“Undocumented“ vs “Illegal”

I just read about another law enforcement official who was killed in the line of duty in California. No, I did not read about it in my local liberal newspaper, probably because his alleged murderer is an illegal alien. On October 23, 2019 in El Dorado County (California) Sheriff Deputy Brian Ishmael was gunned down while investigating some possible marijuana growing violations. Deputy Ishmael had been on the force for four years, and was the father of three. Juan Carlos Vasquez has been arrested on suspicion of murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Rosario Bravo Morales has been arrested and is charged as an accessory. Both are illegal aliens. An interesting sidelight here is that Governor Newsom did not attend the funeral . . . Possibly because he was busy figuring out how to ban something else that is plastic or perhaps discussing with his fellow Dems how to push through another tax while calling it something else – both of the aforementioned for our own good!

To me it is very interesting that these days a crime committed by an illegal is brushed aside as just another everyday occurrence. I usually have a difficult time ascertaining whether the alleged perpetrator is illegal as even if he is, it is not often not mentioned. In 2018 President Trump mentioned Police Corporal Ronel Singh who was killed by Paulo Virgin Mendoza on 12/26/18. He also mentioned Marilyn Pharis, an Air Force contractor, who was killed in Santa Maria, California in 2015. Victor Martinez, an illegal alien, has been convicted in her killing . . . interestingly the reporter here focused on the fact that the other man convicted in her murder was not an undocumented immigrant. (I  am going to go out on a limb here, and guess that this writer was a liberal. Actually this guess is pretty easy as liberals usually refer to these illegal aliens as “undocumented immigrants.”)

How many murders and/or violent crimes are committed  by illegal aliens in California? Actually I looked for and, not surprisingly, could not find this info. However, I did find this data for Texas. A recent report from the Texas Department of Public Safety revealed that 297,000 non-citizens had been “booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019.” So these are non-citizens who allegedly committed local crimes, not immigration violations. The report noted that a little more than two-thirds (202,000) of those booked in Texas jails were later confirmed as illegal immigrants by the federal government. According to the Texas report, over the course of their criminal careers those illegal immigrants were charged with committing 494,000 criminal offenses. Some of these cases are still being prosecuted, but the report states that there have already been over 225,000 convictions. Those convictions represent: 500 homicides; 23,954 assaults; 8,070 burglaries; 297 kidnappings; 14,178 thefts; 2,026 robberies; 3,122 sexual assaults; 3,840 sexual offenses; 3,158 weapon charges and tens of thousands of drug and obstruction charges.

Now even though I could not find comparable data for California, if the crime stats are only one-half of what they are in Texas, wow! . . . that’s a lot! On the other hand “researchers” have found that “undocumented immigrants” do not present more of a threat for violent crime than American citizens. However from my perspective one violent crime committed by an illegal alien is one too many.

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