Wassup With That ?

The other day a friend of mine commented that he thought that Joe Biden has some early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. No he is not a neurologist, but has practiced medicine for more than forty-five years, and during that time has seen tens of thousands of patients. “How so?” I asked him. He responded, “Facial expression; confusion; and he walks a little funny.” I do not pretend to be up to date on the early symptoms of Parkinsonism, and from now on, especially during the debates, I will be keeping a close eye on Biden for possible clues as to his health status.

Many others are also concerned because of Biden’s unusual behavior, and his apparent lack of stamina.

“At no time in recent memory has a presidential nominee’s physical and mental health been more important than with Joe Biden,” Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson told Fox News.

“He often appears disoriented, and there is no pretense that he has the physical vigor to run for a second term should he be elected,” Jacobson said. “In a normal election, with the candidate on the campaign trail, the public could judge for itself but that is not possible because Biden is running a basement campaign. More than ever, the press needs to do its job and not act as protector of the Democrat nominee.”

Indeed the MSM do not appear to see or report on the obvious. Wassup with that?

As everyone is now aware, RBG died the other day after a long illness. I would have thought that Biden would have had his guns loaded, and would have been on the offensive. However the following day, he barely came out of his basement, and again on 9/22/20, he was done with his comments by 10 a.m. Wassup with that? This is supposed to be a presidential election, and Mr. Biden is spending more time in his basement than anywhere else. While at the same time, Trump is out on the campaign trail almost daily.

To me Joe Biden appears to be depressed. Why does someone have very little affect, and basically hide in his basement on most days, if he is not depressed? Why is someone running for President not out there campaigning? 

From my perspective there are only six basic possibilities:

  1. He figures that he has the election in the bag, or at least that’s what his advisers tell him, and so keeping Joe hidden is merely a way of protecting his lead.
  2. There is something physically wrong with him, and as a consequence he has no stamina and tires very easily. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have not seen the results of any comprehensive examination on Joe Biden for years. Wassup with that?  (After all, if he gets elected and then very soon after, his illness is “discovered” . . . well there is no proviso for a redo. If the American people got snookered – oh well, too bad.)
  3. He is physically okay . . . old, but physically okay for his age, but his mental status is shaky. We are all aware that he is gaffe-prone, and the less opportunity he has to misspeak the better.
  4. He is merely a Trojan horse for the ultra-liberals, who knew that an ultra-liberal like Sanders or Warren could not win in a general election.
  5. Take a breath before you read this one . . . He is purposely trying to lose the election! Before you laugh and call me crazy,look at the evidence. Objectively he is not a strong candidate. He is an old, a very old candidate, and he is a “gaffe-machine.” Why would anybody choose a candidate like him? He chooses a running mate that is not likable, and who was so unpopular in the Democratic primaries that she had to drop out. She is only pseudo-African American, and cannot even help Mr. Biden win her home state, as California would go Democrat with Alfred E. Newman running as V.P. Why would the Dems choose such a loser as their VP candidate? I have no idea?
  6. He is actually sharp as a tack, and is merely trying to make Trump underestimate him, so that he can shine in the debates. (No, I do not think that this is true, but I only included it for completeness.  Personally, I cannot wait for the debates.)

There are just too many things here that just do not make any sense. 

So again I say, “Wassup with that ?”

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