Two In The Same Week

8/25 & 8/26/22 were good days for those of us who believe in the Constitution as it pertains to personal and religious freedom. A good day because two separate Courts, in two separate areas of the country ruled on two different issues.

First from the Washington Free Beacon:

“A federal district court in California ruled on 8/25/22 that a state law requiring churches to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans is unconstitutional.

“The managed health care department’s decision to include religious organizations in the mandate came in 2014, following pressure from Planned Parenthood to “fix” the policy’s religious exemptions “to ensure that employers cannot deny women coverage of abortion services,” according to emailsdiscovered by Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys. The Trump administration in 2020 withheld $200 million in Medicaid funding from California because the mandate violated federal conscience laws.

“For years, California has unconstitutionally targeted faith-based organizations, so we’re pleased the court has found this mandate unconstitutional and will allow the churches we represent to operate freely according to their religious beliefs,” Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Jeremiah Galus said.

Score as of 8/25 … Constitution 1 Totalitarianism 0 !

Second from Epoch Share:

“A federal appeals court on Friday struck down a Biden administration statute that forced doctors to perform medical procedures, including gender-transition procedures, against their religious beliefs.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit unanimously upheld a lower court’s ruling in Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra which protected around 19,000 health care professionals in Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic health care network, from performing medical procedures against their conscience.

The lower court’s ruling had permanently prohibited the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) “from requiring Franciscan Alliance to perform gender-transition surgeries or abortions in violation of its sincerely held religious beliefs.”

Score for the week: Constitution 2  Totalitarianism 0 ! 



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