
Before reading the rest of this piece, take a guess at what the title, “Unjected” means or refers to.

Let’s go back to 2021. If, for whatever reason, someone chose to be unvaccinated, he/she was often essentially blackballed. Faced with discrimination and censorship, many unvaccinated people lost jobs and relationships because they chose to remain unvaccinated. 

Now, finally, many of those who were unjustly terminated will get their day in court, getting reinstated and in some circumstances getting back pay.

A lot of the following taken from Epoch Premium:

During this time what was happening on dating sites? Well, to avoid any further suspense … the same thing was happening. On most all dating sites, vaccination was a prerequisite. The un-jabbed “didn’t have the option to say they were unvaccinated” to potential online dating partners.

They were only allowed to be vaccinated. And you had to have this badge in your [online] profile. Too often, the unvaccinated would hear on dating sites, “Swipe left”—move on.

In May 2021, the two business partners, businesswoman Shelby Thomson and Heather Pyle of Maui, Hawaii, moms, and best friends launched “Unjected,” a dating app for the unvaccinated, on the Google and Apple stores.

Apple eventually banned “Unjected,” and when Google threatened the same, and Unjected.com went live using the web domain host GoDaddy in August 2021.

“Unjected was founded to help us easier connect in a world of medical discrimination and censorship,” according to Unjected’s online introduction.

Thomson said 2021 was the fastest-growing year for the new dating site because so many unvaccinated people had lost their jobs in the pandemic.

Thomson said “Unjected” is more than a dating service for the unvaccinated. It’s also a blood bank database and a fertility bank for the unvaccinated.

The dating service alone boasts 110,000 subscriptions in 85 countries and 3,000 to 5,000 new clientele every month, Thomson said.

As the world’s “first unvaccinated dating platform,” Thomson said “Unjected” is part of an unvaccinated blood matching coalition that includes the Pureblood Registry, Blessed by His Blood, and Safeblood.

If I were unvaccinated and interested in a dating site, “Unjected” would be my first choice because I would be potentially matched with someone with a similar philosophy.


141 Replies to ““Unjected””

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