Tsk, Tsk … For Shame!

When I was helping to organize a high school reunion, one of my former classmates, Tom K., had a notation next to his name on the alumni list. It  read, “Do not contact me for any reason. Ever!” … signed, Tom K.

As of today I am saying a similar thing about a “newspaper.”  … “Do not  buy this ‘newspaper’ for any reason … Ever!” 

That “newspaper,” is USA Today. Tsk, tsk! For shame! 

USA Today has risen (sunk) to heights (depths) occupied by a select (despicable) woke few. Because of its recent underhanded woke editing, it has now joined Coke and Delta in a despicable group of “Do not . . . Ever!”

Tsk, tsk, for shame! 

Some background from  mrcCulture:

On May 22, USA Today published an opinion piece by Chelsea Mitchell  a now-collegiate track athlete who in 2020 “was ranked the fastest high school female in the 55-meter dash in the state” of Connecticut. 

More from Townhall:

USA Today however went back and three days later altered the content of the editorial. The words that the paper eradicated were phrases where Chelsea referred to her opponents as males.

This is bad enough, as it marks the second time in months that USA Today has done this. Recall, they allowed Stacey Abrams to go back and alter her op-ed on the Georgia voting law after boycotts on the state by companies created a backlash, and she wanted to excuse herself from responsibility by expunging her words encouraging those actions. 

What makes this egregious is that, unlike the already unacceptable Abrams alteration, this was done without Mitchell’s approval, nor her becoming notified. Then even worse, the explanation from the paper ended up smearing the runner, painting Chelsea as intolerant.

“Editor’s note: This column has been updated to reflect USA TODAY’s standards and style guidelines. We regret that hurtful language was used.”

[Editor’s note: This essay has been updated to reflect my standards. I want to apologize to most of you despicable individuals out there, because I have done you a disservice by grouping you with USA Today. I regret that I could not come up with a more appropriate adjective to describe USA Today. I considered “contemptible,” “vile,” “pitiful,” “worthless,” “detestable,” and “loathsome,” but they too fell short of expressing my true feelings for that low-life excuse for a “newspaper.”

Tsk, tsk. For shame!

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