What A Hoot !

Wayne Allen Root has turned into one of my favorite columnists. For those of you who are RINOs or anti-Trumpers you probably will not like what Wayne Allen Root just wrote about, but I loved it. The title of his latest is “The Game Changer . . . “

He starts off:

“Days ago, I was honored to spend time with former President Donald Trump for an exclusive one-on-one interview on my nationally syndicated radio show, “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network.”

The basic gist of his piece is to have Mr. Trump run for the House of Representatives from a district in Florida that he would be guaranteed to win. The mere act of Trump running for the House would spur voters across the country to vote for Republican candidates. The hoped for result would be a landslide of Republicans voted into the House. I could imagine about 74 million Republican votes nationally, and the House would shift back into Republican hands. Granted this may well happen anyway as Sleepy Joe’s tenure has thus far been uber divisive, and a pinnacle of incompetence.

But here is the coup de grâce . . . drum roll, please . . . Donald Trump would then be elected Speaker of the House. What a hoot that would be!
Just imagine the power Trump would have over the impotent Biden or even the Laughing Kamala, if perchance  Sleepy Joe were to step down and no longer be living in the White House in 2022.

Even though President Trump appeared to show some interest in Root’s idea, only in my dreams would this ever happen. However, just imagine the enjoyment the nation’s 74 million Trump standbys would have, and think about the depression that could ensue with those who finagled, cheated, and lied their way to a 2000 tainted “win” for Sleepy Joe.

What a hoot that would be!

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