
The 2020 presidential election is going to be all about turnout, and to me there are two basic things that will increase Republican, pro-Trump turnout. The turnout will be increased when President Trump says or does something that will pump up his base. For example, his State of the Union speech was one of his best speeches, and this speech lit the fuse of the firecracker for many Republicans. (more turnout!) His going to Dover Air Force Base to welcome the remains of the two recently killed soldiers is something that could have potentially stoked the flames of his base even though the picture of the President and Vice President Pence saluting the caskets, while standing in the rain, was not widely publicized by the MSM. Most military, both active duty or retired will potentially turn out to the polls based on this one picture alone. ( more turnout!)

Mark my words there will be many more opportunities for the President to fire up his base between now and November, and thus increase pro-Trump turnout.

Likewise the Dems just keep doing things that can only increase pro-Trump turnout. It is perplexing to me that the Democrats do not understand that certain things can only serve to further increase the pro-Trump turnout, and yet they continue to close their eyes to the obvious. The Mueller Russia collusion charade is a good example, and the more the Dems continue to obliquely reference “Russian collusion,” the more fired up the pro-Trump base becomes. (more turnout!). 

However the apparent pinnacle of Democrat cluelessness was this impeachment debacle, and to make it worse (or perhaps better depending on your viewpoint) they tried to prolong it  . . . “more witnesses, and put off the vote because of xxxx.” The longer that this circus went on, the poorer the TV rating became, and the more fired up the pro-Trumpers became (more turnout!).

Nancy Pelosi gave the Trump team an unexpected gift by tearing up the SOTU speech in full view of all Americans. Tsk, tsk, Ms. Pelosi didn’t your parents teach you nothin’? (more turnout, especially in those states where there is potential for flipping a House seat!)

Could it be that the recent New Hampshire primary gave us a glimpse of future turnout? Donald Trump was running basically unopposed and yet he shattered the record for the number of votes for an incumbent President in a N.H. primary!! (increased turnout rocks New Hampshire!)

Likewise it appears now that the Dems are heading towards a contested convention, and that can only piss off most of the primary voters except those who voted for the candidate that wins. (less Dem. turnout!)

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