“TWANLOC” & “They”

While fuming that Pelosi and her band of low-lifes are now going to investigate President Trump fo his economic response to the coronavirus, my response was that “they” are truly  TWANLOC . . . an interesting acronym that I had never seen before a few months ago. Initially I did not know the meaning of “TWANLOC ”even though it is listed in the World’s largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. However, I did not feel bad as there are a zillion acronyms in this database. My guess is that none of you are familiar with this acronym either, but after reading this piece, you will now be using it in conversation just as I now am, as once one gets this acronym in his/her vernacular, it is surprising how often it is apropos. 
“TWANLOC,” means “Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen.” 
I had written but not published the following piece initially months ago, and now much of what I wrote back then is now passé, as the Democrat debates are a piece of non-history that everyone has forgotten.

Back then I wrote:
With the debates “they” were all trying to get to the left of the ram or the ewe who was next to them on the debate stage. When I heard some of the bizarre ideas that “they” were vocalizing, I was saying “TWANLOC” instead of WTF!Take for instance, “free health care for illegals.” Perhaps, a nice pie-in-the-sky idea, but maybe we should focus first on providing good and timely medical care for our veterans. Plus when you think about this in a rational way, does it make any sense to offer yet another carrot to attract even more illegals? “They” think that this makes sense because giving free medical care to illegals is going to solidify the illegal’s Democratic vote . . . oops, I forgot that they say that illegals don’t vote! TWANLOC!How about “Medicare for all as a replacement for private health insurance?” Again another poorly thought out pie-in-the-sky idea that would be impossible to implement. “They” refuse to consider that taking the private health insurance away from millions upon millions of Americans, and replacing it with Medicare for All, is an unworkable idea, especially in view of the fact that Medicare is scheduled to go bankrupt in the near future! TWANLOC!Next on the twinkle-toe’s list is “reparations for slavery.” Again, who are these yo-yos that come up these ideas? This one doesn’t even deserve  a discussion! TWANLOC!
Personally, I am done accepting the potpourri of liberal ideas that “they” insist is what is best for me because “they know best.” I want to use plastic bags and plastic straws since everyone who has looked into the ocean’s pollution with plastics realizes that the vast, vast, vast polluters are in Asia. Unfortunately “they” do not consider these actual facts. I do not want to have to ride my bike to work or to the gym for that matter, because “they” have decided that my driving a car is bad. I do not want to spend mucho dineros on an electric car, because “they” want to essentially eliminate hydrocarbon usage. I want water to be used for growing food in the Central Valley of California instead of sending millions of gallons into the ocean because of some shrimp that “they” think is more important than the lives of the farmers.Who are “they?” TWANLOC!And months back, we had Nancy Pelosi and her band of caterwauling Democrat-Never-Trumpers, bemoaning the fact that the President killed a terrorist who had been responsible for the killing of hundreds and hundreds of American military men and women. TWANLOC!! 

Now back to the present day. Remember that “they” basically haven’t changed. Now we have Pelosi and Schiff planning to investigate (err . . . attack) President Trump because he is trying to figure out a way to defeat the  Wuhan-virus, and at the same time trying to save our economy from the depression which is right outside our front door. To anyone who will listen, most of the Democrats are playing politics with this Wuhan-disaster, and thus they are truly “TWANLOC!”

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