
Oh what a tangled web they wove! From 2009 through 2016 this country was governed by a far left president, compounded initially (2009-2010) by a liberal Democrat-controlled Congress. Yes, the standard line is that the nation voted for Barack Obama, and certainly they knew what they were getting! But did they? They knew they were getting a black president – an eloquent black president, but I doubt that they realized that they were getting an eloquent, very liberal black president – an eloquent, very liberal, conniving black president.

Am I being too harsh when I include “conniving” in my description?
No, I do not think so, as only those who saw him as “conniving” could have anticipated the mess that he and his appointees have created. Remember that prior to his election in 2008, B.O. said, “I will make [comprehensive immigration reform] a top priority in my first year as president”. Did this happen?  Wallah! . . . NO!

Now immigration is only one of a number of chaotic messes that President Trump now has to attempt to deal with. So far most of the initial eight months of the Trump presidency has been taken up by things that could have been, and probably were, foreseen by B.O. and his conniving Democratic cronies.
For months Obamacare repeal was front and center. No one should underestimate the Republican incompetence in dealing with this issue, but no one should forget that it was passed into law solely with Democratic votes. The fact that the majority of the country was against it was irrelevant to the Democratic Congress, and so . . . Wallah!

Subsequent to that debacle we now have a  slurry of dictates put forth by B.O. and his departments that are occupying the news. First and foremost we have DACA which was established by B.O. in June, 2012 and subsequently formally initiated by then Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. Note that DACA was never passed into law by Congress. President Obama apparently just decided that it would be a good idea, and so   . . . Wallah!

Next we have the 2011 “guidance letter” by Obama’s Department of Education. This was sent to all institutions of higher learning and concerned the conducting of investigations of sexual abuse under the federal education law known as Title IX. Again Congress was circumvented, and this new policy was forced down the throats of colleges and universities basically by threatening to withhold federal funds from noncomplying schools. So the liberal Department of Education in 2011 decided that it would be a good idea to discard any masquerade of due process, and so . . . Wallah!

Next on the list is “transgenders in the military.” In June, 2016 Ash Carter, Secretary of Defense under President Obama announced that he was changing the Pentagon policy concerning transgenders in the military and was ending the ban on transgenders in the military. Ostensibly this was B.O.’s way of rewarding his political allies in the LGBT community, and basically those in the know (Center for Military Readiness) were told to accept this decree even though they disagreed vehemently, as apparently Ash Carter decided that this would be a good idea, and so . . . Wallah!

Mark my words,”There will be more ‘Wallah moments’ to deal with in the near future.”

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