Was Battle Creek a Barometer ?

President Trump held a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan on the night of 12/18/19. The last time a president visited Battle Creek was President Bush in 2004. The raucous crowd of more than 5400 packed the Kellogg Arena. Battle Creek is in Calhoun County, which went for Obama in both 2008 and 2012, but was one of twelve Michigan counties that flipped to Trump in 2016. Almost as if it were planned, 12/18 was the night that the House held its vote on impeachment. When the House impeachment vote was announced, the crowd responded with cheers of “Four more years,” and “U.S.A., U.S.A.!” The impeachment vote in the House did not discourage the crowd, but rather made it more enthusiastic. Will this Battle Creek, Michigan response be a predictor of the nationwide response to this Democrat debacle? 
According to Brad Pescale, there were some interesting stats on the Battle Creek crowd for President Trump’s “Merry Christmas” rally and speech:

-92.2% were from Michigan; the rest came from Illinois and Indiana, both close to Battle Creek. (Does this imply that the people of Michigan are fired up about President Trump and the 2020 presidential election? If those that are from Michigan are fired up now, how much more so will they be in November, 2020?)

-17% of the crowd were Democrats ( I find this to be an amazing statistic. These Dems were not there to disrupt . . . only one disruptive woman over the 2+hour speech. Why would these Democrats stand in the long lines and brave the cold to see the Republican President? The only reasonable answer to that question is that they wanted to check him out for themselves – if they were considering voting for him next year, they wanted to see if he was the real deal. BTW: He is!)

-15% had not voted for 4years (This group are not “voting groupies.” They do not vote in every election, and did not vote for anybody in 2016, which was only 3 years ago. Why were they at this “Merry Christmas” rally? Again the only plausible answer is that they are planning on voting in the next presidential election. They have voted in the past, and they plan to vote again in 2020. For whom? Take a wild guess!)

-15% had voted in only one of the last four presidential elections (To me this may be the most important group for the Republicans, and the worst group for the Dems, as this group for the most part in the past hasn’t given a sh** who is president. To go from  someone who typically does not care enough to vote to someone who is now attending a “Merry Christmas” rally is a big deal. It is this group that will increase turnout, as for over a decade they mostly did not turn out, and as we are aware, voter turnout will be very important to ensure a Trump victory in 2020. Make sure you-all plan to vote!)  

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