Watching Them and Doing Nothing

The other day I came across two sayings by two intelligent men … each seems to be particularly relevant in today’s political atmosphere.

The first is from Albert Einstein who wrote“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them “.

The second is from Edmund Burke who wrote “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to stand by and do nothing”

Think about the central message contained in both of these quotes, and then consider the following form a piece by E.P. Unum on Rip McIntosh’s site concerning these two quotes:

“Their thoughts and words were prescient. I fear that we are watching the slow, painful destruction of America, its principles and ideas, sacrificed on the altar of Marxism and tyranny.  And, because we are good and decent people, we refuse to believe it, much less do anything about it.  It is still not too late, but time is not on our side.”

In this last soliloquy by Unum, I was struck by the part that contends that those on the right and also many in the middle “are good and decent people.” The implication here is that this good and decent group are prone to doing nothing, whereas those on the left as has been seen repeatedly will lie, cheat, and steal at every opportunity.

In order to come out on the winning side of this good/evil contest, all of us, more specifically each one of us, need to step up in some way. My contribution is writing this blog, and would hope that this and any other tidbits of conservative info are passed on by all of you individually. I implore each of us individually to pay attention to what Einstein and Burke said, while at the same recalling the end of JFK’s famous quote, “… , it’s what you can do for your country.”


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