Watch CNN ?

Let’s be clear. I do not watch CNN. I am not like one of my conservative friends who watches CNN to see what the other side is saying. I pretty much know what they are saying, and so let’s be clear again, I do not watch CNN.
That being said, CNN is on at my gym, and in particular CNN is the station that is on in the men’s locker room. While I am changing in  and out of my workout clothes, a muted CNN is always on, usually on the TV screen directly above my head. While I am not actually watching or listening, I will often glance up and notice what “headline” is being prominently displayed at the bottom of the screen. Was it my imagination or were all of these “headlines” anti-Trump? 

Being the scientific person that I am, I decided to keep track of these bottom of the screen “headlines” for the next five times that I went to the gym, for a total of ten observations. These observations were completely random . . . some in the late morning; some in the early or in the late afternoon; most of weekdays, but also some on the weekend. In this purely observational “study,” 90% (nine out of ten observations) were anti-Trump. I asked myself, “Could this be real?” Could this supposedly “politically neutral news network” actually be biased against our President? Was this 90% just a fluke?
To try to find out if my initial observations were valid, I again took note of these “headlines” for another two weeks (six times at the gym, for a total of 12 additional observations). On this second go-round, ten of the twelve (83%) were anti-Trump! I was shocked! . . . shocked until I read about Project Veritas, a series of undercover videos at CNN produced by James O’Keefe. Project Veritas documents what I observed in my random observations at the gym . . . CNN is biased against President Trump.
However, what makes this even worse, is that this bias is not accidental, but rather intentional, akin to a vendetta.
Like I said before, “I do not watch CNN” – and now, never will!

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