Turnabout … “Oops, Our Bad!”

From the Epoch Times:

“Without fanfare, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 11, 2022, reversed all its COVID-19 guidelines. In fact, many have noted it appears the CDC wanted to bring as little attention to it as possible. This is understandable, considering the new guidelines more or less admit the original rules were in error, without actually specifically stating as much.

The new guidance is listed in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) under the title, “Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems — United States, August 2022.”

In essence the CDC said, “Oops, our bad!”

The following for those of you who are not aware, summarizes what the non-remorseful CDC is now saying:

  • The CDC is now advocating for taking personal responsibility and for everyone to decide for themselves “which prevention behaviors to use and when (at all times or at specific times), based on their own risk for severe illness and that of members of their household, their risk tolerance, and setting-specific factors”

(Wow! What a novel idea  … have everyone assess their own risk and act accordingly. For those individuals whose rights were trampled by the CDC’s gospel, the CDC is now basically saying, “Oops, our bad!”)

  • The CDC is also giving up on discrimination based on COVID jab status, stating, its “COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur.” They also admit natural immunity exists and works.

(Wow! Again another novel idea which is not so novel  … Natural immunity!! So concerning the mis-advising on the common sense of natural immunity … “Oops, our bad!,”)

  • Testing is now reserved for those who “are symptomatic, or have a known or suspected exposure to someone with COVID-19,” isolation is only for those who are symptomatic and have tested positive, and contact tracing is now restricted to health care settings and select “high-risk congregate settings.”

(Wow! Common sense wins again. No more isolating anybody and everybody because we, the CDC says so. Err, that’s changed …”Oops, our bad!!”

  • The CDC’s about-face appears to be politically motivated, to give the Biden administration a “win” before the midterm elections. Post-election plans include “the biggest vaccination campaign in history,” so tyrannical overreaches may later resume, even as mounting data show the COVID shots are causing depopulation.

(Wow! Nothing like an upcoming election to clear away the fog. The CDC is essentially now saying, “Forget all of harm we have caused over the last few years, because now we are now proclaiming, ‘Oops, our bad!!’”)


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