage points to 3.5%, its lowest reading in 50 years. 
Not only are Americans spending, but they seem happy about it. Fifty-seven percent of Americans approved of President Trump’s handling of the economy, up from 53% in August, and 50% in May.
Oops, I seemed to strayed a bit from Thanksgiving and those things that I am most thankful for:
4.) I am thankful that Donald Trump is President.
In addition, I would surmise that a lot of Americans, those on the freeways, those at the malls, and those at Chili’s are also thankful that Mr. Trump now resides in The White House.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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